(may apply to other bundled django applications, where mod_wsgi is used to connect to django)
an existing django application has been installed on unbuntu using apt-get
This is challenging as its not obvious where things are configured and how to propagate changes. Here are notes from going through this process - if there is a better way please document it here and throw these away!
This is standard process - up to a point..
install django modules - into the same environment you app is installed - note that using the apt-get method means the app is globally installed, not into a virtualenv, and hence most of the django developer docs are no longer relevant
set up django-admin to use the default app :
- this is tricky because with apt-get installation you do not get the containing django project directory with manage.py - at least I could not find if/where this was available in the default installation e.g. mkdir /usr/share/django-apps cd /usr/share/django-apps ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/geonode . create a manage.py in /usr/share/django-apps edit so settings are geonode/settings ( note, you cannot run this inside geonode because of conflicts between imported module "geoserver" and local module! -
now we need to make the installed app know about the extensions: edit geonode/settings (eg local_settings.py) to include new packages in INSTALLED_APPS, and other settings required (RDFSTORE) edit geonode/urls.py
run python manage.py syncdb
NB this will load initial data
work out how signals to publish to remote RDFSTORE survive this installation process
touch /var/www/geonode/wsgi/geonode.wsgi
load some content for which RDF mappings exist test :
one way to test stuff is: python manage.py shell
import all the things in the module you want to invoke so you can run methods and interact with object types:
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect from rdf_io.models import ObjectMapping,Namespace,AttributeMapping, ObjectType, getattr_path from django.template import RequestContext from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.conf import settings from string import Formatter import requests
set up debugger:
set up breakpoint
back to shell:
call function to debug
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() b rdf_io/views:217 c from rdf_io.views import do_sync_remote do_sync_remote('scheme')