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79 lines (79 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (79 loc) · 5.17 KB


  1. clean - clears the dist folder.
  2. build - transpiles ES6 code of src folder into dist folder.
  3. clean-build - runs clean, then build.
  4. build-with-watch - transpiles ES6 code of src folder into dist folder, then starts a watcher to detect changes in src folder and re-transpiles every time a change is detected.
  5. list-migrations - runs clean-build, then lists all existing db migrations in dist/db/migrations along with their statuses.
  6. create-migration <name> - runs clean-build, then creates a new migration in src/db/migrations folder.
  7. prune-migrations - runs clean-build, then removes migrations from database which are not present in dist/db/migrations.
  8. migrate - runs clean-build, then migrates up unmigrated migrations in dist/db/migrations to database.
  9. migrate-down <name> - runs clean-build, then migrates down a migrated migration in dist/db/migrations from database.
  10. start-back-end - starts node monitor, then starts a watcher to detect changes in dist/backEnd folder and re-starts node monitor every time a change is detected.
  11. start-front-endr - starts webpack dev server, then starts a watcher to detect changes in dist/frontEnd folder and re-starts webpack dev server every time a change is detected.
  12. start-servers-and-watchers - runs start-back-end, start-front-end and build-with-watch.
  13. start - runs clean-build, then start-servers-and-watchers.
  14. eslint-test - runs standard in src
  15. eslint-fix - runs standard --fix in src
  16. test-back-end - runs Istanbul with mocha on back end to generate test coverage report, then opens the report on browser.
  17. test-front-end - runs Istanbul with mocha on front end to generate test coverage report, then opens the report on browser.
  18. test-both-ends - runs test-back-end, and test-front-end.
  19. test - runs clean-build, then test-both-ends.


  1. body-parser - for parsing post request body.
  2. chai - assertion framework for mocha.
  3. chai-arrays - chai extension for assertion on arrays.
  4. colors - for adding colors to console logs.
  5. connect-redis - for redis based session.
  6. electrolyte - for managing inversion of control and dependency injection.
  7. express - node web framework for developing the backend.
  8. express-session - for storing session data.
  9. migrate-mongoose - framework for handling mongo db migrations.
  10. mocha - testing framework.
  11. mongodb - for accessing mongoDB.
  12. mongoose - ORM framework for mongoDB.
  13. node - node core.
  14. passport - for authentication.
  15. passport-accesstoken - authentication strategy for passport.
  16. prop-types - for react component props validation.
  17. react - react core.
  18. react-addons-css-transition-group - for styling infinite calendar.
  19. react-bootstrap - react components for bootstrap.
  20. react-dom - for rendering react components into HTML.
  21. react-infinite-calendar - react component for calendar.
  22. react-redux - for managing state of react components.
  23. react-router-bootstrap - for client side routing of react-bootstrap components.
  24. react-router-dom - for client side routing.
  25. redux - for managing state of the application.
  26. redux-logger - redux middleware for logging actions.
  27. redux-promise-middleware - redux middleware for processing promises as payloads.
  28. redux-thunk - redux middleware for processing functions as actions.
  29. sinon - mocking framework for mocha.


  1. babel-cli - for transpiling es6 code.
  2. babel-eslint - for eslint.
  3. babel-loader - for transpiling jsx and es6 in webpack.
  4. babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy - babel plugin for compiling es7 decorators.
  5. babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread - babel plugin for destructuring json.
  6. babel-preset-env - for transpiling es6 code.
  7. babel-preset-es2015 - for transpiling es6 code.
  8. babel-preset-react - for transpiling jsx.
  9. css-loader - css loader for webpack.
  10. eslint - for eslint.
  11. eslint-config-standard - for eslint.
  12. eslint-config-standard-react - for eslint.
  13. eslint-plugin-import - for eslint.
  14. eslint-plugin-node - for eslint.
  15. eslint-plugin-promise - for eslint.
  16. eslint-plugin-react - for eslint.
  17. eslint-plugin-standard - for eslint.
  18. extract-text-webpack-plugin - plugin for webpack to create separate bundled css file.
  19. html-webpack-exclude-assets-plugin - plugin for webpack to exclude static files from being injected into html file.
  20. html-webpack-plugin - for injecting webpack bundles into html file.
  21. node-sass - for compiling scss files.
  22. nodemon - for detecting changes in dist folder and auto-restarting server.
  23. nyc - cli for the test coverage framework Istanbul.
  24. on-build-webpack - to run scripts after every webpack build.
  25. sass-loader - for bundling scss in webpack.
  26. standard - for eslint.
  27. webpack - bundle static files and react files.
  28. webpack-dev-server - for serving static files after bundling with webpack.