ParScore is one of the main reason that Faculty, Staff, and Teaching Assistants come to the FIT Center. In the 2016-2017 Academic Year we had clients visit us more than 2000 to score their exams. The tasks to master listed below are quintessential to providing timely and accurate support to our clients.
Training resources, like completed ParScore forms, are in the FIT Center Resource Binder located in the black cabinets behind the support desk.
- Help faculty use the Parscore manual
- Troubleshoot issue with forms (missing info, not reading pencil marks, jammed forms)
- Edit missing items, lightly penciled answers, search for REDID
- Edit points after scanning key
- Delete a column or a student
- Explain why they shouldn’t use “Exam Number”
- Explain what “Exam Number” is used for
- Print student reports on two pages
- Switch from printer to PDF and back for reports
- Backup course to USB and show where it is on USB
- Can explain different parts of item analysis report
- Read errors from marks at top of forms