SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) for the .Net Standard runtimes.
Is a highly secure user privacy based authentication system that removes the need for users to have more than one password for a global identity https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm for more information of the protocol.
You can install this as a package by running the following: Package manager
Install-Package SqrlForNet
dotnet add package SqrlForNet
Or searching for it in with Nuget Manager within your project
To use this package you will need a .Net Standard 2.0 app
For use with ASP.net you will need a .Net core 2.2 or later version
Once you have installed the package you can stard using the middleware with a little bit of setup.
In the StartUp.cs file (unless you moved this to another place) Add this line to the ConfigureServices method
.AddSqrl(options =>
options.UserExists = UserExists;
options.UpdateUserId = UpdateUserId;
options.GetUserVuk = GetUserVuk;
options.UnlockUser = UnlockUser;
options.LockUser = LockUser;
options.GetUserSuk = GetUserSuk;
options.RemoveUser = RemoveUser;
You will also need to make sure you have this in the Configure method
You will probably of noticed that the AddSqrl has options these are explained in the wiki.
Slack: https://sqrlfornet.slack.com/
Join the workspace here: https://join.slack.com/t/sqrlfornet/shared_invite/enQtNzkwNTcxNDM2MjMwLTIxODYwZDZlMTJkNGFkMjBlY2ZjNDBlMDA0ZjExYjA1ZTQ2ZGRmYjY3MzdlZDlmY2U0NTdlNjFlMGI0OWNiOWQ
Version | Goals | Status |
0.1.0 | Simple login | Released |
0.5.0 | lock/unlock/remove SQRL users | Released |
0.6.0 | Diagnostics page for debugging | Released |
0.8.0 | Custom login pages override middleware | Released |
0.9.0 | Examples of NUT storage and management | Released |
1.0.0 | Add options for SqrlOnly and Hardlock | Released |
1.1.0 | Add Ask capability | Released |
1.2.0 |
Released |
1.3.0 | Change to how hooks work and added HTTPContext access to all hooks | Released |
1.4.0 | Imporve the QR code for high resolution devices | Developing |