deSEC DNS + Let's Encrypt for Node.js
This handles ACME dns-01 challenges, compatible with ACME.js and Greenlock.js. Passes acme-dns-01-test.
- Compatible
- Let's Encrypt v2.1 / ACME draft 18 (2019)
- deSEC v1 API
- ACME.js, Greenlock.js, and others
- Quality
- node v6 compatible VanillaJS
- < 150 lines of code
- Zero Dependencies
npm install --save acme-dns-01-desec
Generate deSEC API Token:
First you create an instance with your credentials:
var dns01 = require('acme-dns-01-desec').create({
baseUrl: '', // default
token: 'xxxx'
Then you can use it with any compatible ACME library, such as Greenlock.js or ACME.js.
var Greenlock = require('greenlock-express');
var greenlock = Greenlock.create({
challenges: {
'dns-01': dns01
// ...
See Greenlock Express and/or Greenlock.js documentation for more details.
See the ACME.js for more details.
# node ./test.js domain-zone api-token
node ./test.js xxxxxx