This is a basic shopping application, which can also be used as a a boiler plate code.
The application uses following technologies: Java, JavaScript, HTML
It is based on following frameworks: Spring boot, Angular.js, jQuery, lodash
H2 database has been used to persist the entities.
Steps to download the application / code:
If downloading just the jar file from this repository do the following
- Check the java version, it must be >=1.8. If not, it can be downloaded from here
- Open terminal and navigate to the folder containing the jar
- Type the following command:
java -jar ThePirateShop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- If the port 8080 is already in use, type the following:
java -Dserver.port=8109 -jar ThePirateShop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- The application must be up and running.
- Go to your favourite browser and hit the address
- Register as a new user and login.
If cloning the whole repository, do the following
- Check the java version, it must be >=1.8. If not, it can be downloaded from here
- If your system does not have maven installed, install it from here
- Import the project in your code editor as an existing maven module
- Run the project as maven clean
- Run the project as maven install
- Run the class as java application and not on server
- Go to your favourite browser and hit the address
- Register as a new user and login