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39 lines (24 loc) · 1.58 KB

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39 lines (24 loc) · 1.58 KB

How to Contribute

Getting started

Contribution flow

Issues / Bugs

Issues may be filed via GitHub or Jira (OSD Project).

Contributing code changes

We recommend the following workflow when submitting change requests to this repositry:

  1. Fork the repository to your own account.
  2. Create a topic branch from the main branch.
  3. Make commits of logical units.
  4. If necessary, use make container-generate to update generated code.
  5. Add or modify tests as needed. Ensure code has been tested prior to PR.
  6. Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
  7. Submit a pull request to the original repository.
  8. The repo owners will respond to your issue promptly, following the ususal Prow workflow.

Style guide


This project makes use of golangci-lint for performing code linting.

It can be run on-demand with a call to make verify. Pull requests that do not pass all linting checks are not approved for merge.

The linting rules for this project are defined in a golangci-lint configuration.