- Python (Use 3.12 if possible, version 3.12 will be the most tested)
- Geckodriver (Download most recent version for your system) know that there is a chance of Geckodriver being auto-installed on launch but Selenium is inconsentent, to be safe, install it manually
- Extras in requirements.txt (installation instructions in setup section)
- Download / clone and extract this repository
- Open cmd in repo folder and run the following code:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the main file based on your python version using code below
Python 3.4+:
py main.py
Python 3.x:
python3 main.py
Python 2:
python main.py
- This opens a local server on port 5000, not changable at the moment
- May require Firefox's Geckodriver in requirements section
- Completely open source or whatever, make as much money or change as you want
- Currently not that fast (around 260WPM) but speed improvements coming very soon