Releases: robertdebock/ansible-role-clamav
Releases · robertdebock/ansible-role-clamav
Add a verifier, enable lint and loop instead of with_items
2.2.3 Use new Molecule Action that retries test a couple of times.
Update Molecule GitHub Action version.
2.2.2 Use new version for Github Action Molecule.
Fedora Rawhide (32) supported.
2.2.1 Fixes for Fedora Rawhide (32).
Add GitHub Actions, drop ArchLinux support.
2.2.0 Removing ArchLinux references.
Cleanup and YAML as stdout_callback
2.1.4 YAML as stdout_callback
Headers and contributions
2.1.3 Does not work on RHEL7, no way to only test and allow 8.
Require Ansible 2.8
2.1.2 Not parallel to prevent timeouts on service starts.
2.1.1 Not parallel, this role needs it's time.
Ansible 2.9 and Amazonlinux
2.1.0 Starting times out: Unable to start service clamd: Job for clamd fail…
Tox and fully generated CI & docs.
2.0.8 Update docs