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How to create feedback

aileenmarske edited this page May 22, 2014 · 16 revisions

###How to… #####…generate and plot Feedback If you want to generate Feedback that gives your participants an impression of how they scored, you need the program (R) to identify and aggregate the intended scales of items. There are certain conventions that make this step as easy as possible. Naming the items When naming your items pay attention to the following conventions:

  1. Make sure it´s clear which item belongs to which test and scale. For example, if your first item is an item of the extraversion-scale of the Big Five Inventory (BFI), you should name this item BFI_extra1. The second item would be BFI_extra2 and so on.
  2. If your item is reversed and therefore the results of this item have to be converted, you should mark this item by adding R to the item-name. Consequently, if the first extraversion-item was reversed, it should be named BFI_extra1R. If you consistently follow these conventions, the program will be able to identify your scales on its own. Creating the Feedback The next step is plotting the Feedback in formR so it can be viewed by the participants of your study. The following text is an example that shows how to tell formR to generate and plot Feedback.

Code Notes Coding language

Feedback This in an example of how you can introduce the Feedback and specific scales to your participants


Your extraversion

Extraverted people are sociable, outgoing, loud and the center of attention.

‘’’{r} This tells formR to run the program “R” Name_of_your_study$Extraversion = (Name_of_your_study$BFI_extra - 3.50) / 0.64 Replace “Name_of_your_study”, “Extraversion”, “BFI_extra” with your own names. In this example, 3.50 is the mean value and 0.64 is the SD (standard deviation) of the extraversion scale in the BFI for a normalized sample. Replace these values with the mean and SD of the scale you want to plot.

qplot_on_normal(Name_of_your_study$Extraversion, xlab = "Extraversion", ylab = "percentage of people with this value") ‘xlab =’ determines the title of the x-axis while ‘ylab =’ determines the title of the y-axis

‘’’ This ends the running of “R” and the plotting of the Feedback

With these instructions, formR plots a normal distribution and marks where your participant is placed on the distribution. This will look like the picture shows: