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Buttercup is a behavior-driven development framework for testing Emacs Lisp code. It does not depend on any other Emacs Lisp libraries. It has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.

It is heavily inspired by Jasmine. So heavily inspired, in fact, that most of this page is more or less a verbatim copy of the Jasmine introduction.

All code in this file can be run by Buttercup’s built-in markdown test runner. Just use make test in the project directory to see the output.

Suites: describe Your Tests

A test suite begins with a call to the Buttercup macro describe with the first parameter describing the suite and the rest being the body of code that implements the suite.

Note that lexical-binding: t is required in files defining buttercup tests.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A suite"
  (it "contains a spec with an expectation"
    (expect t :to-be t)))


Specs are defined by calling the Buttercup macro it, which, like describe takes a string and code. The string is the title of the spec and the code is the spec, or test. A spec contains one or more expectations that test the state of the code. An expectation in Buttercup is an assertion that is either true or false. A spec with all true expectations is a passing spec. A spec with one or more false expectations is a failing spec.

It’s Just Functions

The code arguments to describe and it is just turned into functions internally, so they can contain any executable code necessary to implement the rules. Emacs Lisp scoping rules apply, so make sure to define your spec file to be lexically scoped.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A suite is just a function"
  :var (a)
  (it "and so is a spec"
    (setq a t)
    (expect a :to-be t)))


Expectations are expressed with the expect function. Its first argument is the actual value. The second argument is a test, followed by expected values for the test to compare the actual value against.

If there is no test, the argument is simply tested for being non-nil. This can be used by people who dislike the matcher syntax.


Each matcher implements a boolean comparison between the actual value and the expected value. It is responsible for reporting to Buttercup if the expectation is true or false. Buttercup will then pass or fail the spec.

Any matcher can evaluate to a negative assertion by prepending it with the :not matcher.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "The :to-be matcher compares with `eq'"
  (it "and has a positive case"
    (expect t :to-be t))
  (it "and can have a negative case"
    (expect nil :not :to-be t)))

Included Matchers

Buttercup has a rich set of matchers included. Each is used here — all expectations and specs pass. There is also the ability to write custom matchers (see the buttercup-define-matcher macro for further information) for when a project’s domain calls for specific assertions that are not included below.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "Included matchers:"
  (it "The :to-be matcher compares with `eq'"
    (let* ((a 12)
           (b a))
      (expect a :to-be b)
      (expect a :not :to-be nil)))

  (describe "The :to-equal matcher"
    (it "works for simple literals and variables"
      (let ((a 12))
        (expect a :to-equal 12)))

    (it "should work for compound objects"
      (let ((foo '((a . 12) (b . 34)))
            (bar '((a . 12) (b . 34))))
        (expect foo :to-equal bar))))

  (it "The :to-have-same-items-as matcher compares two lists as sets"
    (let ((first (list "a" "b" "c"))
          (second (list "c" "a" "b"))
          (third (list "a" "c" "d"))
          (fourth (list "a" "b")))
      (expect first :to-have-same-items-as second)
      (expect second :to-have-same-items-as first)
      (expect first :not :to-have-same-items-as third)
      (expect third :not :to-have-same-items-as second)
      (expect first :not :to-have-same-items-as fourth)
      (expect fourth :not :to-have-same-items-as first)))

  (it "The :to-match matcher is for regular expressions"
    (let ((message "foo bar baz"))
      (expect message :to-match "bar")
      (expect message :to-match (rx "bar"))
      (expect message :not :to-match "quux")))

  (it "The :to-be-truthy matcher is for boolean casting testing"
    (let (a
          (foo "foo"))
      (expect foo :to-be-truthy)
      (expect a :not :to-be-truthy)))

  (it "The :to-contain matcher is for finding an item in a list"
    (let ((a '("foo" "bar" "baz")))
      (expect a :to-contain "bar")
      (expect a :not :to-contain "quux")))

  (it "The :to-be-less-than matcher is for mathematical comparisons"
    (let ((pi 3.1415926)
          (e 2.78))
      (expect e :to-be-less-than pi)
      (expect pi :not :to-be-less-than e)))

  (it "The :to-be-greater-than matcher is for mathematical comparisons"
    (let ((pi 3.1415926)
          (e 2.78))
      (expect pi :to-be-greater-than e)
      (expect e :not :to-be-greater-than pi)))

  (it "The :to-be-close-to matcher is for precision math comparison"
    (let ((pi 3.1415926)
          (e 2.78))
      (expect pi :not :to-be-close-to e 2)
      (expect pi :to-be-close-to e 0)))

  (describe "The :to-throw matcher"
    (it "is for testing if an expression throws an exception"
      (expect (+ 1 2) :not :to-throw)
      (expect (+ a 1) :to-throw))
    (it "accepts a symbol to check for the signal thrown"
      (expect (/ 1 0) :not :to-throw 'void-variable)
      (expect (+ a 1) :to-throw 'void-variable))
    (it "optionally matches arguments to signals"
        (expect (+ a 1) :not :to-throw 'void-variable '(b))
        (expect (+ a 1) :to-throw 'void-variable '(a)))
	(it "matches inherited signals"
	  (expect (signal 'overflow-error nil) :to-throw 'overflow-error)
	  (expect (signal 'overflow-error nil) :to-throw 'arith-error)
	  (expect (signal 'overflow-error nil) :to-throw 'error)
	  (expect (signal 'arith-error nil) :not :to-throw 'overflow-error)
	  (expect (signal 'arith-error nil) :to-throw 'arith-error)
	  (expect (signal 'arith-error nil) :to-throw 'error))))

If you are migrating from ERT, you can also use should and similar macros inside a buttercup test just like you would inside an ert-deftest form.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(require 'ert)
(describe "ERT support"
  (it "allows you to use ERT macros in tests"
    (let* ((a 12)
           (b a))
      (should (= a b))
      (should-not (eq a nil))
      (should-error (error "Throws an error")))))

Grouping Related Specs with describe

The describe macro is for grouping related specs. The string parameter is for naming the collection of specs, and will be concatenated with specs to make a spec’s full name. This aids in finding specs in a large suite. If you name them well, your specs read as full sentences in traditional BDD style.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spec"
  (it "is just a function, so it can contain any code"
    (let ((foo 0))
      (setq foo (1+ foo))

      (expect foo :to-equal 1)))

  (it "can have more than one expectation"
    (let ((foo 0))
      (setq foo (1+ foo))

      (expect foo :to-equal 1)
      (expect t :to-equal t))))

Declaring Variables

The describe macro supports the optional :var and :var* args. These bind variables for the suite by passing them as a varlist to the let and let* form respectively. Only one instance of :var or :var* is allowed, and it must come first in the describe form. It can not be interspersed between it statements.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spec using :VAR"
  :var ((foo 1))
  (it "has access to the variables bound in :VAR"
    (expect foo :to-be 1)))

(describe "A spec using :VAR*"
  :var* ((foo 1)
        (bar (1+ foo)))
  (it "has access to the variables bound in :VAR* which can refer \
to symbols already bound"
    (expect bar :to-be 2)))

It's important to note that lexical-binding must be non-nil for :var and :var* to work properly. Within a test file this is usually set using a local file variable.

Using :var and :var* works just like the let equivalents, but it's recommended to use the :var format to be future proof. Future internal changes in buttercup could break suites using let.

Setup and Teardown

To help a test suite DRY up any duplicated setup and teardown code, Buttercup provides the before-each, after-each, before-all and after-all special forms.

As the name implies, code blocks defined with before-each are called once before each spec in the describe is run, and the after-each code blocks are called once after each spec.

Here is the same set of specs written a little differently. The variable under test is defined at the top-level scope — the describe block — and initialization code is moved into a before-each block. The after-each block resets the variable before continuing.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spec using `before-each' and `after-each'"
  :var (foo)
   (when (not foo)
     (setq foo 0))
   (setq foo (1+ foo)))

   (setq foo 0))

  (it "is just a function, so it can contain any code"
    (expect foo :to-equal 1))

  (it "can have more than one expectation"
    (expect foo :to-equal 1)
    (expect t :to-equal t)))

The before-all form is called only once before all the specs in describe are run, and the after-all form is called after all specs finish. These functions can be used to speed up test suites with expensive setup and teardown.

However, be careful using before-all and after-all! Since they are not reset between specs, it is easy to accidentally leak state between your specs so that they erroneously pass or fail.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spec using `before-all' and `after-all'"
  :var (foo)
   (setq foo 1))

   (setq foo 0))

  (it "sets the initial value of foo before specs run"
    (expect foo :to-equal 1)
    (setq foo (1+ foo)))

  (it "does not reset foo between specs"
    (expect foo :to-equal 2)))

Nesting describe Blocks

Calls to describe can be nested, with specs defined at any level. This allows a suite to be composed as a tree of functions. Before a spec is executed, Buttercup walks down the tree executing each before-each function in order. After the spec is executed, Buttercup walks through the after-each functions similarly.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spec"
  :var (foo)
   (setq foo 0)
   (setq foo (1+ foo)))

   (setq foo 0))

  (it "is just a function, so it can contain any code"
    (expect foo :to-equal 1))

  (it "can have more than one expectation"
    (expect foo :to-equal 1)
    (expect t :to-equal t))

  (describe "nested inside a second describe"
    (let (bar)
       (setq bar 1))

      (it "can reference both scopes as needed"
        (expect foo :to-equal bar)))))

Disabling Suites

Suites and specs can be disabled by marking them as pending with the xdescribe and xit macros, respectively. Any suites or specs inside a `xdescribe' suite is also pending. Pending suites and specs will be listed as pending in the results, but the containing code will not be run.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(xdescribe "A spec"
  :var (foo)
    (setq foo 0)
    (setq foo (1+ foo)))

  (it "is just a function, so it can contain any code"
    (expect foo :to-equal 1)))

Pending Specs

Pending specs do not run, but will be listed in the results.

Any spec declared with xit is marked as pending.

Any spec declared without a function body will also be marked as pending in results.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "Pending specs"
  (xit "can be declared using `xit'"
    (expect t :to-be nil))

  (it "can be declared with `it' but without a body"))

Conditionally Skipping Specs

Use the assume macro to conditionally skip a spec.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "Conditionally skip specs"
  (it "with the `assume' macro"
    (assume (fboundp 'new-function) "`new-function' not availeble")
    (expect (new-function))))

If the first argument to assume evals to nil, the spec will be marked as pending, and the second arg message will be added to the output.


Buttercup has test double functions called spies. While other frameworks call these mocks and similar, we call them spies, because their main job is to spy in on function calls. Also, Jasmine calls them spies, and so do we. A spy can stub any function - whether it already exists or not - and tracks calls to it and all arguments. Spies may only be created in before-each or it blocks. Spies are removed and all counters reset after each spec and its after-each blocks have completed. There are special matchers for interacting with spies. The :to-have-been-called matcher will return true if the spy was called at all. The :to-have-been-called-with matcher will return true if the argument list matches any of the recorded calls to the spy.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy"
  :var (foo bar)
   (setf (symbol-function 'foo)
         (lambda (value)
           (setq bar value)))

   (spy-on 'foo)

   (foo 123)
   (foo 456 "another param"))

  (it "tracks that the spy was called"
    (expect 'foo :to-have-been-called)
    (foo 789))

  (it "resets tracking after each spec"
    (expect 'foo :not :to-have-been-called-with 789))

  (describe "that is defined in a nested `describe'"
      (spy-on 'foo :and-return-value 1))
    (it "will override any outer spy"
      (expect (foo 789) :to-equal 1)
      (expect 'foo :not :to-have-been-called-with 123)))

  (it "will not be active outside it's scope"
    (expect (foo 789) :to-equal nil))

  (it "tracks all arguments of its calls"
    (expect 'foo :to-have-been-called-with 123)
    (expect 'foo :to-have-been-called-with 456 "another param"))

  (it "stops all execution on a function"
    (expect bar :to-be nil)))

The :to-have-been-called-times matcher will return true if the spy was called a certain number of times.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy"
  :var (foo bar)
   (setf (symbol-function 'foo)
         (lambda (value)
           (setq bar value)))

   (spy-on 'foo)

   (foo 123)
   (foo 456 "another param"))

  (it "tracks that the spy was called twice"
    (expect 'foo :to-have-been-called-times 2)))

Spies: :and-call-through

The keyword argument :and-call-through to spy-on will make the spy call the original function instead of returning nil.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy, when configured to call through"
  :var (bar set-bar get-bar fetched-bar)
    (fset 'set-bar (lambda (val)
                     (setq bar val)))
    (fset 'get-bar (lambda ()

    (spy-on 'get-bar :and-call-through)

    (set-bar 123)
    (setq fetched-bar (get-bar)))

  (it "tracks that the spy was called"
    (expect 'get-bar :to-have-been-called))

  (it "should not affect other functions"
    (expect bar :to-equal 123))

  (it "when called returns the requested value"
    (expect fetched-bar :to-equal 123)))

Spies: :and-return-value

The keyword argument :and-return-value specifies the value the spied-on function should return.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy, when configured to fake a return value"
  :var (bar set-bar get-bar fetched-bar)
    (fset 'set-bar (lambda (val)
                     (setq bar val)))
    (fset 'get-bar (lambda ()

    (spy-on 'get-bar :and-return-value 745)

    (set-bar 123)
    (setq fetched-bar (get-bar)))

  (it "tracks that the spy was called"
    (expect 'get-bar :to-have-been-called))

  (it "should not affect other functions"
    (expect bar :to-equal 123))

  (it "when called returns the requested value"
    (expect fetched-bar :to-equal 745)))

Spies: :and-call-fake

The keyword argument :and-call-fake delegates calls to a supplied function.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy, when configured with an alternate implementation"
  :var (bar set-bar get-bar fetched-bar)
    (fset 'set-bar (lambda (val)
                     (setq bar val)))
    (fset 'get-bar (lambda ()

    (spy-on 'get-bar :and-call-fake (lambda () 1001))

    (set-bar 123)
    (setq fetched-bar (get-bar)))

  (it "tracks that the spy was called"
    (expect 'get-bar :to-have-been-called))

  (it "should not affect other functions"
    (expect bar :to-equal 123))

  (it "when called returns the requested value"
    (expect fetched-bar :to-equal 1001)))

Spies: :and-throw-error

With the keyword argument :and-throw-error, all calls to the spy will signal the specified value as an error.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy, when configured to throw an error"
  :var (bar set-bar get-bar fetched-bar)
    (fset 'set-bar (lambda (val)
                     (setq bar val)))
    (fset 'get-bar (lambda ()

    (spy-on 'get-bar :and-throw-error 'error))

  (it "throws the error"
    (expect (get-bar)
            :to-throw 'error)))

Other tracking properties

Every call to a spy is tracked and exposed using the spy-calls accessor. This tracks both successful calls and calls that throw errors.

spy-calls-any returns nil if the spy has not been called at all, and then t once at least one call happens. spy-calls-count returns the number of times the spy was called. spy-calls-args-for returns the arguments passed to a given call (by index). spy-calls-all-args returns the arguments to all calls. spy-calls-all returns the context (current buffer, arguments passed and return status) of all calls. spy-calls-most-recent returns the context of the most recent call. spy-calls-first returns the context for the first call.

Contexts are represented by instances of the spy-context struct with the slots args, current-buffer, return-value and thrown-signal. The return-value and thrown-signal slots represent the return status. Calling spy-context-return-value for a context representing a raised signal (or vice versa) will raise an error. Test the context type with spy-context-return-p and spy-context-thrown-p.

Finally, spy-calls-reset clears all tracking for a spy.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A spy"
  :var (set-foo foo)
    (fset 'set-foo (lambda (val &rest ignored)
                     (setq foo val)))
    (spy-on 'set-foo))

  (it "tracks if it was called at all"
    (expect (spy-calls-any 'set-foo)

    (set-foo 5)

    (expect (spy-calls-any 'set-foo)

  (it "tracks the number of times it was called"
    (expect (spy-calls-count 'set-foo)

    (set-foo 2)
    (set-foo 3)

    (expect (spy-calls-count 'set-foo)

  (it "tracks the arguments of each call"
    (set-foo 123)
    (set-foo 456 "baz")

    (expect (spy-calls-args-for 'set-foo 0)

    (expect (spy-calls-args-for 'set-foo 1)
            '(456 "baz")))

  (it "tracks the arguments of all calls"
    (set-foo 123)
    (set-foo 456 "baz")

    (expect (spy-calls-all-args 'set-foo)
              (456 "baz"))))

  (it "can provide the context and arguments to all calls"
    (set-foo 123)

    (expect (spy-calls-all 'set-foo)
            `(,(make-spy-context :current-buffer (current-buffer)
                                 :args '(123)))))

  (it "has a shortcut to the most recent call"
    (set-foo 123)
    (set-foo 456 "baz")

    (expect (spy-calls-most-recent 'set-foo)
            (make-spy-context :current-buffer (current-buffer)
                              :args '(456 "baz"))))

  (it "has a shortcut to the first call"
    (set-foo 123)
    (set-foo 456 "baz")

    (expect (spy-calls-first 'set-foo)
            (make-spy-context :current-buffer (current-buffer)
                              :args '(123))))

  (it "tracks the return values and error signals of each call"
    ;; Set up `set-foo' so that it can either return a value or throw
    ;; an error
    (spy-on 'set-foo :and-call-fake
            (lambda (val &rest ignored)
              (if (>= val 0)
                (error "Value must not be negative"))))
    (expect (set-foo 1) :to-be 1)
    (expect (set-foo -1) :to-throw 'error)
    (expect (spy-context-return-p (spy-calls-first 'set-foo)))
     (spy-context-return-value (spy-calls-first 'set-foo))
     :to-be 1)
    ;; Trying to get the thrown signal from a call that didn't throw a
    ;; signal is an error
      (spy-calls-first 'set-foo))

    (expect (spy-context-thrown-p (spy-calls-most-recent 'set-foo)))
      (spy-calls-most-recent 'set-foo))
     :to-equal '(error "Value must not be negative"))
    ;; Trying to get the return value from a call that threw a signal
    ;; raises an error
      (spy-calls-most-recent 'set-foo))
    ;; Use :return-value and :thrown-signal to create matching spy-contexts
     (spy-calls-all 'set-foo)
       (make-spy-context :args '(1)
                         :current-buffer (current-buffer)
                         :return-value 1)
       (make-spy-context :args '(-1)
                         :current-buffer (current-buffer)
                         :thrown-signal '(error "Value must not be negative")))))

  (it "counts the number of successful and failed calls"
    ;; Set up `set-foo' so that it can either return a value or throw
    ;; an error
    (spy-on 'set-foo :and-call-fake
            (lambda (val &rest ignored)
              (if (>= val 0)
                (error "Value must not be negative"))))
    (expect (set-foo 1) :to-be 1)
    (expect (set-foo 2) :to-be 2)
    (expect (set-foo 3) :to-be 3)
    (expect (set-foo -1) :to-throw 'error)
    (expect (set-foo -2) :to-throw 'error)
    (expect (set-foo -3) :to-throw 'error)
    (expect (set-foo -4) :to-throw 'error)

    (expect (spy-calls-count 'set-foo)
            :to-be 7)
    (expect (spy-calls-count-returned 'set-foo)
            :to-be 3)
    (expect (spy-calls-count-errors 'set-foo)
            :to-be 4))

  (it "can be reset"
    (set-foo 123)
    (set-foo 456 "baz")

    (expect (spy-calls-any 'set-foo)

    (spy-calls-reset 'set-foo)

    (expect (spy-calls-any 'set-foo)

Warnings in tests

By default, Buttercup captures any warning emitted during a test and displays them all after the test completes in order to keep the output readable. If you need to suppress this (for example if your test deals with the warnings itself), you can use the macro buttercup-suppress-warning-capture, which works like progn but suppresses Buttercup's warning capturing within the body.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(describe "A test"
  (it "can issue warnings while running"
    (display-warning 'buttercup "This warning should be visible after the test report.")
    (expect (+ 2 2) :to-equal 4))

  (it "can capture its own warnings as part of the test"
      (let ((warning-text
             (format "This warning, issued at %s should be sent to the *Warnings* buffer as normal."
        (display-warning 'buttercup warning-text)
        (expect (with-current-buffer "*Warnings*"
                :to-match (regexp-quote warning-text))))))