Create postgres tenant clusters managed by the CNPG Operator
Name | Url | |
cloudymax | | |
jessebot | |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
backup | object | {} |
if we should backup up this cluster, please see values.yaml for example |
bootstrap | object | {} |
boostrap method. see: |
certificates.client.clientCASecret | string | "" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql client Certificate Authority cert, ignored if certificates.generate is true |
certificates.client.enabled | bool | false |
enable using client certificates |
certificates.client.generate | bool | false |
generate client certs using cert-manager. if true the following are ignored: certificates.clientCASecret, certificates.replicationTLSSecret |
certificates.client.replicationTLSSecret | string | "" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql replication TLS cert ignored if certificates.generate is true |
certificates.server.enabled | bool | false |
enable using server certificates |
certificates.server.generate | bool | false |
generate server certs using cert-manager. if true the following are ignored: certificates.serverTLSSecret, certificates.serverCASecret |
certificates.server.serverCASecret | string | "" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql server Certificate Authority cert, ignored if certificates.generate is true |
certificates.server.serverTLSSecret | string | "" |
name of existing Kubernetes Secret for the postgresql server TLS cert, ignored if certificates.generate is true |
certificates.user.enabled | bool | false |
create a certificate for a user to connect to postgres using CertManager requires server and client certificate generation enabled |
certificates.user.username | list | ["app"] |
List of names of users to create a cert for, eg: the DbOwner specified earlier. This data populated into the commonName field of the certificate. |
enableSuperuserAccess | bool | false |
CNPG disables the postgres superuser by default must be explicitly enabled |
externalClusters | list | [] |
imageName | string | "" |
image to use for all tenant pods |
instances | int | 3 |
number of postgres replicas minimum 1 required |
managed | object | {"roles":[]} |
See for explanation of all options |
monitoring.enablePodMonitor | bool | false |
enable monitoring via Prometheus |
name | string | "cnpg" |
postgresql.pg_hba | list | ["hostnossl all all reject","hostssl all all cert clientcert=verify-full"] |
records for the pg_hba.conf file. ref: |
primaryUpdateStrategy | string | "unsupervised" |
resources | object | {} |
scheduledBackup | object | {} |
schduled backups section, please see values.yaml for example |
storage.size | string | "1Gi" |
how much storage to allocate to the postgresql cluster |
superuserSecret | string | "" |
name of existing secret to use as superuser redentials will be randomly generated if not specified. |
testApp.enabled | bool | false |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1