This autonomous robot follows a black line in a high contrast surrounding using OpenCV for image processing. I have not used any sensors. Since I have used an Arduino Board, the image processing has to be done on an external machine ( I used a laptop for this ) L298N motor drivers are used to drive the connected motors.
One Arduino Uno board, L298N motor Driver, A mobile Phone, DroidCam App, Jumper Wires, 12v 100 RPM DC motors x2, Metal Chassis, Castor wheel, 11.1 Volt Li-Po Battery, Laptop to power the Arduino and for image processing
- pin 5 -> enA
- pin 6 -> in1
- pin 7 -> in2
- pin 8 -> in3
- pin 9 -> in4
- pin 10 -> enB
- GND Pin of Arduino to GND pin of L298N ( for common ground )
- Positive terminal -> Vcc (+12 V pin)
- Negative terminal -> GND (+5 V pin)