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PHP Frameworkless Micro Service Example

Design principles

no full-stack framework (frameworkless), best performance, less complexity, more flexibility, minimum amount of code
no learning of frameworks, no upgrading of frameworks, no dependancy on frameworks, you build it, you own it
enable auto-complete for _everything_ in the IDE
no ORM, repositories use SQL directly with PDO for getting all SQL features and best performance
use PHP directly as template engine, no extra language in the language, best performance by using opcache
use JWT-tokens instead of session handling
use composer for auto-loading and libraries
late initialization of objects with a static DI container (e.g. reduce duration of database connections)
configuration parameters are stored in a single php class per environment
use minimized alpine containers whenever possible
SOLID, DRY, KISS, DOP (Data-Oriented Programming)

Code principles

performance, security and code readability first
prefer class[] or scalar[] over mixed arrays
class inheritance only for tests, exceptions and verify existence of properties
no interfaces, no traits, no attributes/annotations
no static methods, no static variables
no magic "__foo" functions (except __construct())
no property defaults in models, always require initialization
no nullable scalar properties
no method parameter defaults
no eval(), no shell execution like exec()
no reflection and no variable functions in application code
no endless for/while loops
require typed properties, parameter types and return types (totally typed)
superglobals only in bootstrap (index.php)
try-catch only in bootstrap and routing
models and configs as data objects without methods (no getters/setters, no yaml/xml)
psalm level 1, phpstan level max
test code coverage >99.9%
type coverage >99.9%
integration tests must verify that data is persisted correctly in the database
feature tests must validate requests and responses against the given OpenAPI schema
infrastructure tests should validate most critical configuration settings
e2e tests should cover most important business processes
automate all recurring development processes (application, infrastructure, security and performance testing)

Folder structure

Config: credentials, connection parameters, logfiles
Controllers: validate and process data, independant from request and response handlers
Exceptions: custom exceptions
Framework: authentication, DI container, logger, output, router
Migrations: define schemas and initial data for the database
Models: data objects
Repositories: database queries, map database rows to models
Routes: route http requests to controllers, serialize results, create response
Serializer: serialize models to arrays
Services: connect to external services, data processing
Views: html templates and template definitions
cli: cron jobs, helper scripts


    API returns _Message_ as json and _Code_ as HTTP status code,
    logs the error in the customer log
    get possible HTTP errors: grep -rh "new HttpException(" tasks_be/src/ | sort | uniq

Exception, Throwable
    API returns "internal server error" as json and "500" as HTTP status code,
    logs the error in the system log

Data flow

Bootstrap -> Http-Router -> Controller -> Repository|Service -> Serializer -> Output

Cli -> Http-Router -> Controller -> Repository|Service -> Output

Timeouts, Limits

PHP max_execution_time, FPM request_terminate_timeout: 30s
Docker stop_grace_period: 30s
PHP post_max_size, upload_max_filesize: 1M
nginx client_max_body_size: 1M
MySQL, ClickHouse, Redis connect timeout: 3s
PHP memory_limit = 32M
maximum login failures per hour: 10
PHPUnit maximum duration per test: 50ms
PHPUnit slow query log: 10ms

Pipelines, CI (Github Actions)

runs on every push or on demand
build containers
check containers for vulnerabilities with trivy, docker scout
show php and composer library versions
download composer packages
check composer.lock for outdated packages and vulnerabilities
run phpcsfixer, psalm, psalm taint analyzer, phpstan, rector, phpmd
run database migrations
run phpunit tests
download npm packages
check package-json.lock for outdated packages and vulnerabilities
run biome, stylelint, tsc (linting), esbuild
run vitest, playwright, lighthouse
collect statistics
run pipeline locally: .github/workflows/

Dependency updates (Github Actions)

runs daily or on demand
creates a pull request for composer and npm library updates