- Added command generate model
- Fix error install in flutter dart.
- removed dart:mirrors.
- Added flutter_bloc and mobx support.
slidy start --flutter_bloc [-f]
slidy start --mobx [-m]
If you have the flutter_bloc or flutter_mobx package in pubspec, the generation of pages, widgets, and bloc defaults to the installed manager default.
- Added flags "--flutter_bloc | -f" and "--mobx | -m" to generate bloc.
- Added command "generate controller" (to mobx).
- Added initModule in tests (check the documentation)
- Create unity test widget when generate pages or widgets.
- Flutter Dart 100% compatible
flutter pub global activate slidy
- Added "service" command to generate auto disposed and injetable service.
slidy generate service path-of-your-file
- Now creating BLoCs or Repositories also creates Unitary Test files.
- Added "test" command to "generate command".
slidy generate test path-of-your-file
- added command run, for exec your scripts in pubspec.yaml
- Some commands have been improved for ease of usability for example the module, page and widget generation command have been shortened.
- Fix errors
- Removed folder App for main module.
- File placement changes after "start -c" command.
- The command "start -c" is being optimized to be the initial interface. We are working on the routes.
- Added start -c, to start the project with routers, locations, and page structures
- Added bloc command create;
- Added param 'create';
- Initial version, created by Stagehand