Handy start and stop demo shell scripts
The shell scripts use screen
. With this handy command you can start a screen
session and then open any number of virtual terminals inside that session. Processes running in screen
will continue to run when their window is not visible even if you get disconnected. Go to our wiki
start new named screen session:
screen -m -d -S roscore bash -c roscore
screen -m -d -S campfly bash -c 'roslaunch drone_bringup campus_fly.launch'
screen -m -d -S rviz1 bash -c 'rosrun rviz rviz'
- list screen:
screen -ls
- restore screen:
screen -r roscore
/screen -r campfly
/screen -r rviz1
- detach:
- kill:
killall -9 screen
andscreen -wipe