This was mainly a fun practice/learning project. The calculator which is written in C# supports all basic math operators with some extra things like factorial and binary operations. The TreeViewer project is a perfect-tree drawing program which i was originally thinking about hooking up to the parse tree which the calculator parser generates for debugging purposes. I may still do that in the future since the tree drawing is pretty much done already anyways, but we'll see.
Type | Example |
float | 23.53 |
int | 325 |
binary | 0b1010110 |
octal | 0o7136254 |
hex | 0x3f7a21b |
Symbol | Description |
+ | Addition (a + b) |
- | Subtraction (a - b) |
/ | Division (a / b) |
* | Multiplication (a * b) |
% | Modulo (a % b) |
@ | XOR (a @ b) |
| | OR (a |
& | AND (a & b) |
~ | Negation (~a) |
! | Factiorial (a!) |
<< | Shift Left (a << b) |
>> | Shift Right (a >> b) |
= | Assignment for variables (a = b) - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET |
name | description |
abs(x) | Absolute Value of x |
acos(x) | Inverse cosinus of x |
asin(x) | Inverse sinus of x |
atan(x) | Inverse tangent of x |
atan2(x, y) | Inverse tangent of quotient x/y |
ceil(x) | Round up of x |
round(x) | Round nearest of x |
floor(x) | Round down of x |
cos(x) | Cosinus of x |
sin(x) | Sinus of x |
tan(x) | Tangent of x |
cosh(x) | Hyperbolic cosinus of x |
sinh(x) | Hyperbolic sinus of x |
tanh(x) | Hyperbolic tangent of x |
ln(x) | Natural Logarithm of x |
log10(x) | Base 10 logarithm of x |
log(x) | Base 2 logarithm of x |
logn(x, y) | Logarithm of x with base y |
max(x, y) | Max number of x and y |
min(x, y) | Min number of x and y |
exp(x) | Exponential, e^x |
sqrt(x) | Square root of x |
sqrtn(x, y) | y root of x. |
lcm(x, y) | Least common multiple of x and y |
gcd(x, y) | Greatest common divisor of x and y |
rand(x) | Random number from 0 to x |
avg(x1,...,xN) | Average of the numbers given. |