Thruster Configuration
Used Libraries
Topics on Arduino
Single Board Computer
Real-Time Object Detection
Mission Software
NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit 4GB
Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3
Intel RealSense D435i
2x HOBBYWING XRotor Micro 60A +S 4in1 BLHeli_32-DS1200 ESC
BlueRobotics Bar30 High-Resolution 300m Depth/Pressure Sensor
BlueRobotics I2C Level Converter
Embedded software developed on Arduino
Wire, to establish communication with depth sensor via I2C communication.
Servo, to attach thrusters individually and write PWM signals into them.
MS5837, depth sensor’s library.
gallipoli_msgs/Motorpwm includes integers in order m1,m2,m3,m4 representing individual PWM signal for each thruster.
/vertical_pwm , writes the PWM signals into the thrusters responsible for movement in z axis.
/direction_pwm , writes the PWM signals into the thrusters responsible for movement in x,y axis.
Start serial communication by following line:
rosrun rosserial_arduino serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=57600
YoloV3 Tiny from the YOLO ROS package used with the data sets we have created. You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. In the ROS package I mentioned above, you can use YOLO (V3) on GPU and CPU.
Following lines added into YoloObjectDetector.cpp and BoundingBox.msg to have center information of detected object:
YoloObjectDetector.cpp, into the function void* YoloObjectDetector::publishInThread()
int x_center= (xmin + xmax) / 2;
int y_center= (ymin + ymax) / 2;
boundingBox.xcenter = x_center;
boundingBox.ycenter = y_center;
int64 xcenter
int64 ycenter
To run teleoperation, type the following lines in different terminals:
rosrun gallipoli_teleop teleop_key
teleop_key node takes inputs from the terminal and publishes it in /direction topic.
W - Forward
S - Backward
A - Turn Left
D - Turn Right
Z - Go Left in Y Axis
X - Go Right in Y Axis
C - Go to Left Corner
V - Go to Right Corner
P - Stop
rosrun gallipoli_teleop teleop_to_pwm
teleop_to_pwm node subscribes to /direction topic and sends PWM signals to thrusters based on the received direction input.
Mission software merged under gate_mission.launch file and it starts the following nodes:
Serial communication node
Camera node
Depth stabilizer node
Object detection node
go_to_gate node
Mission designed based on the pool with 1.60-meter depth so depth stabilizer node has a PID controller that fixes the robot at a depth of 1 meter.
According to the results of our test drives in the swimming pool, we have experienced that our camera can successfully detect objects between 15-20 meters, so the idea behind the mission strategy is to start the mission by turning around itself. Then, it starts moving towards the gate using the PID loop, which allows the robot to stay at the center of the gate when it sees the gate.
Install RealSense ROS Package
Install YOLO ROS Package
To start mission:
roslaunch gallipoli_teleop gate_mission.launch
Teleoperation usage:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
rosrun rosserial_arduino serial_node.py _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=57600
rosrun gallipoli_teleop set_depth
rosrun gallipoli_teleop teleop_key
rosrun gallipoli_teleop teleop_to_pwm
For further information: tayfun.kuscu.fl@gmail.com