A corrected fftw source code for benchmarking purpose
This is based on the code developed by FFTW (http://fftw.org/). The copyright is: http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/License-and-Copyright.html. The latest code is in fftw repo: https://github.com/FFTW/fftw3.
To build and install, follow the instructions of the fftw documents. We have used the following commands to build.
./configure --enable-threads --enable-openmp --enable-quad-precision
make install
The becnh program included in the test directory was not able to properly get the number of threads from the command-line. It can get it from the wisdom files. However, the defualt wisdom overrides the nthreads
variable. We changes the code in order to fix it based on the number of core in CPU of our hardware.