KVision - object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS.
KVision main Application class and some helper interfaces necessary to support Hot Module Replacement (HMR).
Annotations for use with KVision compiler plugin.
KVision core classes. This includes base interfaces for all components, CSS enums (for colors, borders, backgrounds, fonts, text and position) and the main Widget class.
Full-featured chart component based on chart.js library.
Kotlin bindings for chart.js API.
Kotlin bindings for core Apache Cordova API.
Base component and container class with data binding support for observable data model.
Bootstrap dropdown component with support for navigation bars and context menus.
Globals for Electron API.
Kotlin bindings for Electron API.
Kotlin bindings for NodeJS API within Electron.
Extension functions producing coroutines Flows for KVision event and data sources.
Convenient forms implementation, with support for many different input components and easy to define validation.
Checkbox, radiobutton and radiobutton group components.
Numeric input components including range selection and spinner.
Contains a simple select component as well as full-featured components with support for remote data sources.
Text input components, with password, text area, rich text area and typeahead support.
Full-featured date and time input components.
Full-featured file upload component with drag & drop, preview and AJAX upload mode.
Components supporting complete set of HTML tags, with dedicated classes for buttons, images, links, lists and iframe. Support for Handlebars.js templates is included.
Internationalization classes.
A maps component based on Leaflet library.
Classes supporting general purpose Bootstrap modals with convenient helpers for alert and confirm popup dialogs.
A set of tools for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates based on Moment Library.
Bootstrap navbar components.
Bootstrap offcanvas component.
Material web button components (elevated, filled, filled tonal, outlined, text).
Material web checkbox component.
Material web chips components (chip set, chip).
Material web dialog component.
Material web divider component.
Material web fab components (fab, branded fab).
Material web icon component.
Material web icon button components (filled, filled tonal, outlined, standard).
Material web list components (list, list item).
Material web menu components (menu, menu item, submenu).
Material web progress components (circular, linear).
Material web radio component.
Material web ripple component.
Material web select components (filled, outlined, select option).
Material web slider components (slider, range slider).
Material web switch component.
Material web tabs components (tabs, primary tab, secondary tab).
Material web text field component (filled, outlined).
Onsen UI helper utility functions.
Onsen UI carousel component.
Onsen UI control components (action button, speed dial, segment).
Onsen UI main structural components (page, navigator).
Onsen UI dialogs, toasts, popovers and notifications.
Onsen UI form components.
Onsen UI grid layout components.
Onsen UI list component.
Onsen UI splitter component.
Onsen UI tabbar component.
Onsen UI toolbar component.
Onsen UI visual components (card, icon, progress bars and ripple).
Automatic progress bar module.
Rich set of container classes, supporting both simple use cases and sophisticated layouts (including CSS flexbox, CSS grid and Bootstrap responsive 12 columns gid).
Printing support.
Bootstrap progress bar component.
KVision bindings for embedded React components.
Predictable state container based on Redux library.
A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.
Classes supporting the observer pattern, including the implementation of the observable list.
Full-featured grid/table component based on the Tabulator library.
Kotlin bindings for Tabulator API.
Helper functions for running unit tests.
RESTful API client with support for type-safe connectivity.
Simple and easy to use JavaScript router wrapper.
Snabbdom virtual DOM bindings.
Clasess supporting HTML tables.
The toast component.
Toolbar and button group components.
Multiplatform type definitions.
Interfaces and helper functions for Snabbdom virtual dom implementation and a few useful extension functions.
Floating, resizable window component.