Requirements :
Make sure to create a sendGrid account in case you want to use the email sending feature.
Make sure to have mongodb installed on your machine
First install node modules using the following command
npm i
Next run the application using the following command
yarn start
npm run start
if you have a macbook instead of Windows machine make sure to change the following line in package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "node src/index.js",
"build":"export NODE_ENV=prod&& nodemon -r dotenv/config src/index.js",
"dev": "export NODE_ENV=dev&& nodemon -r dotenv/config src/index.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
API Endpoints for User
GET /users
- returns all the user details. -
GET /users/me
- returns the details of ther user logged in. -
GET /users/:id
- returns the detrails of the user requested by object id. -
POST /users
- add a new user to the database. -
PATCH /users/me
- update details of the user logged in . -
PATCH /users/:id
- update details of the user by ObjectId. -
POST /users/logout
- logout current user that is logged in. -
POST /users/logoutAll
- logout User from all devices . -
POST /users/login
- login user by email and password credentials. -
POST /users/signup
- signup new user that also logs in the user after signup. -
DELETE /users/me
- signout current user aswell as delete from database . -
POST /users/me/avatar
- upload profile pic for the logged in user -
POST /users/:id/avatar
- upload profile pic for the user found by ObjectID. -
POST /users/forgotPassword
- send password to user to the user email provided (experimental feature). -
DELETE /users/me/avatar
- deletes profile pic for the user logged in.
API Endpoints for Task
GET /tasks?completed=true
- returns all tasks that are completed belonging to the logged in user only. -
GET /tasks?limit=1&page=1
- returns first page of tasks with 1 document per page belonging to the logged in user only. -
GET /tasks
- returns all tasks belonging to the logged in user. -
GET /tasks/:id
- returns task with given ObjectId belongin to the logged in user only -
POST /tasks
- adds a new tasks by the logged in user . -
PATCH /tasks/:id
- updates a task by given id , belonging to the logged in user