HumHub is a feature rich and highly flexible OpenSource Social Network Kit written in PHP.
It's perfect for individual:
- Social Intranets
- Enterprise Social Networks
- Private Social Networks
More information:
Follow the following steps to simulate EEG data for 1 user, write it into a dynamodb table called "myDB" and visualize it on the web server Assumption: You already have an AWS account created and you have your access key ID and access secret stored securely on your system
- wget
- tar -xvzf visualApp.tar.gz
- Download apache maven by first running a "sudo apt-get update" command and then "sudo apt-get install maven" command
- Make sure your Java_home is set to jdk. If not, download from "", unzip and save in /usr/lib/jvm and export java_home to the address of jdk and add the same address to PATH.
Run the following 2 sets of commands on 2 separate terminals a. cd visualApp MAVEN_OPTS="-Daws.accessKeyId=your_access_key -Daws.secretKey=your_secret_key" mvn compile -PdbWriter exec:java
b. cd visualApp MAVEN_OPTS="-Daws.accessKeyId=your_access_key -Daws.secretKey=your_secret_key" mvn compile -Pwebserver exec:java
Open your browser and go to "ipaddress:8080" to view the visualization of simulated EEG data for 1 user.
To change the number of users: a) Open visualApp/src/main/java/org/example/basicApp/ddb/
b) Line 70, change numUsers=1 to 5, 10, etc.
Follow the following steps to install OnTimeSocial, a HumHub-based Social Portal designed for providing assistance to remote instructors in creating, managing and tracking VR sessions. The portal was designed with the usecase of vSocial, a VR Learning environment for children with Autism.
- Install Lamp Server sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
Install the various php libraries that HumHub requires. sudo apt-get install php-zip php-gd php-intl php-curl php-mbstring
MySQL Database settings mysql -u root -p (password: admin) create database humhub; create user 'humhub'@'localhost' identified by '123456'; grant all on humhub.* to 'humhub'@'localhost' identified by '123456'; flush privileges; exit;
It is important to remember the 'humhub' user's password as it is later used to setup the portal on the User Interface
- Git Clone our customized web portal cd /var/www/html/ sudo git clone sudo mv HumHub-vSocial humhub cd humhub mysql -u root -p humhub<Dump.sql
To make sure you can view the visualization, Edit the file “™\humhub\modules\session\views\eeg\index.php”, Replace the div “container” with the following scripts:
< div > < object type=”text/html” data=”http://ip-address-of-your-instance:8080” width=”1600px” height=”1200px” style=”overflow:auto;border:5px ridge blue” >< / object > < / div >
- Restart Apache2 sudo systemctl restart apache2
username: saisn.67 password: 123456
Go to the web browser and open "your-ip-address/humhub" and login with the above details (you can create or update username/password). Our customization, on to of HumHub social portal's features, includes:
- Rewards page: To keep track of the progress of each student during a session
- Session Tracking: Allows the instructor to create a session, invite students and allows the instructor to set the rewards of each student and to monitor the EEG-converted-to-emotions levels of each student during the session.
Thank you for coming to this project and in case of any issues, comments or suggestions, please contact Sai Nuguri at or Dr. Prasad Calyam at