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LE MEILLAT edited this page Jul 4, 2024 · 5 revisions

Common Issues

List of common issues encountered by users and their solutions.
Includes details on known issues with the first server start and steps to resolve them.


Frequently asked questions about the SctgDesk Server Program, with answers.

  1. Q: How can I change a lost admin password? A: Follow these steps to change a lost admin (or other user) password:

    1. Open a terminal and generate a new bcrypt password:

      # Replace 'monMotDePasse' with your desired password
      htpasswd -nbB -C 12 user monMotDePasse | awk -F: '{print $2}'

      Example output:

    2. Use sqlite3 to update the password in the database:

      sqlite3 db_v2.sqlite3
      UPDATE user SET password="$2y$12$5KIhlFDtn25Yn1TPymdOSu4t9.4WEhIBtHekQ0KDKTCGZ28phJ/cC" WHERE name="admin";

      Note: Replace "admin" with the appropriate username if changing a non-admin user's password.

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