Creator: Rob De Putter (HOGENT - Group: 3C) - Result: 15/20
MyMovies is an application where you can look up all movies and series. You can request a detailed list to provide more information about a particular film or series. There is also the possibility to add them to your favourites.
Furthermore, this app also offers the possibility to consult the latest releases of Netflix, so you can already look forward to a brand new season of your favorite series.
If you like to let your friends know about a movie or series that you liked very much, you can share it through different platforms (mail, messages, messenger,...).
This app demonstrates the following views and techniques:
- Retrofit to make api calls to an HTTP web service
- Moshi which handles the deserialization of the returned JSON to Kotlin data objects
- Glide to load and cache images by URL.
It leverages the following components from the Jetpack library:
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Data Binding with binding adapters
- Navigation with the SafeArgs plugin for parameter passing between fragments
Clone the repo.
git clone
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Android Studio
- Gradle
Checkout the repository, build the APK using Android Studio and test on your physical device or emulator.
- Android Studio - The IDE used
- Gradle - Build system
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