A command-line tool to update a PaperMC server .jar file (in-place) to the latest build. Supports latest and previous MC versions.
Requires Python 3.10+.
$ python -m pip install papermc-updater
$ pip install papermc-updater
$ git clone https://github.com/tjkessler/papermc-updater
$ cd papermc-updater
$ python -m pip install .
Warning: this tool replaces the existing PaperMC server .jar file!
$ update-papermc $PATH_TO_EXISTING_JARFILE
The default MC version is the latest stable release - specify a different MC version with:
$ update-papermc $PATH_TO_EXISTING_JARFILE --version 1.19.4
from papermc_updater import update_paper_to_latest
update_paper_to_latest("$PATH_TO_EXISTING_JARFILE") # latest stable release
update_paper_to_latest("$PATH_TO_EXISTING_JARFILE", version="1.19.4")