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Terraform Openstack Instances

This project aims to create a module to deploy instance(s) on openstack provider.

Release GitHub tag (latest by date)

Where to find module documentations

You can find differents documentations versionned by terraform registry here.

Usage examples

module "test_instance_simple" {
	source  = "tf-openstack-modules/instances/openstack"
	version = "<version>"
	name = "instance"
	flavor_name = "m1.xs" 
	image_id = "<image_id>"
	key_pair_name = "my_key_pair"
	public_ip_network = "floating"

	ports = [
			name = "db_port",
			network_id = "db_network_id",
			subnet_id = "db_subnet_id",
			name = "web_port",
			network_id = "web_network_id",
			subnet_id = "web_subnet_id",
	server_groups = ["web"]