This project was original a school project where student are asked to apply the knowledge they learn in designing a application that uses complex algorithm and data structure. Original variant only have the maze generation aspect with no multiplayer aspect. However, after I first finished the project, I continue investigated into how to integrate this application into a multiplayer game and converted it into a multiplayer game using the Firebase real time database system.
The demo can be found here
- Visualize maze generation
- Provide variable parameters such as delay, size, and seed
- Indicator to show the traversal path.
- Infinite level generation
- Increasing difficulty
- Smooth animation
- On-screen joystick and keyboard support.
- Support up to 50 concurrent players.
- Anonymous authentication (using firebase auth)
- Real time update of position and game state.
This is a web project I started in the early 2017 and now ported over to this repo after the recent refactoring to my website. This project offer user a typescript library to generate a NxN seeded-random maze using the recursive back tracking algorithm. Here is a high level overview of the recursive traversal algorithm.
function depthFirstSearch(cord: Cord): void {
const dirs = getDirs();
for (const dir of dirs) {
const nextCord = getNextCord(cord, dir);
if (!isOutOfBound(maze, nextCord) && !isVisited(nextCord)) {
breakWall(maze, cord, dir);
breakWall(maze, nextCord, getOppositeDir(dir));
- Main handler to generate the maze of given size, takes in an optional seed as initializer. Will generate a random seed if not provided.
- Asynchronous version of the generation api. Used to apply delay to visualize the traversal pattern.
The is the class that handles the game logic and the rendering of the game.
constructor(canvas: Canvas, level: number, seed?: number, pid?: string)
- constructor of the game class.
- get the underlying maze object.
- get my player object
setOpponentsPos(positions: Map<string, Cord>): void
- set the opponents positions.
performMove(control: Control): void
- perform the move based on control object provided.
renderGame(): void
- render the game with the maze and players.
checkWin(): boolean
- check if my player reach the end.
This is the class that over see the database listener and update the game value accordingly.
constructor(canvas: Canvas, onGameOver?: CallBack, callBack?: CallBack)
- constructor of the multiplayer game.
performMove(control: Control): void
- perform the move based on control object provided.
render(): void
- render the game on the canvas provided in the constructor.
cleanUp(): void
- remove all listener and remove my player from the database.