The Blockchain block explorer provides programmatic access to the Bitcoin network internals. All block explorer functionality is available from the Explorer
member object within a Blockchain
$Blockchain = new \Blockchain\Blockchain($api_code);
$val = $Blockchain->Explorer->someFunc($param);
Blocks may be queried in multiple ways: by the block hash, by the height in the blockchain, or by the block's index. Calls return Block
objects. getBlocksAtHeight
returns an array of Block
$block = $Blockchain->Explorer->getBlock($hash);
$blocks = $Blockchain->Explorer->getBlocksAtHeight($height_int);
$block = $Blockchain->Explorer->getBlockByIndex($index_int) // deprecated;
Get a single transaction based on hash or index. Returns a Transaction
$tx = $Blockchain->Explorer->getTransaction($hash);
$tx = $Blockchain->Explorer->getTransactionByIndex($index) // deprecated;
Get the details of a Base58Check or Hash160 address, including a paged list of transactions. Returns an Address
* Optional params:
* $limit - max number of transactions to get (default 50, max 50)
* $offset - used to get more than the max possible number of transactions (default 0)
* $filter - filter option when getting transactions (default FilterType::RemoveUnspendable)
* Functions are currently interchangeable but this is liable to change in the future
$address = $Blockchain->Explorer->getHash160Address($address);
$address = $Blockchain->Explorer->getBase58Address($address);
Get summary of an xPub, with its overall balance and transactions. Returns an Xpub
* Optional params:
* $limit - max number of transactions to get (default 100, max 100)
* $offset - used to get more than the max possible number of transactions (default 0)
* $filter - filter option when getting transactions (default FilterType::RemoveUnspendable)
$xpub_summary = $Blockchain->Explorer->getXpub($xpub);
Get data for an array Base58Check and / or xPub addresses. Returns a MultiAddress
* Optional params:
* $limit - max number of transactions to get (default 100, max 100)
* $offset - used to get more than the max possible number of transactions (default 0)
* $filter - filter option when getting transactions (default FilterType::RemoveUnspendable)
$multi_addr = $Blockchain->Explorer.getMultiAddress(array($addr1, $addr2, $addr3))
Get an array of UnspentOutput
objects for an array of addresses.
* Optional params:
* $confirmations - show transactions with minimum number of confirmations (default 0)
* $limit - max number of transactions to get (default 100, max 100)
$unspent = $Blockchain->Explorer->getUnspentOutputs(array($addr1, $addr2, $addr3));
Get the latest block on the main chain. Returns a simpler LatestBlock
$latest = $Blockchain->Explorer->getLatestBlock();
Get a list of unconfirmed transactions. Returns an array of Transaction
$unconfirmed = $Blockchain->Explorer->getUnconfirmedTransactions();
Get blocks from a particular day or from a given mining pool. Return arrays of SimpleBlock
$simple_blocks = $Blockchain->Explorer->getBlocksForDay($int_time);
$simple_blocks = $Blockchain->Explorer->getBlocksByPool($pool_name);
For a list of mining pool names, visit this page.
Calls to the API return first-class objects.
class Block {
public $hash; // string
public $version; // int
public $previous_block; // string
public $merkle_root; // string
public $time; // int
public $bits; // int
public $fee; // string
public $nonce; // int
public $n_tx; // int
public $size; // int
public $block_index; // int
public $main_chain; // bool
public $height; // int
public $received_time; // int
public $relayed_by; // string
public $transactions = array(); // Array of Transaction objects
class Transaction {
public $double_spend = false; // bool
public $block_height; // int
public $time; // int
public $lock_time; // int
public $relayed_by; // string
public $hash; // string
public $tx_index; // int
public $version; // int
public $size; // int
public $inputs = Array(); // Array of Input objects
public $outputs = Array(); // Array of Output objects
class Input {
public $sequence; // int
public $script_sig; // string
public $coinbase = true; // bool
// If coinbase is false, then the following fields are created
public $n; // int
public $value; // string, e.g. "12.64952835"
public $address; // string
public $tx_index; // int
public $type; // int
public $script; // string
public $address_tag; // string
public $address_tag_link; // string
class MultiAddress {
public $addresses // Array of Address objects
public $transactions // Array of Transaction objects
class Output {
public $n; // int
public $value; // string, e.g. "12.64952835"
public $address; // string
public $tx_index; // int
public $script; // string
public $spent; // bool
class Address {
public $hash160; // string
public $address; // string
public $n_tx; // int
public $total_received; // string, e.g. "12.64952835"
public $total_sent; // string, e.g. "12.64952835"
public $final_balance; // string, e.g. "12.64952835"
public $transactions = array(); // Array of Transaction objects
class Xpub extends Address {
public $change_index // int
public $account_index // int
public $gap_limit // int
class UnspentOutput {
public $tx_hash; // string
public $tx_hash_le; // string - little-endian tx hash
public $tx_index; // int
public $tx_output_n; // int
public $script; // string
public $value; // string, e.g. "12.64952835"
public $value_hex; // string
public $confirmations; // int
class LatestBlock {
public $hash; // string
public $time; // int
public $block_index; // int
public $height; // int
public $tx_indexes = array(); // Array of integer transaction indexes
class SimpleBlock {
public $height; // int
public $hash; // string
public $time; // int
public $main_chain; // bool
class FilterType {
const All = 4;
const ConfirmedOnly = 5;
const RemoveUnspendable = 6;