The default configuration provided here does not includes an User based authentication. This can be easily configured here.
For this we can create multiple user accounts that will be only able to access the squid server.
First enable the user based authentication in User Based Authentication file. We will need to uncomment
the lines those enable the authentication.
By default private network will be allowed to access squid server without any authentication. To enable authentication for private network comment out http_access allow private-network
line in Squid.conf file.
Once the authentication enabled we can create user account.
touch configs/squid.conf.d/basic-auth.htpasswd
docker-compose exec -it squid htpasswd -bB /etc/squid/conf.d/basic-auth.htpasswd USERNAME PASSWORD
docker-compose restart
As this configuration require an user based authentication. We can validate this with curl.
# Access a website with user authentication.
# This should work.
curl --proxy --proxy-user USER_NAME:USER_PASSWORD https://SOME_HTTPS_WEBSITE
# Access a website without user authentication.
# This should not work.
curl --proxy https://SOME_HTTPS_WEBSITE