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Recursion: where FP hits ⊥

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– a.k.a. “bottom”

Bottom in programming languages is the type of a computation that doesn’t complete successfully. FP has managed to reign in a lot of the things that trigger it: Even very complicated pattern matching – involving extensions like guards, GADTs, and view patterns, can now be [needs citation]

but one aspect that still plagues most FP environments is non-termination. That is – infinite recursion.

Some languages, called “total” languages, also take care of this. Roughly, they make sure that every recursive call operates on a “smaller” value. How many of you get to spend a lot of time working in total languages? Coq? Agda? Idris? Yeah, that’s about what I expected.

So how can we get at least some of those benefits of controlled recursion in the languages we use today?


For the Clojure contingent, jneen may have said that Tulip is not quite a lisp, then showed some Tulip that was valid Haskell. I’m going to claim that Haskell is almost a Lisp – especially if you write it the way I do. So, Clojurites, look at the Haskell examples.

a recursive type

data Expr = Mul Expr Expr | Add Expr Expr | Num Int
sealed trait Expr
final case class Mul(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
final case class Add(a: Expr, b: Expr) extends Expr
final case class Num(i: Int)           extends Expr
eval  Expr  Int
eval (Mul a b) = eval a * eval b
eval (Add a b) = eval a + eval b
eval (Num n)   = n
Recursion appears in two places here – we have a data type that refers to itself, and a function that calls itself.


operation ⇆ recursion

the functor

Let’s start by removing the recursion from the data type.
data Expr a = Mul a a | Add a a | Num Int
sealed trait Expr[A]
final case class Mul[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
final case class Add[A](a: A, b: A) extends Expr[A]
final case class Num[A](i: Int)     extends Expr[A]
this makes it a functor, sometimes called a “pattern functor”. You can do this transformation to any† recursive structure – XML, JSON, List, etc..

[†]: Structural recursion is difficult. But also uncommon. It needs a variant of this approach that isn’t supported by any tools I’m aware of … yet.


Now we have to figure out how to represent that recursive structure again.
data Expr a =
Expr Expr -- 🚫
except that Expr is still a functor, and so it needs an argument
Expr (Expr (Expr (Expr ))) -- 🚫

Expr (Expr (Expr (Expr ()))) --

fixed-point types

data Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
project  Fix f  f (Fix f)
project (Fix f) = f

Fix Expr
case class Fix[F[_]](project: F[Fix[F]])


what about eval?

eval  Fix Expr  Int
eval (Fix (Mul a b)) = eval a * eval b
eval (Fix (Add a b)) = eval a + eval b
eval (Fix (Num n))   = n
It just got uglier!

Just as we separated Fix from our data structure, we can separate the recursion from our eval function.

an algebra

eval  Fix Expr  Int
eval (Fix (Mul a b)) = eval a * eval b
eval (Fix (Add a b)) = eval a + eval b
eval (Fix (Num n))   = n
eval  Expr Int  Int
eval (Mul a b) = a * b
eval (Add a b) = a + b
eval (Num n)   = n

So, what’s an algebra?

or, “I know what algebra is, and these ain’t it.”

type Algebra f a = f a  a

eval  Algebra Expr Int
The algebras (and coalgebras, etc.) are more properly known as “F-algebras”. To connect these back to the algebra we’re all generally familiar with from school, let’s look at a simple ADT –

We can write out a simple expression

an expression

val expr = Fix (Add (Fix (Mul (Fix (Add (Fix (Num 2)) (Fix 
                              (Fix (Num 4))))
                    (Fix (Add (Fix (Mul (Fix (Num 5)) (Fix 
                              (Fix (Num 7)))))
val expr =
  Fix(Add(Fix(Mul(Fix(Add(Fix(Num[Mu[Expr]](2)), Fix(Num[MuFix(Num[Mu[Expr]](4)))),
          Fix(Add(Fix(Mul(Fix(Num[Mu[Expr]](5)), Fix(Num[MuFix(Num[Mu[Expr]](7))))))

cleaner (a.k.a, lying)

val expr = Add (Mul (Add (Num 2) (Num 3))
                    (Num 4))
               (Add (Mul (Num 5) (Num 6))
                    (Num 7))
val expr =
  Add(Mul(Add(Num(2), Num(3)),
      Add(Mul(Num(5), Num(6)),

((2 + 3) × 4) + ((5 × 6) + 7)

which would have looked like (2 + 3) × 4 + 5 × 6 + 7 back in high school. To make the precedence a bit more explicit, here are some extra parens: ((2 + 3) × 4) + ((5 × 6) + 7).


Now, how do we solve / evaluate this? If you’re anything like me, you take a few steps:
  1. ((2 + 3) × 4) + ((5 × 6) + 7)
  2. (   5   × 4) + (  30  + 7)
  3. 20    +   37
  4. 57
So, there are two aspects to this. First, there are some simple rules:
val eval: Algebra[Expr, Int] = { // Expr[Int] ⇒ Int
  // 1. + means to add two numbers together
  case Add(x, y)   x + y
  // 2. * means to multiply to numbers together
  case Mult(x, y)  x * y
  // 3. a number simply represents itself
  case Num(x)      x

Hey, look at that – this evaluation rule is an “algebra”. And it’s just a simplified version of the particular algebra we grew up with.

and a fold

And what is the recursion-adding analogue of Fix here?
cata  Functor f  (f a  a)  Fix f  a
cata φ (Fix f) = φ (fmap (cata φ) f)
cata eval  Fix Expr  Int
You may already be familiar with this concept:

look familiar?

myList = [1, 2, 3, 4]
foldr (+) 0 myList -- 10
val myList = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
myList.foldRight(0)(_ + _) // 10
data ListF a b = Nil | Cons a b
type List a = Fix (ListF a)

foldr  (a  b  b)  b  List a  b
foldr f z = cata (\case
                    Cons a b  f a b
                    Nil       z)

dueling duals

Something that comes up a lot in the FP world is duals, you flip some arrows, and you come up with something that is the “opposite” of what you had before.


type Algebra   f a = f a    a
type Coalgebra f a =   a  f a

factors  Coalgebra Expr Int
factors n = if n > 2 && n % 2 == 0
              then Mul 2 (n / 2)
              else Num n

48 2 * 24 2 × (2 × 12) 2 × (2 × (2 × 6)) 2 × (2 × (2 × (2 × 3)))


ana  Functor f  (a  f a)  a  Fix f
ana  ψ a = Fix (fmap (ana ψ) (ψ a))
cata φ (Fix f) = φ (fmap (cata φ) f)
ana factors  Int  Fix Expr
An example here is parsers. When you “run” the parser monad, you can actually get a Cofree structure, annotated with the source position.


the problem with Fix

The Fix type we’ve been using is nice and simple, but it’s a bit … unprincipled. For one, it’s still recursive. We have at least constrained recursion to this one library, but it’s still there. We’ll see later another place where it can cause a problem. But in the mean time, let’s replace it with something better.
data Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f)) -- 🚫
data Mu f = forall a. (f a  a) → a

cata (Mu φ) = φ
If you look at the definition of Mu, its parameter is a function that takes an algebra, and returns the result of applying it. This eliminates the recursion from the definition, and from the corresponding definition of cata. So, we’ve now truly eliminated unbounded recursion here. This is the recursive fixed point.

ok, really corecursion

So, we’ve been talking about eliminating infinite loops, but there are cases where you want infinite loops, right? Like event
data Nu f where Nu  (a  f a)  a  Nu f

ana = Nu
project (Nu f a) = fmap (Nu f) (f a)

What is all this for again?!

Ostensibly, this was about eliminating recursion. And we did that. But we get a lot more out of this, and these are the reasons why I really think this is an approach that should be used directly.

deferred decision-making

Even with a language like Idris, you have to decide between data and codata up front – and implement two sets of type classes.
data   List a   = Nil | Cons a (List a)
codata Stream a = Nil | Cons a (Stream a)
data ListF a b = Nil | Cons a b

type List a   = Mu (ListF a)
type Stream a = Nu (ListF a)


There are plenty of algebras that can be defined for large sets of data structures.
def count(form: Mu[F]): GAlgebra[(Mu[F], ?), F, Int] =
  e  e.foldRight(
    if (e ∘ (_._1) == form.project) 1 else 0)(
    _._2 + _)

def size: F[Int]  Int = _.foldRight(1)(_ + _)

def height: F[Int]  Int = _.foldRight(0)(_ max _)



This slide has been postponed to 16:00. (Patrick Thomson)


Fix Expr

Mul ├─ Num 6 └─ Num 7

Cofree Expr Int

Mul (0) ├─ Num 6 (1) └─ Num 7 (1)

algebra transformations

attribute  Algebra f a  Algebra f (Cofree f a)

ignoreAttribute  Algebra (EnvT f b) a  Algebra f a

generalize  Algebra f a  GAlgebra w f a

type GAlgebra w f a = f (w a)  a
type GCoalgbra m f a = f a  m a


With this layer-at-a-time approach, we can now also do additional work at each step.


  • when you traverse a recursive data structure, you start at the root, move toward the leaves, then then back to the root.
  • an algebra gets applied to your structure on the way back to the root
  • but a coalgebra gets applied on the way to the leaves
  • so, if you have a coalgebra followed by an algebra (cata φ ⋘ ana ψ), you can apply both transformations in a single pass, as hylo φ ψ
↘                     ↗
  ↘                 ↗
    ↘     hylo    ↗
      ↘         ↗
    ana ↘     ↗ cata
cata bottomUp  ana topDown

hylo bottomUp topDown

_.hylo(bottomUp, topDown)


We talked earlier about how to use Cofree to annotate your tree with arbitrary information.
buInferType  Lambda Type  Type

cata (attribute buInferType)  Fix Lambda  Cofree Lambda Type

useType1  Lambda (Type, Value)  Value
zygo inferType useType1  Fix Lambda  Value

tdInferType  (Type, Fix Lambda)  Lambda (Type, Fix Lambda)
useType2  (Type, Lambda Value)  Value
coelgot useType2 tdInferType  Fix Lambda  Value

Elgot algebras

val buInferType: Lambda[Type]  Type

lam.cata(buInferType.attribute): Cofree[Lambda, Type]

val useType1: Lambda[(Type, Value)]  Value
lam.zygo(inferType, useType1): Value

val tdInferType: (Type, Fix[Lambda])  Lambda[(Type, Fix[Lambda])]
val useType2: (Type, Lambda[Value])  Value
lam.coelgot(useType2, tdInferType): Value


pprint  Expr String  String
eval  Expr Int  Int

cata (zip pprint eval)  Mu Expr  (String, Int)
val pprint: Expr[String]  String
val eval: Expr[Int]  Int

_.cata(pprint zip eval): Mu[Expr]  (String, Int)

a real-world example

projectSortKeys  Sql (Mu Sql)  Maybe (Sql (Mu Sql))
scopeTables  CoalgebraM (Either Error) Sql (Scope, Mu Sql)
identifySynthetics  Algebra Sql [Maybe Synthetic]
inferProv  ElgotAlgebraM ((,) Scope) (Either Error) Sql Prov

-- projectSort ⋙ (identSynth &&& (scopeTables ⋙ inferProv))
allPhases  Mu Sql  Cofree Sql ([Maybe Synthetic], Prov)
allPhases expr =
  coelgotM (attributeAlgebra
            (zip (return  (generalizeE identifySynthetics))
           (transCata (orOriginal projectSortKeys) ([], expr))

the Fix programming language

Programming languages are my job and my hobby. So, when I work with a problem like this, I wonder about what would a programming language based on this look like?
  • total
  • no recursion – all references form a DAG
  • discoverable minimum complete definitions of type classes (NP hard … but that’s a different talk)
  • strongly normalizing
  • function equality ⁉
