In this analysis, the dataset is taken from the below link.
This dataset is available with Indian cases only, so the data analysis will show the different states of India and their covid cases.
In this analysis, I will show you how to fetch data from the drive and get the path of your file to perform analysis over it using the pandas Dataframe.
In this analysis, I will be visualizing the data and plotting them for better understanding.
# importing neccesary modules
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import seaborn as sns
# my data is in G-drive, to access it, we need to mount our drive
>>> from google.colab import drive
>>> drive.mount('/content/drive')
# path of my .csv file
>>> dirname='drive/My Drive/archive/complete.csv'
>>> pip install geopandas
# geopandas library makes us enable to work with geospatial data
>>> import geopandas as gpd
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point, polygon
>>> import descartes
>>> df = pd.read_csv(dirname)
Output is shown below:-
![Output of above command]( align="center")
>>> df.columns
Output :-
Index(['Date', 'Name of State / UT', 'Latitude', 'Longitude',
'Total Confirmed cases', 'Death', 'Cured/Discharged/Migrated',
'New cases', 'New deaths', 'New recovered'],
# to change the names of columns
>>> df = df.rename(columns={'Name of State / UT':'State','Cured/Discharged/Migrated':'Discharged','Total Confirmed cases':'conf_cases' })
Output :-
Index(['Date', 'State', 'Latitude', 'Longitude',
'conf_cases', 'Death', 'Discharged',
'New cases', 'New deaths', 'New recovered'],
>>> df.shape
Output :- (4692, 10)
>>> df.dtypes
Output :-
Date object
State object
Latitude float64
Longitude float64
conf_cases float64
Death object
Discharged float64
New cases int64
New deaths int64
New recovered int64
dtype: object
# to check total nan values in each columns
>>> df.isna().sum()
Output :-
Date 0
State 0
Latitude 0
Longitude 0
conf_cases 0
Death 0
Discharged 0
New cases 0
New deaths 0
New recovered 0
dtype: int64
>>> df.head(5).describe
#describe method is used to view a descriptive statistic
>>> df.groupby('Date')['conf_cases','Death','Discharged','New cases','New deaths'].sum().tail(10)
# this command will fetch bottom 10 rows/data of 5 columns specified in list, grouped by Date column with sum of all data present in them.
Output :-
Date conf_cases Death Discharged New cases New deaths
2020-07-28 383723.0 89 221944.0 7924 0
2020-07-29 391440.0 89 232277.0 7948 0
2020-07-30 400651.0 98 239755.0 10093 0
2020-07-31 411798.0 94 248615.0 11147 0
2020-08-01 422118.0 98 256158.0 10376 0
2020-08-02 431719.0 876 266883.0 9601 0
2020-08-03 441228.0 886 276809.0 9509 0
2020-08-04 450196.0 900 287030.0 8968 0
2020-08-05 457956.0 95 299356.0 9747 0
2020-08-06 468265.0 98 305521.0 10309 0
>>> df.groupby('State')['conf_cases','Discharged','New cases','New deaths'].max().head(10) #using head to shorten the output
# sum of all data present in specified columns, in above command will be fetched grouped by State (only 10 rows/data)
Output :-
conf_cases Discharged New cases New deaths
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1027.0 326.0 99 0
Andhra Pradesh 186461.0 104354.0 10376 0
Arunachal Pradesh 1855.0 1210.0 147 0
Assam 50445.0 35892.0 2886 0
Bihar 64770.0 42414.0 3007 0
Chandigarh 1270.0 715.0 64 0
Chhattisgarh 10407.0 7871.0 512 0
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 1366.0 960.0 108 0
Delhi 140232.0 126116.0 6850 0
Goa 7423.0 5287.0 353 0
>>> df['State'].value_counts().head(5) #using head to shorten the output
#this return a Series containing counts of unique rows in the DataFrame(5 rows only)
Output :-
Kerala 186
Delhi 154
Rajasthan 152
Uttar Pradesh 152
Haryana 152
Tamil Nadu 149
>>> df['State'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar',figsize=(15,10))
![]( align="center")
>>> gdf01 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df,geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df['Latitude'],df['Longitude']))
>>> gdf01.head()
# using geopandas to Generate GeometryArray of shapely Point geometries from x, y(, z) coordinates.
Ouput :-
Date State Latitude Longitude conf_cases Death Discharged New cases New deaths New recovered geometry
0 2020-01-30 Kerala 10.8505 76.2711 1.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 POINT (10.85050 76.27110)
1 2020-01-31 Kerala 10.8505 76.2711 1.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 POINT (10.85050 76.27110)
2 2020-02-01 Kerala 10.8505 76.2711 2.0 0 0.0 1 0 0 POINT (10.85050 76.27110)
3 2020-02-02 Kerala 10.8505 76.2711 3.0 0 0.0 1 0 0 POINT (10.85050 76.27110)
4 2020-02-03 Kerala 10.8505 76.2711 3.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 POINT (10.85050 76.27110)
>>> gdf01.plot(figsize=(20,10))
![]( align="center")
>>> df[df['State'] == 'Bihar']
# collect and show all data where state = bihar
![]( align="center")