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Cervator edited this page Sep 13, 2012 · 5 revisions

Console Help

The in-game console (default key: tab) can be used both for chat and system commands, although there won't necessarily be anybody to chat with for a while

Copy paste is supported and you can use the up and down arrows to scroll through history. Additionally you can press tab again within the console with a partial command written to get full suggested command options.


To send chat messages simply open the console and write anything that doesn't start with a /


First a few quick notes:

  • All commands must be prefixed with a single slash character: / - this is new with develop build 283
  • Parameters should be spaced apart with no commas needed (also new). Strings should still be in double quotes
  • Block and shape names are no longer case sensitive

Block related:

  • giveBlock "Water" - Gives 16 water blocks
  • giveBlock "IronPyrites" 42 - Gives 42 Iron Pyrite (Fool's Gold) blocks
  • giveBlock "Clay" "Slope" - Gives you 16 clay blocks that are sloped
  • giveBlock "Chest" - Gives you a Chest block you can place, activate ('E'), put stuff in, destroy, pick up, place elsewhere, find same stuff in it!
  • giveBlock "Tnt" - Gives you 16 TNT blocks you can place and activate ('E') to blow up
  • listBlocks - Lists all actively used blocks (have been loaded for the world)
  • listFreeShapeBlocks - Lists all blocks that can be requested in any known shape
  • listShapes - Lists the available shapes


  • teleport 42 42 42 - Warps the player to x = 42, y = 42, z = 42
  • fullHealth - Fully restores the player's health
  • gotoWorld "GhostTown" - Loads the world "GhostTown" if present, otherwise initializes a new world "GhostTown" with a randomized seed value
  • gotoWorld "GhostTown", "Pie!" - Loads the world "GhostTown" if present, otherwise initializes a new world "GhostTown" with the seed value "Pie!"
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