Releases: sterling-tenn/poketwo-autocatcher
Add requirements.txt
v1.8 just doesnt work cause im dumb
properly fixed the time stuff
update to v1.8 program will pause every 3 hours for 1 hour program will send some random p! command every 3 minutes
v1.7 / v1.7.1
added legendary and mythic pokemon counter
removed stopping and starting of the spamming loop - should hopefully fix bug where bot would stop sometimes
added delay between sending possible solutions if there is more than one pokemon found based on the hint given - hopefully to prevent messages from not being sent
v1.7.1: fix for "Mew" counting as a legendary and a mythic - should only be mythic
v1.6 / v1.6.1
added support for the different Castform and Deoxys types
changed jank toggle loop feature to how it actually should be using the .stop() command
added title counter for number of pokemon caught and number of shinies caught
removed is_wrong feature again - seems to work fine without it although i might change it again lmao
added log statement for if a pokemon runs away.
also added printLog function.
changed time in between spammming "." to 2 seconds from 3
search algorithm should finally work all the time now
hardcoded pokemon list as a string
added number of pokemon that fled - will be useful for debugging
loop spam changed from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds
Re-added wrong pokemon feature
Added support for the other two types of Wormadam (Sandy and Trash)
Fixed issue with Nidoran male and female since the hint uses the unicode symbols ♂ and ♀
Removed the if p!h is on cooldown feature - probably unnecessary with the wrong pokemon feature added back
Bot not finding Bulbasaur hopefully fixed this time - changed parsing method of the pokemon_string array
Added time logs
fixed bug where "bulbasaur" wasn't being caught
i thought i fixed it lol
v1.4 is the same as v1.3