ScaFi Web is an online playground by which is possible to experiment with ScaFi, a modern Scala toolchain for Aggregate Programming. This project is highly inspired by ScalaFiddle and currently is under development, so both API and functionality are unstable.
This project is composed of two-part:
- a web page: developed using Scala.js, Phaser and scala-js-dom
- a remote compilation service: inspired by ScalaFiddle, it compiles remote ScaFi scripts.
ScaFi web can be easily deployed locally, using both sbt and docker
In the root directory, type:
project online-compiler
ScaFi web currently works only in JDK 8. So if you use a Java environment manager (like Jabba), switch to the right version before trying to launch it.
Using the latest image from here type:
docker run -t -p 8080:8080 gianlucaaguzzi/scafi-web:latest
ScaFi web supports also a Javascript dialect of ScaFi but currently is not mature enough to be part of the page. If you want to experiment with it, it is possible to use with: Main differences:
// rep
ScaFi: rep(init){value => ... }
ScaFi.js: return rep(() => init, value => ...)
// foldhood
ScaFi: foldhood(init)((acc, value) => ...)(nbr(...))
ScaFi.js: return foldhood(() => init), (acc, value) => ..., nbr(() => ...))