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Releases: spring-projects/spring-ws


21 Nov 17:01
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v1.5.0-M2 Pre-release
  • #436 - AcegiUsernamePasswordCallbackHandler [SWS-279].
  • #435 - Add traffic logging when response is fault [SWS-278].
  • #434 - URI-based routing [SWS-277].
  • #433 - PayloadTransformingInterceptor has a typo in the example [SWS-276].
  • #429 - Add removeHeaderElement(QName) to SoapHeader [SWS-272].
  • #427 - Changes for WS XSD for tooling [SWS-270].
  • #426 - OSGi bundleSymName [SWS-269].
  • #425 - cope typos in reference docs section 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 [SWS-268].
  • #424 - code bugs in Reference docs section 4.3.1 [SWS-267].
  • #422 - AbstractStaxXmlReader should support the required standard SAX features (namespace, namespace-prefixes...) [SWS-265].
  • #419 - Endpoint annotation should be annotated as @inherited [SWS-262].
  • #418 - There are more default HandlerAdapters in Spring-MVC [SWS-261].
  • #415 - getting error when trying to use IBM MQ JMS implementation as transport. [SWS-258].
  • #411 - Support for javax.jms.TextMessage [SWS-255].
  • #409 - Tiger jars should not include non-tiger classes [SWS-253].
  • #406 - Improve OSGi manifest [SWS-251].
  • #400 - Better support for large Axiom attachments [SWS-246].
  • #396 - AxiomSoapHeaderElement has no convenient way to access child elements of the header element [SWS-243].
  • #381 - @endpoint component scanning [SWS-231].
  • #359 - WSS4J-based WS-Security implementation [SWS-207].
  • #346 - Add Interceptor functionality to WebServiceTemplate [SWS-194].
  • #302 - WebServiceTemplte needs two more methods in order to easy enable ws security client support [SWS-148].
  • #281 - Client-side WS-Security support [SWS-143].
  • #252 - JAXP 1.4 support [SWS-92].


21 Nov 17:01
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v1.5.0-M1 Pre-release
  • #392 - spring-ws-with-dependencies distribution [SWS-240].
  • #386 - XStreamMarshaller - support for custom HierarchicalStreamDriver [SWS-235].
  • #383 - OSGi bundles [SWS-233].
  • #378 - Support Spring 2.5 [SWS-228].
  • #374 - Use BeanClassLoader in Jaxb marshallers [SWS-223].
  • #340 - SOAP 1.2 Compatible WSDL descriptor generation [SWS-187].
  • #280 - Mail transport support [SWS-139].
  • #275 - Spring Namespace support [SWS-121].
  • #262 - JMS transport support [SWS-108].


21 Nov 17:02
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  • #373 - AbstractAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping doesn't allow proxies [SWS-222].
  • #372 - PayloadValidatingInterceptor reference material should mention 'schemas' property. [SWS-221].
  • #371 - Jaxb2Marshaller::supports method does not consider multiple marshallers [SWS-220].
  • #351 - Spring-ws reads the entier stream when logging set to debug [SWS-219].
  • #370 - IllegalArgumentException "faultString cannot be empty" [SWS-218].
  • #369 - Booking a flight for non-existent flight should result in NoSuchFlightException [SWS-217].
  • #368 - AbstractValidatingInterceptor.handleResponseValidationErrors's JavaDoc is wrong [SWS-216].
  • #367 - Add Java 1.4.2 instructions to FAQ [SWS-215].
  • #364 - WebServiceTemplate always creates SaajSoapMessageFactory instead of only DomPoxMessageFactory [SWS-213].
  • #363 - BEA StAX implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException when invoked with DOMSource [SWS-212].
  • #362 - XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder should use QNameUtils to construct QNames [SWS-211].
  • #360 - WebServiceTemplate should send an empty SOAPAction header by default [SWS-208].
  • #357 - Allow customization of the "SoapFault" produced by the SimpleSoapExceptionResolver [SWS-205].
  • #356 - Don't abuse Assert.isTrue [SWS-204].
  • #355 - Namespace declarations may be removed from the wsdl when transformWsdlLocations = true [SWS-203].
  • #354 - Endpoint Mapping and Saxon [SWS-202].
  • #353 - Add LeadLander code to site [SWS-201].
  • #352 - Thread safe problem during wsdl generation [SWS-200].
  • #350 - SaajUtils wrong way to detect SAAJ version [SWS-198].
  • #348 - Lack of useAttributeFor in XStreamMarshaller [SWS-196].
  • #345 - XStreamMarshaller should be extended to allow specifying annotated classes [SWS-192].
  • #339 - Use maven profiles to build samples for various app servers [SWS-186].
  • #316 - The XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder does not support multiple xsds in generating a WSDL file. [SWS-162].
  • #300 - MessageDispatcherServlet does not search servlet context for a WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter instance [SWS-146].
  • #241 - Integrate Spring Validator within Spring Web Services [SWS-81].


21 Nov 17:02
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  • #347 - Incorrect javadoc in [SWS-195].
  • #344 - Loading default key store overwrites truststore [SWS-191].
  • #343 - Document Java6 & SAAJ behavior [SWS-190].
  • #342 - XPathExpression is not thread-safe [SWS-189].
  • #341 - WS-Security exception not being handled [SWS-188].
  • #338 - Mention usage of Spring-WS in a normal DispatcherServlet context [SWS-185].
  • #337 - typo in source-example of reference documentation [SWS-183].
  • #336 - Order of setting properties in WebServiceGatewaySupport [SWS-182].
  • #335 - Option to allow marshaller skip xml declarations [SWS-181].
  • #332 - Mention TransportContext in docs [SWS-178].
  • #331 - Fix MTOM sample [SWS-177].
  • #330 - PayloadValidatingInterceptor ignores schema list [SWS-176].
  • #329 - SAAJ0511: Unable to create envelope from given source [SWS-175].
  • #328 - Update WebServiceTemplate documentation for the new method names [SWS-174].
  • #327 - Remove JAXB1 references from airline sample [SWS-173].
  • #326 - Document SimpleWsdl11Definition [SWS-172].
  • #325 - Jaxb2Marshaller.supports(Class clazz) is too eager [SWS-171].
  • #324 - AxiomSoapMessageFactory + PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping allways falls to DOM parsing [SWS-170].
  • #323 - Document conventions of XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder [SWS-169].
  • #322 - Reference documentation - Chapter 4.0 - spelling [SWS-168].
  • #321 - Reference documentation - Chapter 3.5 - Creating the project [SWS-167].
  • #320 - No Java extensionType found to represent a '{}schema' element in the context of a 'javax.wsdl.Types'. [SWS-166].
  • #319 - GZIP decompression handling in client [SWS-165].
  • #318 - Null pointer while handling empty SOAP Body [SWS-164].
  • #259 - Allow alternative schema location in XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder [SWS-104].


21 Nov 17:02
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  • #312 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: This is not an attribute, it is a namespace: xmlns:xs [SWS-158].
  • #310 - client-side support for JAXB2 MTOM marshalling is not working well [SWS-156].
  • #308 - Mention namespace resolution for SoapFault annotation [SWS-154].
  • #306 - NoSuchMethodError: SaajUtils.toName() [SWS-152].
  • #305 - IllegalStateException in Saaj11Implementation.removeContents() [SWS-151].
  • #304 - Don't close the ServletInputStream in AbstractWebServiceConnection.receive [SWS-150].
  • #303 - marshallSendAndReceivce bug in WebServiceTemplate [SWS-149].
  • #301 - Mention transformWsdlLocations servlet parameter to the reference docs [SWS-147].
  • #299 - When using JAXB2, all messages become MTOM [SWS-145].
  • #298 - FaultMessageResolver should not be constrained to IOExceptions [SWS-144].
  • #297 - AxiomSoapFaultDetailElementIterator does not consider whitespace nodes [SWS-142].
  • #296 - Minor Documentation Bug: org.springframework.xml.transform.ResourceSource [SWS-141].


21 Nov 17:02
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v1.0-RC2 Pre-release
  • #293 - WebServiceTemplate hasFaut skips check for fault in response if the connection implements FaultAwareWebServiceConnection [SWS-137].
  • #292 - MTOM sample [SWS-136].
  • #291 - Implement client-side TransportContext [SWS-135].
  • #277 - Reduce the number of overloaded methods on the WebServiceTemplate class to aid comprehension. [SWS-134].
  • #290 - CastorMarshaller ignoreExtraAttributes & Elements [SWS-133].
  • #289 - Reference Chapter 3.5 use of MessageDispatcherServlet is incomplete [SWS-132].
  • #288 - Example config of SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver contains incorrect package for class [SWS-131].
  • #287 - Improvements to Spring-WS text [SWS-130].
  • #286 - SimpleMethodEndpointMapping [SWS-129].
  • #285 - A SOAP:Fault does not set the the response code to 500 [SWS-128].
  • #284 - Write a piece about SOAP 1.1 vs SOAP 1.2 [SWS-127].
  • #283 - WebServiceMessageCallback's doInMessage() method is (possibly) poorly named. [SWS-126].
  • #282 - Typos in some of the docbook pages fixed [SWS-125].
  • #279 - Allow specifying names of message factory and message receiver in MessageDispatcherServlet [SWS-124].
  • #278 - CommonsHttpMessageSender should expose setters for username and password [SWS-123].
  • #276 - A MessageSender setter on WebServicesGatewaySupport [SWS-122].
  • #274 - Review documentation [SWS-120].
  • #272 - Rewrite Airline sample to use Java 5 [SWS-118].


21 Nov 17:03
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v1.0-RC1 Pre-release
  • #273 - Remove IOExceptions from WebServiceTemplate [SWS-119].
  • #266 - Allow SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver to use strategy to obtain SoapFaultDefinition [SWS-117].
  • #271 - Move MarshallingMethodEndpointAdapter from sandbox to core [SWS-116].
  • #270 - Client is not able to read long response [SWS-115].
  • #269 - In tutorial sometimes humanresources is used, sometimes holidayService [SWS-114].
  • #268 - Typo in reference documentation 'holiday request' should be 'holiday requests' [SWS-113].
  • #267 - Half you virtual machine, should be 'half of the objects on the heap of your virtual machine' [SWS-112].
  • #265 - Change section 2.3.1 to have a bit more text [SWS-111].
  • #264 - Clarify when discussing RPC/encoded has been abandoned in favor of doc/lit [SWS-110].
  • #263 - Typo in 'What is Spring Web Services?' [SWS-109].
  • #261 - Support JAXB's MTOM/XOP/MIME support [SWS-107].
  • #242 - Default message factory for WebServiceTemplate [SWS-106].
  • #260 - GZip compression is not enabled [SWS-105].
  • #258 - MessageDispatcherServlet does not transform WSDL locations [SWS-103].
  • #257 - Namespace lost on generated WSDL [SWS-102].
  • #256 - XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder parsing error [SWS-101].
  • #255 - Cannot set com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter in XStreamMarshaller.setConverters(Converter[]) [SWS-100].
  • #254 - Exception when creating XMLStreamReader from AxiomSoapMessage.getPayloadSource with Woodstox [SWS-99].
  • #238 - Changing URL in CommonsHttpMessageSender [SWS-98].
  • #237 - OXM Marshal encoding definition [SWS-97].
  • #236 - set WhitespacePreserve flag in CastorMarshaller [SWS-95].
  • #235 - new location for [SWS-93].
  • #251 - Maven2 Archetype for Spring-WS [SWS-91].
  • #250 - Documentation improvements [SWS-90].
  • #249 - DefaultTimestampValidator uses wrong date format [SWS-89].
  • #248 - Allow CastorMarshaller to accept more than one mapping file [SWS-88].
  • #247 - AbstractSoapMessage.getPayloadSource returns null with Axis SAAJ [SWS-87].
  • #246 - Stream closed before response read with WebServiceTemplate + Axis SAAJ Soap Messages [SWS-86].
  • #245 - XPathPayloadEndpointMapping [SWS-85].
  • #239 - Add faults into dynamically created WSDL. [SWS-79].


21 Nov 17:03
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v1.0-M3 Pre-release
  • #243 - In-memory HSQL database support [SWS-83].
  • #240 - Building samples fails due to reference to parent project in pom.xml [SWS-80].
  • #233 - Add Eclipse Files to svn:ignore [SWS-76].
  • #232 - Java 1.5+ Constructor Used for IllegalStateException [SWS-75].
  • #231 - Namespace not being applied correctly to soap fault detail elements. [SWS-74].
  • #230 - PayloadValidatingInterceptor not working under WebSphere [SWS-73].
  • #216 - Pretty print JIBX output [SWS-72].
  • #229 - In Saaj12SoapEnvelope#getHeader() header != null should become header == null [SWS-71].
  • #228 - AbstractMarshallerTestCase.testMarshalDOMResult() builds a DOM object that does not retain namespace [SWS-70].
  • #226 - No way to propagate exception from an AbstractSaxPayloadEndpoint [SWS-68].
  • #225 - Dynamically create WSDL based on schema [SWS-67].
  • #224 - Duplicate Content Type HTTP Header [SWS-66].
  • #209 - PayloadValidatingInterceptor validates only once (Websphere) [SWS-63].
  • #220 - DomContentHandler throwing NullpointerExption on document [SWS-61].
  • #219 - MessageDispatcherServlet [SWS-60].
  • #218 - CastorMarshaller does not marshal to DOM trees correctly [SWS-59].
  • #217 - Client-side support [SWS-58].
  • #205 - Expose the Result of the SoapFaultDetail [SWS-57].
  • #215 - Digest passwords are never accepted in the SimplePasswordValidationCallbackHandler [SWS-56].
  • #214 - npe thrown when validating with nonce [SWS-55].
  • #213 - CastorMarshaller doesn't cache mapping correctly [SWS-54].
  • #212 - Missing contentId for methods 'addAttachment' in SoapMessage [SWS-53].
  • #211 - ACEGI authorization with IssuerSerial-based certificates [SWS-52].
  • #210 - AbstractValidatingInterceptor repeats the first error message [SWS-51].


21 Nov 17:03
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v1.0-M2 Pre-release
  • #208 - Plain Old Xml (POX) support [SWS-50].
  • #207 - Axis 1 Saaj implementation does not set Content-Type on saveChanges() [SWS-49].
  • #196 - Airline sample readme.txt has wrong dir info [SWS-48].
  • #206 - Dynamic WSDL address locations [SWS-47].
  • #204 - Improve validation schema loading [SWS-46].
  • #203 - Add a note on memory usage and perfomance impact in "Securing your Web services with Spring-WS" chapter of reference documentation [SWS-45].
  • #202 - schemaS element for PayloadValidatingInterceptor missing [SWS-44].
  • #193 - Make PayloadValidatingInterceptor more customizable [SWS-43].
  • #201 - Content-Type Header for SOAP Attachments misses required entries [SWS-42].
  • #200 - Add Echo sample client [SWS-41].
  • #199 - Validation of xml in XmlBeansMarshaller [SWS-40].
  • #198 - Make sure AbstractStaxEndpoint checks whether a StaxSource is used [SWS-38].
  • #197 - Weblogic 8.1 throws javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: There should be only one Content-Type MimeHeader [SWS-37].
  • #195 - JibxMarshaller does not support unmarshalling of DOMSources and SAXSources [SWS-36].
  • #188 - validation error for valid xml [SWS-35].
  • #194 - Extend creation of XStream [SWS-34].
  • #192 - CastorMarshaller is missing a way to specify the Castor-generated class to use during unmarshalling. [SWS-33].
  • #191 - SaajSoapMessage does not work if content type includes parameters [SWS-32].
  • #185 - MessageHandlerAdapter uses J2EE 1.4 [SWS-31].
  • #190 - Add C# WS-Security client [SWS-30].
  • #183 - Transforming Interceptor [SWS-29].
  • #189 - Maven2 build [SWS-28].
  • #187 - Upgrade to SAAJ 1.3 [SWS-27].


21 Nov 17:03
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v1.0-M1 Pre-release
  • #186 - Add Ingo's Sample [SWS-26].
  • #184 - XOM PayloadEndpoint [SWS-25].
  • #182 - Unable to perform validation using JAXB2 against multiple XML schemas [SWS-23].
  • #181 - setValidating(boolean) is deprecated in JAXB 2 [SWS-22].
  • #180 - XStream support [SWS-21].
  • #178 - XPath abstraction [SWS-19].
  • #176 - Streaming message model [SWS-17].
  • #174 - WS-Security support [SWS-14].