This project browse and explain part of TREC dataset study results.
- Java 8 as a programming language on NetBeans 8.2 platform.
- jFreeChart 1.0.19 java library for visualizing the data.
- Weka API 3.7.7 java library for Classification/Clustering functions.
So in order to run the project correctly make sure to include/import the two libraries (jFreeChart and Weka API 3.7.7).
We choose to build this project on MVC architecture. The project structures contain four main packages which are the following:
- Controllers Package: contain the main controller for this application.
- Gui Package (Views): contain the jFrames of the application
- Models: contains all java classes, types, and enums need to represent the data.
- Helpers: contains XMLHelper, CSVHelper, and ChartHelper.
To run the application and display the results you need to use three main files which are:
- Queries/Topics XML File
- User Formulation XML Files
- User Query Formulation Evaluation/Performance file.
- Performance Files for Three Systems (CSV files)
Those files will be available soon!