This is a Basic Calculator App. The word "basic" is important as it isn't a replacement to the calculator app on most devices. I had come across Flutter this last month and after installing Android Studio and Flutter, and learning Dart, playing around with Flutter has been really fun. For those familiar with C++/Java, Dart will be easy to pick up. Personally, delving into something new from scratch was challenging - the project + preparation took me a whole week. This was a fun exploratory project. I am currently unsure of how keen I am to explore this field, but am excited to possibly use Flutter more in the future. Flutter (+ Dart) definitely seems to make app development easier and more accessible.
Download/ clone the repository and open in Android Studio.
- The basics of Android Studio, Flutter and Dart
- Flutter is really all about widgets haha
- App dev takes a LOT of memory! Yikes!
I would like to credit my really cool CS Professor Debayan Gupta (again) for being the reason behind my interest in CS. I would also like to thank my best friend "smol gurl" for being my biggest inspiration #HappyFiveMonths