This tool enables you to easily create modular pipelines for processing data. Multiple threads and/or distributed execution (on multiple machines) is natively supported. Pipelines are defined through a JSON file: each module is compiled into a separate library which gets loaded dynamically. If necessary pipeline descriptions can be embedded into the code of your application. A description of the base modules shipped with this tool is in the Documentation directory.
To compile you need to satisfy the following dependencies:
- CMake (git version > 3.9)
- Boost >= 1.65.0
- (for distributed processing) 0MQ (ZeroMQ)
These are the instructions to compile the framework on a Ubuntu/Debian machine. To keep you system clean we are going to package additional software into deb files. This procedure was tested on a clean Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 install.
Since CMake releases do not yet support Boost >=1.64 (hence also 1.65) we are going to install from before continuing ensure that you have no CMake package installed on your system.
First install the required dependencies sudo apt-get install --assume-yes build-essential checkinstall fakeroot git pkg-config unzip libcurl4-openssl-dev libz-dev wget
Create the required target directories with sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/doc
and sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
Configure the library path with sudo echo "/usr/local/lib" | sudo tee /etc/ && sudo ldconfig
Clone the CMake git repository git clone
, and then cd CMake
. Execute ./bootstrap --system-curl --prefix=/usr/local
. Then you can proceed with make
. To create a package for CMake use sudo checkinstall -y --pkgname poma-cmake --pkgversion=3.9 --pkgrelease 1
. Don't forget to add /usr/local/bin to your PATH before continuing (on Ubuntu it should be already set)!
Download Boost from and
uncompress the archive: wget && tar xvjpf boost_1_65_0.tar.bz2 && cd boost_1_65_0
.Run ./ --with-libraries=filesystem,program_options,system,chrono,thread --exec-prefix=/usr/local
. When building is completed, run sudo checkinstall -y --pkgname poma-boost --pkgversion=1.65 --pkgrelease 1 ./b2 install --prefix=/usr/local
to install and package Boost
Install the required tools to compile ZeroMQ with sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool
Download ZeroMQ from with wget
. Uncompress this file tar xvfz zeromq-4.2.2.tar.gz
and move into the source directory cd zeromq-4.2.2/
. Execute ./ && ./configure
then compile with make
Install with sudo checkinstall -y --pkgname poma-libzmq --pkgversion 1 --pkgrelease 1
then execute sudo ldconfig
Download a snapshot or clone the git repository at
From the root directory, run mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
; if everything goes well you can compile the program with make
Move to the Modules directory and run for i in */; do cd $i && mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make && cd ../..; done
An experimental version of a graphical dataflow editor is available at
Modules in a Poma pipeline exchange Packet structures, where T is a user-defined type: in order to customize Poma you first need to define this data type. Edit the include/PomaDefault.h file: in the default implementation you will find a MyData struct with some methods. You can add your own fields to this structure, but you also need to ensure that the copy constructor, assignment operator, destructor, serialize and deserialize methods are correctly implemented. User defined data is associated with the m_data field of the Packet struct.
In addition to your custom fields each packet contains an m_properties field of type boost::property_tree::ptree: this field is used to add metadata information to each packet.