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IC3 gives me the Manifets file information only #21

HammadMahmoud opened this issue Jul 11, 2016 · 11 comments

IC3 gives me the Manifets file information only #21

HammadMahmoud opened this issue Jul 11, 2016 · 11 comments


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I have downloaded IC3 source code and build it successfully, I was able to retarget some apps using Date project and use them as inputs to IC3 project. IC3 only gives me information from the Manifest file such as components and Intent Filters, same information stored in the database. Tables such as Intents or ExitPoints are totally empty.

I tried IC3 on different apps: small apps that I created, apps from Google Play store, apps provided by IC3 group at, in all cases I got the information stored in the Manifest file only.

For example, this is the result of analyzing FriendTracker app:

Manifest file for org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker version 1
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.MAIN]
Categories: [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]

Activity Aliases:
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED]
authority: friends
write permission: org.siislab.tutorial.permission.WRITE_FRIENDS

[main] INFO edu.psu.cse.siis.ic3.ResultProcessor - org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 654 7 361 8 22 0 0 509 92 2014

Another output for running IC3 on a simple app (3 activities, one reachable Intent from MainActivity that starts SecondActivity, and one dynamically registered broadcast receiver):

Manifest file for com.example.testic3 version 1
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.MAIN]
Categories: [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
Intent filter:
Actions: [com.example.testic3.myaction]

Activity Aliases:


Also I followed the example given in by @docteau where every thing went smooth except the output didn't show the expected results, neither on the screen nor on the database.

Any help is highly appreciated.


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docteau commented Jul 13, 2016


Can you post exactly the commands you used? Also can you attach the output you are seeing?


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Thanks for the reply, Damien,

Here is the folder structure on my MacBook laptop

├── dare_output
│   ├── friendTracker
│   │   ├── optimized
│   │   ├── optimized-decompiled
│   │   ├── retargeted
│   │   └── stats.csv
├── ic3-0.2.0
│   ├── android.jar
│   ├── ic3-0.2.0-full.jar
│   ├── db
│   │   ├──
└── ic3_toy_apps
├── FriendTracker.apk

Here is the command that I used:
~/Tools/IC3$ java -jar ic3-0.2.0-full.jar -input ../dare_output/friendTracker/ -apkormanifest ../ic3_toy_apps/FriendTracker.apk -cp ./android.jar -db ./db/

The output in the terminal
Warning: java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory is a phantom class!
Warning: java.lang.ref.Finalizer is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.BootReceiver is a phantom class!
[main] INFO soot.jimple.infoflow.entryPointCreators.AndroidEntryPointCreator - Generated main method:
public static void dummyMainMethod()
int $i0;

    $i0 = 0;

    if $i0 == 8 goto label1;


[Call Graph] For information on where the call graph may be incomplete, use the verbose option to the cg phase.
[Spark] Pointer Assignment Graph in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Type masks in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Pointer Graph simplified in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Propagation in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Solution found in 0.0 seconds.
Callback analysis done.
Warning: LinearLayout is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.LinearLayout is a phantom class!
Warning: android.view.LinearLayout is a phantom class!
Warning: TextView is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.TextView is a phantom class!
Warning: android.view.TextView is a phantom class!
Warning: Button is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.Button is a phantom class!
Warning: android.view.Button is a phantom class!
Found 1 layout controls in file res/layout/main.xml
[main] INFO edu.psu.cse.siis.ic3.SetupApplication - Entry point calculation done.
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider is a phantom class!
Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.BootReceiver is a phantom class!
[main] INFO soot.jimple.infoflow.entryPointCreators.AndroidEntryPointCreator - Generated main method:
public static void dummyMainMethod()
int $i0;

    $i0 = 0;

    if $i0 == 8 goto label1;


[Call Graph] For information on where the call graph may be incomplete, use the verbose option to the cg phase.
[Spark] Pointer Assignment Graph in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Type masks in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Pointer Graph simplified in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Propagation in 0.0 seconds.
[Spark] Solution found in 0.0 seconds.
[main] INFO edu.psu.cse.siis.coal.PropagationSceneTransformer - Solving propagation problem (iteration 0)
[main] INFO edu.psu.cse.siis.coal.PropagationSceneTransformer - Reached a fixed point
Unknown entry point type: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker
Unknown entry point type: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl
Unknown entry point type: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider
Unknown entry point type: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.BootReceiver
Transforming android.content.Intent...
Transforming android.content.IntentFilter...
Transforming android.os.Bundle...
Transforming android.content.ComponentName...
Transforming dummyMainClass...
Transforming org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker...
Transforming org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl...
Transforming org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider...
Transforming org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.BootReceiver...

Manifest file for org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker version 1
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.MAIN]
Categories: [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]

Activity Aliases:
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED]
authority: friends
write permission: org.siislab.tutorial.permission.WRITE_FRIENDS

[main] INFO edu.psu.cse.siis.ic3.ResultProcessor - org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 709 6 402 10 21 0 0 486 89 2058

The Database

mysql> select * from cc.applications;
| id | app | version |
| 5 | org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker | 1 |

mysql> select * from cc.classes where app_id=5;
//app_id=5 because I have other apps in the database from previous executions
| id | app_id | class |
| 187 | 5 | org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl |
| 188 | 5 | org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker |
| 189 | 5 | org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.BootReceiver |
| 190 | 5 | org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from cc.components where class_id>187;
| id | class_id | kind | exported | permission | missing |
| 188 | 188 | s | 0 | 53 | NULL |
| 189 | 189 | r | 1 | NULL | NULL |
| 190 | 190 | p | 0 | NULL | NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from cc.intents;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from cc.ExitPoints;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Please let me know if you need any further information to find the problem.


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docteau commented Jul 14, 2016

Try -input ../dare_output/friendTracker/retargeted


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HammadMahmoud commented Jul 14, 2016

Its exactly the same output. Also executing IC3 from its source code gives the same output. Any suggestions, please?


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docteau commented Jul 18, 2016

Try -input ../dare_output/friendTracker/retargeted/FriendTracker

The "phantom class" message means that some class is missing from the Soot analysis. It is not always an issue, but in your case you have important classes missing (for example: Warning: org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker is a phantom class!). So you have to ensure that you are actually pointing IC3 to exactly the right directory. More specifically, if you have class org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker, you have to make sure that you point IC3 to the directory that contains the org subdirectory.


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Hooray, it worked!!!!

Here is the output for others to compare:

Manifest file for org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker version 1
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.MAIN]
Categories: [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]

Activity Aliases:
Intent filter:
Actions: [android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED]
authority: friends
write permission: org.siislab.tutorial.permission.WRITE_FRIENDS

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendFinder/void run() : virtualinvoke r15.<android.content.ContentResolver: int update(,android.content.ContentValues,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])>(r16, r1, r2, r3)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker]
0 : Value: 1 path values

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider/ insert(,android.content.ContentValues) : virtualinvoke r18.<android.content.ContentResolver: void notifyChange(,android.database.ContentObserver)>(r4, null)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider]
0 : Value: 1 path values
appendedPaths=[-1], uri=content://friends/location,

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider/int delete(,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]) : virtualinvoke r12.<android.content.ContentResolver: void notifyChange(,android.database.ContentObserver)>(r1, null)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider]
0 : null

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider/int update(,android.content.ContentValues,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]) : virtualinvoke r13.<android.content.ContentResolver: void notifyChange(,android.database.ContentObserver)>(r1, null)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendProvider]
0 : null

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker/void actionStartTracking(android.content.Context) : virtualinvoke r0.<android.content.Context: android.content.ComponentName startService(android.content.Intent)>(r1)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl]
0 : Value: 1 path values
action=org.siislab.tutorial.action.START_TRACKING, clazz=org/siislab/tutorial/friendtracker/FriendTracker, package=org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker,

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker/void actionStopTracking(android.content.Context) : virtualinvoke r0.<android.content.Context: android.content.ComponentName startService(android.content.Intent)>(r1)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl]
0 : Value: 1 path values
action=org.siislab.tutorial.action.STOP_TRACKING, clazz=org/siislab/tutorial/friendtracker/FriendTracker, package=org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker,

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker/void checkFriends(android.location.Location) : r2 = virtualinvoke r5.<android.content.ContentResolver: android.database.Cursor query(,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)>(r6, null, "active=1", null, null)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker]
0 : Value: 1 path values

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker/void checkFriends(android.location.Location) : virtualinvoke r0.<org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker: void sendBroadcast(android.content.Intent,java.lang.String)>(r4, "org.siislab.tutorial.permission.FRIEND_NEAR")
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker]
0 : Value: 1 path values
action=org.siislab.tutorial.action.FRIEND_NEAR, extras=[nick, contacts_id, _id],

1 : [org.siislab.tutorial.permission.FRIEND_NEAR]

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker/void deactivateProvider() : virtualinvoke r3.<android.content.ContentResolver: int update(,android.content.ContentValues,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[])>(r4, r1, null, null)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTracker]
0 : Value: 1 path values

org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl/void onCreate(android.os.Bundle) : virtualinvoke r0.<org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl: boolean bindService(android.content.Intent,android.content.ServiceConnection,int)>(r13, r15, b0)
Components: [org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker.FriendTrackerControl]
0 : Value: 1 path values
clazz=org/siislab/tutorial/friendtracker/FriendTracker, package=org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker,

[main] INFO edu.psu.cse.siis.ic3.ResultProcessor - org.siislab.tutorial.friendtracker 29 116 71328 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 8 32 1232 21 353 9 239 0 5 463 121 2799


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I use this command,but I also only get the Manifets file information only.
java -jar ic3-0.2.0-full.jar -apkormanifest 209.apk -input 209/retargeted/209/ -cp android.jar -protobuf 209

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In lieu of usign a relative path (209/retargeted/209/), try to use full path

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I try to use this command,it same as ever.
java -jar ic3-0.2.0-full.jar -apkormanifest ~/Downloads/ic3-0.2.0/209.apk -input ~/Downloads/ic3-0.2.0/209/retargeted/209/com -cp android.jar -protobuf ~/Downloads/ic3-0.2.0/209

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gxyzwangyi commented Aug 14, 2016

hello,are there any other means to help solving problems?

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docteau commented Aug 29, 2016

Please post the output you are seeing. This is likely due to pointing IC3 to an incorrect directory (or it could potentially be that there are no values for IC3 to find).

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