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Build with
mvn clean package
Run with
java -jar rlp_08.jar
Listening port can be changed with -Dport=1234
. Default 1234
TLS can be enabled with -Dtls=true
. Default false
Server thread count can be set with -Dthreads=8
. Default 1.
Events received reporting interval can be enabled with -DmetricsInterval=60
. Default 0 (disabled)
You can involve yourself with our project by opening an issue or submitting a pull request.
Contribution requirements:
- All changes must be accompanied by a new or changed test. If you think testing is not required in your pull request, include a sufficient explanation as why you think so.
- Security checks must pass
- Pull requests must align with the principles and values of extreme programming.
- Pull requests must follow the principles of Object Thinking and Elegant Objects (EO).
Read more in our Contributing Guideline.
Contributors must sign Teragrep Contributor License Agreement before a pull request is accepted to organization's repositories.
You need to submit the CLA only once. After submitting the CLA you can contribute to all Teragrep's repositories.