This is an overview and may be incomplete. is where to see everything.
- fix: cloning radio buttons maintains their checked value
- fix: caching json data fixtures (#149)
- fix: throw error when loading a fixture that doesn't exist (#146)
- fix: toHaveCss() to support expecting a css property be auto (#147)
- fix: toExist() for objects outside of the DOM (#64, #148)
- add: matcher for jQuery's event.stopPropagation()
- add: toHaveLength() matcher
- add: toContainText() matcher
- add: toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith()
- fix: stop toHaveValue from coercing types
- fix: ajax call that was breaking JSONFixture
- fix: loadStyleFixtures() in IE8
- fix: make toBeFocused() compatible with PhantomJS
- fix: update jQuery to 1.9
- fix: performance improvements
- fix: other minor fixes