diff --git a/.github/test_events/README.md b/.github/test_events/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6b47603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/test_events/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# GitHub Test Events
+This folder contains mock GitHub webhook events. They can be used as input to [nektos/act](https://github.com/nektos/act) to simulate what will happen for that event. This is useful for testing CI changes locally.
+For example, to simulate what will happen in GitHub actions run when a Python pre-release is published, you can run:
+act release -n -e .github/test_events/prerelease_python.json
+These payloads are adapted from GitHub's examples in [Events that trigger workflows](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows).
diff --git a/.github/test_events/python_prerelease.json b/.github/test_events/python_prerelease.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54cf8e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/test_events/python_prerelease.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "action": "published",
+ "release": {
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+ "target_commitish": "master",
+ "name": "v1.0.0",
+ "body": "Description of the release",
+ "draft": false,
+ "prerelease": true,
+ "created_at": "2013-02-27T19:35:32Z",
+ "published_at": "2013-02-27T19:35:32Z",
+ "author": {
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+ "type": "User",
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.github/test_events/python_release.json b/.github/test_events/python_release.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..365abd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/test_events/python_release.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "action": "published",
+ "release": {
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/releases/1",
+ "html_url": "https://github.com/octocat/Hello-World/releases/v1.0.0",
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+ "upload_url": "https://uploads.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/releases/1/assets{?name,label}",
+ "tarball_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/tarball/v1.0.0",
+ "zipball_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/zipball/v1.0.0",
+ "discussion_url": "https://github.com/octocat/Hello-World/discussions/90",
+ "id": 1,
+ "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTE=",
+ "tag_name": "quil-py/v1.0.0",
+ "target_commitish": "master",
+ "name": "v1.0.0",
+ "body": "Description of the release",
+ "draft": false,
+ "prerelease": false,
+ "created_at": "2013-02-27T19:35:32Z",
+ "published_at": "2013-02-27T19:35:32Z",
+ "author": {
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+ "type": "User",
+ "site_admin": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/bench.yml b/.github/workflows/bench.yml
index 9bde6d6b..f3b76737 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/bench.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/bench.yml
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ jobs:
- stable
+ # Some of the snapshots have long file paths, so we need to enable long file paths on Windows where the limit is 260 by default
+ - name: Allow Long File Paths
+ if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
+ run: |
+ reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem /v LongPathsEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
+ # https://github.com/actions/checkout/issues/1285#issuecomment-2042579471
+ git config --system core.longpaths true
- name: Checkout sources
uses: actions/checkout@v2
@@ -41,7 +48,7 @@ jobs:
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: bench
- args: --bench parser -- --warm-up-time=2 --measurement-time=3 --sample-size=500 --color=always
+ args: --bench parser --bench simplification -- --warm-up-time=2 --measurement-time=3 --sample-size=500 --color=always
- name: Archive benchmark results
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'}}
@@ -49,4 +56,4 @@ jobs:
name: benchmarks-${{ matrix.os }}
path: target/criterion
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/msrv.yml b/.github/workflows/msrv.yml
index 9f667259..effc84d9 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/msrv.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/msrv.yml
@@ -53,6 +53,23 @@ jobs:
command: test
args: --all-features
+ check-py:
+ name: Check quil-py
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.12']
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ override: true
+ - uses: davidB/rust-cargo-make@v1
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
+ - name: Run quil-py tests, lints, and formatting checks.
+ run: cargo make --cwd quil-py
name: Rustfmt
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@@ -103,7 +120,7 @@ jobs:
uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
command: clippy
- args: -- -D warnings
+ args: --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings
name: Deny
diff --git a/.github/workflows/prepare-release.yml b/.github/workflows/prepare-release.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1a0121..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/prepare-release.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-name: Prepare Release
- push:
- branches:
- - main
- workflow_dispatch:
- inputs:
- type:
- description: Bump versions and trigger a new release.
- required: true
- default: release
- options:
- - release
- - prerelease
- prepare-release:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- env:
- GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- with:
- fetch-depth: 0
- token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- - name: Install Knope
- uses: knope-dev/action@v1
- with:
- version: 0.7.1 # Test before updating, breaking changes likely: https://github.com/knope-dev/action#install-latest-version
- - run: |
- git config --global user.name "${{ github.triggering_actor }}"
- git config --global user.email "${{ github.triggering_actor}}@users.noreply.github.com"
- - name: Prepare Prerelease
- run: knope prerelease
- if: github.event_name == 'push'
- - name: Prepare Release
- run: knope ${{ inputs.type }}
- if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-docs.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-docs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..989f9418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish-docs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+name: Publish quil-py documentation
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ pull_request:
+ types:
+ - opened
+ - reopened
+ - synchronize
+ - closed
+ publish-docs:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.11'
+ - name: Install poetry
+ uses: snok/install-poetry@v1
+ - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
+ - name: Install cargo-make
+ uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
+ with:
+ command: install
+ args: --debug cargo-make
+ - name: Build quil-py documentation
+ uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1
+ with:
+ command: make
+ args: --cwd quil-py --makefile Makefile.toml docs
+ - name: Deploy preview
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+ uses: rossjrw/pr-preview-action@v1
+ with:
+ source-dir: quil-py/build/docs
+ preview-branch: quil-py-docs
+ - name: Deploy docs
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
+ with:
+ github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ publish_dir: quil-py/build/docs
+ publish_branch: quil-py-docs
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-quil-py.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-quil-py.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..809a7a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish-quil-py.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+name: Publish quil-py
+ release:
+ types: [published]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ description: "Manually publish release"
+ inputs:
+ publishWheels:
+ description: "Build and publish wheels to PyPI"
+ type: boolean
+ default: false
+ is-python-release:
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || startsWith(github.event.release.tag_name, 'quil-py/v') }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - run: echo "Release tag starts with quil-py/v, proceeding with release"
+ should-publish-wheels:
+ if: (github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && inputs.publishWheels) || (github.event_name == 'release' && !github.event.release.prerelease)
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - run: echo "Publishing wheels"
+ macos:
+ runs-on: macos-12
+ needs: [ is-python-release, should-publish-wheels ]
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.12']
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Install Rust
+ uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ target: aarch64-apple-darwin
+ profile: minimal
+ default: true
+ - name: Build wheels - universal2
+ # universal2 supports both x86_64 and aarch64
+ uses: messense/maturin-action@v1
+ with:
+ args: -i python --release --target universal2-apple-darwin --manifest-path quil-py/Cargo.toml --out dist
+ - name: Install wheel
+ run: |
+ pip install quil --no-index --find-links dist --force-reinstall
+ - name: Upload wheels
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: wheels
+ path: dist
+ linux:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+ needs: [ is-python-release, should-publish-wheels ]
+ env:
+ CXXFLAGS: "-std=c++11"
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.12']
+ target: [x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Install Rust
+ uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ profile: minimal
+ default: true
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Build wheels
+ uses: messense/maturin-action@v1
+ with:
+ target: ${{ matrix.target }}
+ manylinux: 2014
+ args: -i ${{ matrix.python-version }} --release --manifest-path quil-py/Cargo.toml --out dist
+ - name: Install wheel
+ if: ${{ matrix.target == 'x86_64' }} # pip can only install wheels for it's own architecture
+ run: |
+ pip install quil --no-index --find-links dist --force-reinstall
+ - name: Upload wheels
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: wheels
+ path: dist
+ windows:
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ needs: [ is-python-release, should-publish-wheels ]
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.12']
+ target: [x64]
+ steps:
+ # Some of the snapshots have long file paths, so we need to enable long file paths on Windows where the limit is 260 by default
+ - name: Allow Long File Paths
+ run: |
+ reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem /v LongPathsEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
+ # https://github.com/actions/checkout/issues/1285#issuecomment-2042579471
+ git config --system core.longpaths true
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ profile: minimal
+ default: true
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ architecture: ${{ matrix.target }}
+ - name: Build wheels
+ uses: messense/maturin-action@v1
+ with:
+ target: ${{ matrix.target }}
+ args: -i python --release --manifest-path quil-py/Cargo.toml --out dist
+ - name: Install built wheel
+ run: |
+ pip install quil --find-links dist --force-reinstall --no-deps --no-index
+ - name: Upload wheels
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: wheels
+ path: dist
+ sdist:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: is-python-release
+ env:
+ CXXFLAGS: "-std=c++11"
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Install Rust
+ uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ profile: minimal
+ default: true
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.11'
+ - name: Build sdist
+ uses: messense/maturin-action@v1
+ with:
+ command: sdist
+ args: --manifest-path quil-py/Cargo.toml --out dist
+ - name: Upload sdist
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: wheels
+ path: dist
+ publish-python-package:
+ name: Release
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ # `needs` forces this job to wait until all specified jobs
+ # are finished to run. Typically, those jobs would all have
+ # to be successful, but when combined with `if: always()`,
+ # this job is allowed to run after all the needed jobs
+ # finish, regardless of their outcome. In this case, we
+ # still make sure that at least a source distribution
+ # can be published.
+ needs: [ macos, linux, windows, sdist ]
+ if: always() && needs.sdist.result == 'success'
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+ - name: Publish to PyPi
+ uses: messense/maturin-action@v1
+ with:
+ command: upload
+ args: --skip-existing wheels/*
+ publish-rust-crate:
+ name: Release
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: publish-python-package
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
+ - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ override: true
+ - run: cargo publish --manifest-path=quil-py/Cargo.toml --token ${{ secrets.CRATES_IO_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish-quil-rs.yml b/.github/workflows/publish-quil-rs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95a6db25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish-quil-rs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: Publish quil-rs
+ release:
+ types: [published]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ description: "Manually publish release"
+ is-quil-rs-release:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ if: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || startswith(github.event.release.tag_name, 'quil-rs/v') }}
+ steps:
+ - run: echo "release tag starts with quil-rs/v, proceeding with release"
+ release:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: is-quil-rs-release
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
+ - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
+ with:
+ toolchain: stable
+ override: true
+ - run: cargo publish --manifest-path=quil-rs/Cargo.toml --token ${{ secrets.CRATES_IO_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index 2b9ce2e7..14cefc78 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -1,21 +1,39 @@
name: Release
- release:
- types: [published]
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - main
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ type:
+ description: Bump versions and trigger a new release.
+ required: true
+ default: release
+ options:
+ - release
+ - prerelease
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ env:
+ GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- with:
- fetch-depth: 0
- token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
- with:
- toolchain: stable
- override: true
- - uses: katyo/publish-crates@v1
- with:
- registry-token: ${{ secrets.CRATES_IO_TOKEN }}
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
+ - name: Install Knope
+ uses: knope-dev/action@v1
+ with:
+ version: 0.7.1 # Test before updating, breaking changes likely: https://github.com/knope-dev/action#install-latest-version
+ - run: |
+ git config --global user.name "${{ github.triggering_actor }}"
+ git config --global user.email "${{ github.triggering_actor}}@users.noreply.github.com"
+ - name: Prepare Prerelease
+ run: knope release --prerelease-label=rc
+ if: github.event_name == 'push' || (github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && inputs.type == 'prerelease')
+ - name: Prepare Release
+ run: knope release
+ if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && inputs.type == 'release'
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 224fdc61..d91fab29 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
-# JetBrains Editors
\ No newline at end of file
+# unreviewed insta snapshots
+# IDEs and editors
+# Python artifacts
+# quil-py documentation
+# unversioned developer notes
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 4769fdae..c9d91faf 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-[submodule "benches/quilc"]
- path = benches/quilc
+[submodule "quil-rs/benches/quilc"]
+ path = quil-rs/benches/quilc
url = https://github.com/quil-lang/quilc.git
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 31b91c92..00000000
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-## 0.16.0-rc.1
-### Breaking Changes
-- empty commit so knope calculates current version
-### Fixes
-- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
-- correctly expand delays (#142)
-## 0.10.0-rc.2
-### Breaking Changes
-- empty commit to force version bump
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
-- correctly expand delays (#142)
-- update snapshots
-- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.1
-### Breaking Changes
-- empty commit to force version bump
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
-- correctly expand delays (#142)
-- update snapshots
-- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- empty commit to force version bump
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
-- correctly expand delays (#142)
-- update snapshots
-- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.16.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- empty commit to force version bump
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- correctly expand delays (#142)
-- update snapshots
-- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.15.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- empty commit to force version bump
-## 0.10.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- update snapshots
-- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.2
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- update snapshots
-- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.1
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- RESET frame computation
-- Program.into_simplified
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- Program.into_simplified
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.15.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.14.2
-### Features
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-## 0.14.2-rc.0
-### Features
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-## 0.10.0-rc.1
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.1
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.11.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- support INCLUDE
-- support CONVERT
-- support NOP
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.10.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
-## 0.15.0-rc.0
-### Breaking Changes
-- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
-- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
-### Features
-- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
-### Fixes
-- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
-- fix performance regression (#113)
-- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
-- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
-- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
-- identifier parser (#100)
-- test cases with rstest
-- test cases should not violate the spec
-- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
-- use structured error
-- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
-- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
-- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
-- test roundtrip of program->string->program
-- linting
-- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c3d5da7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Contributing to quil-rs and quil-py
+Welcome to the `quil-rs` project, and thanks for contributing!
+This guide is to help walk you through contributing in different ways to `quil-rs` and `quil-py`,
+as well as share some general how-tos for development, testing, and maintenance.
+## Table of Contents
+[Developer Guidelines](#developer-guidelines)
+- [Instruction Module](#instruction-module)
+[Tips for Maintainers](#tips-for-maintainers)
+- [Makefile Tasks](#makefiles-tasks)
+## Developer Guidelines
+### Instruction Module
+The `instruction` module is large, so we follow a few guidelines when adding or changing instructions to help keep
+them organized and consistent in both the `quil-rs` and `quil-py` crates.
+All instruction definitions live inside of the `instruction` module. For ease of development,
+instruction types are grouped into submodules so that similar instructions can be modified and viewed together
+rather than having all instructions in one large file. However, to avoid imposing potentially arbritrary
+instruction categories onto the user, the `instruction` module publically re-exports all of its types from
+its root.
+This module structure should remain consistent between both `quil-rs` and `quil-py`. For example, the file
+`src/instruction/gate.rs` exists in both `quil-rs` and `quil-py` and contains the same set of instruction
+definitions (for their respective target language, of course).
+In short, an instruction should:
+ 1. Be organized in the equivalent `instruction` submodule for both `quil-rs` and `quil-py` crates
+ 2. Only be re-exported publicly from the root of the `Instruction` module
+## Tips for Maintainers
+### Makefile Tasks
+This repo uses [cargo-make](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make) to define task flows that perform
+common operations. We've extended the default flow with tasks specific to the `quil-rs` and `quil-py`
+crates. You can run the default task with:
+cargo make
+# or
+It's worth periodically running this command as you develop to make sure there are no unexpected failures.
+Check the [`cargo-make documentation`](https://github.com/sagiegurari/cargo-make#predefined-makefiles) for
+more information on the predefined tasks available. The custom flows we've added are described below:
+#### `stubtest-flow`
+The `quil-py` crate defines `stubtest-flow`. It builds and installs the Python package, then runs
+[stubtest](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/stubtest.html) to check that the manually written type hints
+are consistent with what the package exports. If any errors are reported, they should be fixed so users
+of the Python package are given accurate type hints by their tooling.
+### `pytest-flow`
+The `quil-py` crate also defines `pytest-flow`. It builds and installs the Python package, then runs a test suite against the package using [pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.2.x/). These tests are used to validate functionality of the `quil` package at the Python level and should always pass.
diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index da024494..ec21256a 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ version = 3
name = "aho-corasick"
-version = "0.7.20"
+version = "1.1.3"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "cc936419f96fa211c1b9166887b38e5e40b19958e5b895be7c1f93adec7071ac"
+checksum = "8e60d3430d3a69478ad0993f19238d2df97c507009a52b3c10addcd7f6bcb916"
dependencies = [
@@ -18,21 +18,75 @@ source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "4b46cbb362ab8752921c97e041f5e366ee6297bd428a31275b9fcf1e380f7299"
-name = "atty"
-version = "0.2.14"
+name = "anstream"
+version = "0.6.14"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "d9b39be18770d11421cdb1b9947a45dd3f37e93092cbf377614828a319d5fee8"
+checksum = "418c75fa768af9c03be99d17643f93f79bbba589895012a80e3452a19ddda15b"
dependencies = [
- "hermit-abi",
- "libc",
- "winapi",
+ "anstyle",
+ "anstyle-parse",
+ "anstyle-query",
+ "anstyle-wincon",
+ "colorchoice",
+ "is_terminal_polyfill",
+ "utf8parse",
-name = "autocfg"
+name = "anstyle"
+version = "1.0.7"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "038dfcf04a5feb68e9c60b21c9625a54c2c0616e79b72b0fd87075a056ae1d1b"
+name = "anstyle-parse"
+version = "0.2.4"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "c03a11a9034d92058ceb6ee011ce58af4a9bf61491aa7e1e59ecd24bd40d22d4"
+dependencies = [
+ "utf8parse",
+name = "anstyle-query"
version = "1.1.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "d468802bab17cbc0cc575e9b053f41e72aa36bfa6b7f55e3529ffa43161b97fa"
+checksum = "ad186efb764318d35165f1758e7dcef3b10628e26d41a44bc5550652e6804391"
+dependencies = [
+ "windows-sys",
+name = "anstyle-wincon"
+version = "3.0.3"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "61a38449feb7068f52bb06c12759005cf459ee52bb4adc1d5a7c4322d716fb19"
+dependencies = [
+ "anstyle",
+ "windows-sys",
+name = "anyhow"
+version = "1.0.86"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "b3d1d046238990b9cf5bcde22a3fb3584ee5cf65fb2765f454ed428c7a0063da"
+name = "approx"
+version = "0.5.1"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "cab112f0a86d568ea0e627cc1d6be74a1e9cd55214684db5561995f6dad897c6"
+dependencies = [
+ "num-complex",
+ "num-traits",
+name = "autocfg"
+version = "1.3.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "0c4b4d0bd25bd0b74681c0ad21497610ce1b7c91b1022cd21c80c6fbdd9476b0"
name = "bit-set"
@@ -51,27 +105,27 @@ checksum = "349f9b6a179ed607305526ca489b34ad0a41aed5f7980fa90eb03160b69598fb"
name = "bitflags"
-version = "1.3.2"
+version = "2.5.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "bef38d45163c2f1dde094a7dfd33ccf595c92905c8f8f4fdc18d06fb1037718a"
+checksum = "cf4b9d6a944f767f8e5e0db018570623c85f3d925ac718db4e06d0187adb21c1"
name = "bumpalo"
-version = "3.11.1"
+version = "3.16.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "572f695136211188308f16ad2ca5c851a712c464060ae6974944458eb83880ba"
+checksum = "79296716171880943b8470b5f8d03aa55eb2e645a4874bdbb28adb49162e012c"
name = "bytecount"
-version = "0.6.3"
+version = "0.6.8"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
-checksum = "2c676a478f63e9fa2dd5368a42f28bba0d6c560b775f38583c8bbaa7fcd67c9c"
+checksum = "5ce89b21cab1437276d2650d57e971f9d548a2d9037cc231abdc0562b97498ce"
-name = "byteorder"
-version = "1.4.3"
+name = "bytemuck"
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-keywords = ["Quil", "Quantum", "Rigetti"]
-categories = ["parser-implementations", "science", "compilers", "emulators"]
-dot-writer = { version = "0.1.2", optional = true }
-indexmap = "1.6.1"
-lexical = "6.1.1"
-nom = "7.1.1"
-nom_locate = "4.0.0"
-num-complex = "0.4.0"
-once_cell = "1.17.1"
-petgraph = "0.6.2"
-regex = "1.7.2"
-serde = { version = "1.0.125", features = ["derive"] }
-strum = { version = "0.24.1", features = ["derive"] }
-thiserror = "1.0.37"
-criterion = { version = "0.4.0", features = ["html_reports"] }
-insta = "1.7.1"
-proptest = "1.0.0"
-proptest-derive = "0.3.0"
-rstest = "0.15.0"
-graphviz-dot = ["dot-writer"]
-latex = []
+members = ["quil-rs", "quil-py", "quil-cli"]
+resolver = "2"
lto = true
codegen-units = 1
-name = "parser"
-harness = false
+ndarray = { version = "0.15.6", features = ["approx-0_5"] }
+strum = { version = "0.26.0", features = ["derive"] }
+indexmap = "2.2.6"
diff --git a/Makefile.toml b/Makefile.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ae4d011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+workspace = false
+script = "sh ./scripts/sync_versions.sh"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f503b71b..b26ace68 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ It serves three purposes:
It should be considered unstable until the release of v1.0.
## Testing
When testing this crate, you should run with the `--all-features` flag to ensure all tests are executed.
cargo test --all-features
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/benches/parser.rs b/benches/parser.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c966b1ca..00000000
--- a/benches/parser.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
-use std::{fs, path::Path, process::Command, str::FromStr};
-fn benchmark_sample_calibration(c: &mut Criterion) {
- let input = fs::read_to_string(concat!(
- "/benches/sample-calibrations.quil"
- ))
- .expect("benches/sample-calibrations.quil should exist");
- let mut group = c.benchmark_group("calibration file");
- group.sample_size(100);
- group.bench_function("Sample calibration file", |b| {
- b.iter(|| {
- let _ = quil_rs::Program::from_str(&input);
- })
- });
- group.finish();
-fn benchmark_quil_corpus(c: &mut Criterion) {
- from_corpus().iter().for_each(|cfg| {
- c.bench_function(&cfg.name, |b| {
- b.iter(|| {
- let _ = quil_rs::Program::from_str(&cfg.program);
- })
- });
- })
-struct QuilBenchConfig {
- name: String,
- program: String,
-fn from_corpus() -> Vec {
- const PATH_SRC: &str = "benches/quilc/tests/good-test-files";
- // collect valid quil programs
- let mut programs = vec![];
- let corpus_dir = Path::new(PATH_SRC);
- if !corpus_dir.exists() {
- init_submodules()
- }
- let dir = fs::read_dir(corpus_dir).expect("failed to locate quil corpus directory");
- dir.filter_map(Result::ok)
- .filter(|entry| {
- entry
- .metadata()
- .expect("failed to read file metadata")
- .is_file()
- })
- .for_each(|entry| {
- let program =
- fs::read_to_string(entry.path()).expect("failed to read quil program file");
- let name = entry
- .file_name()
- .to_str()
- .expect("bad filename")
- .to_string();
- // attempt to parse the quil once, ignoring unparsable input (only benchmark parsable code)
- if quil_rs::Program::from_str(&program).is_ok() {
- programs.push(QuilBenchConfig { name, program });
- }
- });
- programs
-// in the event someone wants to run the benchmarks locally, this will download the corpus of quil used
-fn init_submodules() {
- Command::new("git")
- .args(["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"])
- .spawn()
- .expect("failed to spawn git process")
- .wait_with_output()
- .expect("failed to init submodules, verify `git` is installed");
-criterion_group!(benches, benchmark_sample_calibration, benchmark_quil_corpus);
diff --git a/benches/quilc b/benches/quilc
deleted file mode 160000
index a2925c5d..00000000
--- a/benches/quilc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit a2925c5dd1764534ef8ea4e66b051cc43cecea30
diff --git a/deny.toml b/deny.toml
index e89660a5..ec107f0b 100644
--- a/deny.toml
+++ b/deny.toml
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ vulnerability = "deny"
# The lint level for unmaintained crates
unmaintained = "deny"
# The lint level for crates that have been yanked from their source registry
-yanked = "deny"
+yanked = "warn"
# The lint level for crates with security notices.
notice = "deny"
# A list of advisory IDs to ignore. Note that ignored advisories will still
# output a note when they are encountered.
ignore = [
- "RUSTSEC-2023-0018" # remove_dir_all is used by proptest, a dev dependency
+ "RUSTSEC-2024-0320" # yaml-rust is unmaintained, dependency of insta
# This section is considered when running `cargo deny check licenses`
@@ -33,7 +33,14 @@ ignore = [
# https://embarkstudios.github.io/cargo-deny/checks/licenses/cfg.html
unlicensed = "deny"
-allow = ["Apache-2.0", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception", "BSD-2-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause", "MIT", "Unicode-DFS-2016"]
+allow = [
+ "Apache-2.0",
+ "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception",
+ "BSD-2-Clause",
+ "BSD-3-Clause",
+ "MIT",
+ "Unicode-DFS-2016",
# List of explictly disallowed licenses
# See https://spdx.org/licenses/ for list of possible licenses
# [possible values: any SPDX 3.11 short identifier (+ optional exception)].
@@ -71,12 +78,16 @@ multiple-versions = "deny"
wildcards = "deny"
highlight = "all"
skip-tree = [
- { name = "syn", version = "*", depth = 5 }, # Used in both serde_derive and proptest-derive
- { name = "quick-error", version = "*" }, # proptest relies on two versions of this
- { name = "itoa", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
- { name = "hermit-abi", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
- { name = "memoffset", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
- { name = "windows-sys", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "syn", version = "*", depth = 5 }, # Used in both serde_derive and proptest-derive
+ { name = "quick-error", version = "*" }, # proptest relies on two versions of this
+ { name = "itoa", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "hermit-abi", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "memoffset", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "windows-sys", version = "*" }, # various dependencies rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "regex-syntax", version = "*" }, # proptest and criterion rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "redox_syscall", version = "*" }, # proptest and pyo3 rely on two versions of this
+ { name = "itertools", version = "*" }, # proptest relies on an older version of itertools than we use
+ { name = "heck", version = "*" }, # conflicting dependency with pyo3 and clap
# This section is considered when running `cargo deny check sources`.
@@ -92,4 +103,3 @@ unknown-git = "deny"
# List of URLs for allowed crate registries. Defaults to the crates.io index
# if not specified. If it is specified but empty, no registries are allowed.
allow-registry = ["https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"]
diff --git a/knope.toml b/knope.toml
index 31ec98ee..b36c3693 100644
--- a/knope.toml
+++ b/knope.toml
@@ -1,41 +1,47 @@
-versioned_files = ["Cargo.toml"]
-changelog = "CHANGELOG.md"
+versioned_files = ["quil-rs/Cargo.toml"]
+changelog = "quil-rs/CHANGELOG.md"
+scopes = ["rs", "rust", "quil-rs"]
+versioned_files = ["quil-py/Cargo.toml", "quil-py/pyproject.toml"]
+changelog = "quil-py/CHANGELOG.md"
+scopes = ["py", "python", "quil-py"]
+versioned_files = ["quil-cli/Cargo.toml"]
+changelog = "quil-cli/CHANGELOG.md"
+scopes = ["cli", "quil-cli"]
-name = "prerelease"
+name = "release"
type = "PrepareRelease"
-prerelease_label = "rc"
type = "Command"
-command = "cargo update -w && git add Cargo.lock && git commit -m \"chore: prepare pre-release $version [skip ci]\""
-variables = { "$version" = "Version" }
+command = "sh ./scripts/sync_versions.sh"
type = "Command"
-command = "git push"
+command = "git add quil-py/Cargo.toml"
-type = "Release"
-name = "release"
-type = "PrepareRelease"
+type = "Command"
+command = "git add quil-cli/Cargo.toml"
type = "Command"
-command = "git add Cargo.lock && git commit -m \"chore: prepare release $version [skip ci]\""
-variables = { "$version" = "Version" }
+command = "git commit -m \"chore: prepare release [skip ci]\""
type = "Command"
command = "git push"
+type = "Release"
owner = "rigetti"
repo = "quil-rs"
diff --git a/quil-cli/CHANGELOG.md b/quil-cli/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0517a714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-cli/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+## 0.3.1
+### Features
+- add waveform templates (#369)
+### Fixes
+- Parsing programs with integers that overflow a u64 will no longer panic; instead, they will raise an error. (#372)
+## 0.3.1-rc.1
+### Features
+- add waveform templates (#369)
+### Fixes
+- Parsing programs with integers that overflow a u64 will no longer panic; instead, they will raise an error. (#372)
+## 0.3.1-rc.0
+### Features
+- add waveform templates (#369)
+## 0.3.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- reduce number of classical instruction edges in InstructionBlock::graph
+## 0.3.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- reduce number of classical instruction edges in InstructionBlock::graph
+## 0.2.1
+### Features
+- Support constructing ControlFlowGraph and BasicBlocks. (#359)
+## 0.2.1-rc.0
+### Features
+- Support constructing ControlFlowGraph and BasicBlocks. (#359)
+## 0.2.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program instruction iteration and serialization is deterministic. (#355)
+### Fixes
+- Program equality is sensitive to the order of calibration instructions. (#357)
+## 0.2.0-rc.1
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program instruction iteration and serialization is deterministic. (#355)
+### Fixes
+- Program equality is sensitive to the order of calibration instructions. (#357)
+## 0.1.1-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- Program equality is sensitive to the order of calibration instructions. (#357)
+## 0.1.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- CalibrationSet's and Program's will be considered equal if they contain the same set of calibrations, regardless of order. (#352)
+- #334: program scheduling and analysis utilities (#336)
+- Program now has a gate_definitions property that stores all DEFGATEs in a program. These instructions will no longer appear in body_instructions. (#306)
+- Support for Qubit and Target Placeholdres have been added. Converting programs and instructions to a string has been removed and replaced with a fallible to_quil() method. The `Label` struct has been repurposed to support `Label` instructions specifically. The `Target` enum has been added to express `@targets` as part of an instruction. (#266)
+- Decouple expression hashing and equality (#277)
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+- This release is identical to 0.18.0. An error in our CI caused a continuity error with our published releases. (#254)
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+- Release quil-py
+- introduce ExecutionDependency::Scheduled (#186)
+- empty commit so knope calculates current version
+- empty commit to force version bump
+- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
+- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
+### Features
+- Add CLI for interacting with quil-rs (#348)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from `Program`s (#323)
+- Add `Program.wrap_in_loop()` method (#321)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from Programs
+- Make in-place addition of Program more efficient (#290)
+- Add get_qubits method to Instruction
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+- RESET frame computation
+- Program.into_simplified
+- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
+- support INCLUDE
+- support CONVERT
+- support NOP
+- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
+- update program to use btreemap for deterministic ordering
+### Fixes
+- Revert "match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier" (#342)
+- include separators between DEFCIRCUIT parameters (#338)
+- `is_quil_t()` now correctly returns false for WAIT instructions (#331)
+- The `wrap_in_loop` method now applies the end target to the program (#329)
+- use internal QuotedString wrapper to quote Quil strings correctly (#317)
+- misc instruction memory accesses (#304)
+- match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier (#300)
+- trigger release
+- calibration definitions don't contribute to Instrution::get_qubits
+- implement PartialOrd correctly for types implementing Ord (#295)
+- no percent symbol in variable qubit outputs
+- Implement not equal comparisons (#289)
+- Allow whitespace to delimit matrix specifications, better support parsing (#286)
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+- The parser now follows the correct precedence rules for ungrouped infix expressions (#207)
+- The imaginary part of a complex number will now always be formatted as a floating point number. (#205)
+- mark additional instructions as scheduled (#203)
+- parse SWAP-PHASES (#200)
+- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
+- correctly expand delays (#142)
+- update snapshots
+- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
+- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
+- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
+- fix performance regression (#113)
+- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
+- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
+- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
+- identifier parser (#100)
+- test cases with rstest
+- test cases should not violate the spec
+- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
+- use structured error
+- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
+- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
+- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
+- test roundtrip of program->string->program
+- linting
+- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
+- cargo fmt & passing tests
+- PRAGMA instruction `Display` impl (#62)
+- change quilc submodule to use HTTPS
+- move cargo update inline with semantic-release prepare cmd
+- lex keywords from identifiers (#47)
+- DEFWAVEFORM and waveform name parsing (#40)
+- remove unused imports
+- `Program::from_str` and `Expression::from_str` will no longer panic on bad input. (#37)
+- Allow indented comments when parsing. (#24)
+- Unbox calibrations and waveform invocations
+- parse and print real values as double precision
+- support Windows line separators \r\n
+- make program::graph public (#4)
+## 0.1.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- CalibrationSet's and Program's will be considered equal if they contain the same set of calibrations, regardless of order. (#352)
+- #334: program scheduling and analysis utilities (#336)
+- Program now has a gate_definitions property that stores all DEFGATEs in a program. These instructions will no longer appear in body_instructions. (#306)
+- Support for Qubit and Target Placeholdres have been added. Converting programs and instructions to a string has been removed and replaced with a fallible to_quil() method. The `Label` struct has been repurposed to support `Label` instructions specifically. The `Target` enum has been added to express `@targets` as part of an instruction. (#266)
+- Decouple expression hashing and equality (#277)
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+- This release is identical to 0.18.0. An error in our CI caused a continuity error with our published releases. (#254)
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+- Release quil-py
+- introduce ExecutionDependency::Scheduled (#186)
+- empty commit so knope calculates current version
+- empty commit to force version bump
+- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
+- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
+### Features
+- Add CLI for interacting with quil-rs (#348)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from `Program`s (#323)
+- Add `Program.wrap_in_loop()` method (#321)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from Programs
+- Make in-place addition of Program more efficient (#290)
+- Add get_qubits method to Instruction
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+- RESET frame computation
+- Program.into_simplified
+- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
+- support INCLUDE
+- support CONVERT
+- support NOP
+- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
+- update program to use btreemap for deterministic ordering
+### Fixes
+- Revert "match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier" (#342)
+- include separators between DEFCIRCUIT parameters (#338)
+- `is_quil_t()` now correctly returns false for WAIT instructions (#331)
+- The `wrap_in_loop` method now applies the end target to the program (#329)
+- use internal QuotedString wrapper to quote Quil strings correctly (#317)
+- misc instruction memory accesses (#304)
+- match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier (#300)
+- trigger release
+- calibration definitions don't contribute to Instrution::get_qubits
+- implement PartialOrd correctly for types implementing Ord (#295)
+- no percent symbol in variable qubit outputs
+- Implement not equal comparisons (#289)
+- Allow whitespace to delimit matrix specifications, better support parsing (#286)
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+- The parser now follows the correct precedence rules for ungrouped infix expressions (#207)
+- The imaginary part of a complex number will now always be formatted as a floating point number. (#205)
+- mark additional instructions as scheduled (#203)
+- parse SWAP-PHASES (#200)
+- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
+- correctly expand delays (#142)
+- update snapshots
+- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
+- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
+- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
+- fix performance regression (#113)
+- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
+- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
+- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
+- identifier parser (#100)
+- test cases with rstest
+- test cases should not violate the spec
+- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
+- use structured error
+- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
+- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
+- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
+- test roundtrip of program->string->program
+- linting
+- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
+- cargo fmt & passing tests
+- PRAGMA instruction `Display` impl (#62)
+- change quilc submodule to use HTTPS
+- move cargo update inline with semantic-release prepare cmd
+- lex keywords from identifiers (#47)
+- DEFWAVEFORM and waveform name parsing (#40)
+- remove unused imports
+- `Program::from_str` and `Expression::from_str` will no longer panic on bad input. (#37)
+- Allow indented comments when parsing. (#24)
+- Unbox calibrations and waveform invocations
+- parse and print real values as double precision
+- support Windows line separators \r\n
+- make program::graph public (#4)
+## 0.2.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- #334: program scheduling and analysis utilities (#336)
+- Program now has a gate_definitions property that stores all DEFGATEs in a program. These instructions will no longer appear in body_instructions. (#306)
+- Support for Qubit and Target Placeholdres have been added. Converting programs and instructions to a string has been removed and replaced with a fallible to_quil() method. The `Label` struct has been repurposed to support `Label` instructions specifically. The `Target` enum has been added to express `@targets` as part of an instruction. (#266)
+- Decouple expression hashing and equality (#277)
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+- This release is identical to 0.18.0. An error in our CI caused a continuity error with our published releases. (#254)
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+- Release quil-py
+- introduce ExecutionDependency::Scheduled (#186)
+- empty commit so knope calculates current version
+- empty commit to force version bump
+- genericize parsing errors and remove error Strings
+- fix all compilation errors from error refactor
+### Features
+- Add CLI for interacting with quil-rs (#348)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from `Program`s (#323)
+- Add `Program.wrap_in_loop()` method (#321)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from Programs
+- Make in-place addition of Program more efficient (#290)
+- Add get_qubits method to Instruction
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+- RESET frame computation
+- Program.into_simplified
+- Support Expression arithmetic operations (#126)
+- support INCLUDE
+- support CONVERT
+- support NOP
+- impl FromStr for MemoryReference
+- update program to use btreemap for deterministic ordering
+### Fixes
+- Revert "match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier" (#342)
+- include separators between DEFCIRCUIT parameters (#338)
+- `is_quil_t()` now correctly returns false for WAIT instructions (#331)
+- The `wrap_in_loop` method now applies the end target to the program (#329)
+- use internal QuotedString wrapper to quote Quil strings correctly (#317)
+- misc instruction memory accesses (#304)
+- match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier (#300)
+- trigger release
+- calibration definitions don't contribute to Instrution::get_qubits
+- implement PartialOrd correctly for types implementing Ord (#295)
+- no percent symbol in variable qubit outputs
+- Implement not equal comparisons (#289)
+- Allow whitespace to delimit matrix specifications, better support parsing (#286)
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+- The parser now follows the correct precedence rules for ungrouped infix expressions (#207)
+- The imaginary part of a complex number will now always be formatted as a floating point number. (#205)
+- mark additional instructions as scheduled (#203)
+- parse SWAP-PHASES (#200)
+- allow for variable qubit in DEFCAL MEASURE
+- correctly expand delays (#142)
+- update snapshots
+- Waveforms w/o params need no parens
+- support escaped double quotes and backslashes in strings (#120)
+- make dynamic error Sync as well (#131)
+- fix performance regression (#113)
+- do not get line/column info for tokens except on error
+- require dynamic error to by Send (#108)
+- bump thiserror version and update import name (#103)
+- identifier parser (#100)
+- test cases with rstest
+- test cases should not violate the spec
+- remove a `dbg!` statement left over from #88
+- use structured error
+- update node version and dependencies for semantic-release (#84)
+- update semantic-release version as per dependabot suggestion (#83)
+- DEFCAL MEASURE serialization
+- test roundtrip of program->string->program
+- linting
+- Instruction used/blocked frames calculation (#74)
+- cargo fmt & passing tests
+- PRAGMA instruction `Display` impl (#62)
+- change quilc submodule to use HTTPS
+- move cargo update inline with semantic-release prepare cmd
+- lex keywords from identifiers (#47)
+- DEFWAVEFORM and waveform name parsing (#40)
+- remove unused imports
+- `Program::from_str` and `Expression::from_str` will no longer panic on bad input. (#37)
+- Allow indented comments when parsing. (#24)
+- Unbox calibrations and waveform invocations
+- parse and print real values as double precision
+- support Windows line separators \r\n
+- make program::graph public (#4)
diff --git a/quil-cli/Cargo.toml b/quil-cli/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a40dcbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-cli/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+name = "quil-cli"
+version = "0.3.1"
+edition = "2021"
+license = "Apache-2.0"
+# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
+quil-rs = { path = "../quil-rs", version = "0.26.1" }
+clap = {version = "4.5.4", features = ["derive"]}
+anyhow = "1.0.81"
diff --git a/quil-cli/src/main.rs b/quil-cli/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99273a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-cli/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+use anyhow::Context;
+use clap::{Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum};
+use quil_rs::{expression::Expression, quil::Quil, Program};
+use std::str::FromStr;
+#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
+struct Cli {
+ #[clap(subcommand)]
+ command: Command,
+#[derive(Subcommand, Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum Command {
+ /// Parse a Quil program or expression
+ Parse {
+ #[arg(short = 't', long = "type", value_enum, default_value_t)]
+ input_type: InputType,
+ input: String,
+ },
+#[derive(ValueEnum, Clone, Debug, Default)]
+pub enum InputType {
+ /// Parse a Quil program (default)
+ #[default]
+ Program,
+ /// Parse a Quil expression
+ Expression,
+fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+ let cli = Cli::parse();
+ match cli.command {
+ Command::Parse { input_type, input } => handle_parse(input_type, input)?,
+ };
+ Ok(())
+fn handle_parse(input_type: InputType, input: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+ let parsed = match input_type {
+ InputType::Program => {
+ Program::from_str(&input)
+ .context("Failed to parse program from input string.")?
+ .to_quil()
+ .context("Parsed Program from valid Quil string, but was unable to convert it back to valid Quil. This is probably a bug in the quil-rs parser.")?
+ }
+ InputType::Expression => {
+ Expression::from_str(&input)
+ .context("Failed to parse expression from input string.")?
+ .to_quil()
+ .context("Parsed Expression from valid Quil expression, but was unable to convert it back to valid Expression. This is probably a bug in the quil-rs parser.")?
+ }
+ };
+ println!("{parsed}");
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/quil-py/.flake8 b/quil-py/.flake8
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f7422a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/.flake8
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+max-line-length = 120
+# E203, E302 ignored for black compatibility
+extend-ignore = E203, E302
+per-file-ignores =
+ **/__init__.pyi:F401,F403 # Disable "unused" warning for top-level exports
diff --git a/quil-py/.stubtest-allowlist b/quil-py/.stubtest-allowlist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c8526d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/.stubtest-allowlist
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/quil-py/CHANGELOG.md b/quil-py/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b660a009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+## 0.10.1
+### Features
+- add waveform templates (#369)
+### Fixes
+- Parsing programs with integers that overflow a u64 will no longer panic; instead, they will raise an error. (#372)
+## 0.10.1-rc.1
+### Features
+- add waveform templates (#369)
+### Fixes
+- Parsing programs with integers that overflow a u64 will no longer panic; instead, they will raise an error. (#372)
+## 0.10.1-rc.0
+### Features
+- add waveform templates (#369)
+## 0.10.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- reduce number of classical instruction edges in InstructionBlock::graph
+## 0.10.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- reduce number of classical instruction edges in InstructionBlock::graph
+## 0.9.1
+### Features
+- Support constructing ControlFlowGraph and BasicBlocks. (#359)
+## 0.9.1-rc.0
+### Features
+- Support constructing ControlFlowGraph and BasicBlocks. (#359)
+## 0.9.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program instruction iteration and serialization is deterministic. (#355)
+### Fixes
+- Program equality is sensitive to the order of calibration instructions. (#357)
+## 0.9.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program instruction iteration and serialization is deterministic. (#355)
+### Fixes
+- Program equality is sensitive to the order of calibration instructions. (#357)
+## 0.8.1-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- Program equality is sensitive to the order of calibration instructions. (#357)
+## 0.8.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- CalibrationSet's and Program's will be considered equal if they contain the same set of calibrations, regardless of order. (#352)
+## 0.8.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- CalibrationSet's and Program's will be considered equal if they contain the same set of calibrations, regardless of order. (#352)
+## 0.7.1
+### Features
+- linux ppc64le wheel
+## 0.7.1-rc.0
+### Features
+- linux ppc64le wheel
+## 0.7.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- #334: program scheduling and analysis utilities (#336)
+### Fixes
+- Revert "match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier" (#342)
+## 0.7.0-rc.1
+### Breaking Changes
+- #334: program scheduling and analysis utilities (#336)
+### Fixes
+- Revert "match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier" (#342)
+## 0.7.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- #334: program scheduling and analysis utilities (#336)
+## 0.6.6
+### Fixes
+- include separators between DEFCIRCUIT parameters (#338)
+## 0.6.6-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- include separators between DEFCIRCUIT parameters (#338)
+## 0.6.5
+### Fixes
+- `is_quil_t()` now correctly returns false for WAIT instructions (#331)
+## 0.6.5-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- `is_quil_t()` now correctly returns false for WAIT instructions (#331)
+## 0.6.4
+### Fixes
+- The `wrap_in_loop` method now applies the end target to the program (#329)
+## 0.6.4-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- The `wrap_in_loop` method now applies the end target to the program (#329)
+## 0.6.3
+### Features
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from `Program`s (#323)
+- Add `Program.wrap_in_loop()` method (#321)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from Programs
+## 0.6.3-rc.1
+### Features
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from `Program`s (#323)
+- Add `Program.wrap_in_loop()` method (#321)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from Programs
+## 0.6.3-rc.0
+### Features
+- Add `Program.wrap_in_loop()` method (#321)
+- Add methods for identifying Quil-T instructions and filtering instructions from Programs
+## 0.6.2
+### Fixes
+- use internal QuotedString wrapper to quote Quil strings correctly (#317)
+## 0.6.2-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- use internal QuotedString wrapper to quote Quil strings correctly (#317)
+## 0.6.1
+### Features
+- Support Python 3.12 (#310)
+### Fixes
+- misc instruction memory accesses (#304)
+## 0.6.1-rc.1
+### Features
+- Support Python 3.12 (#310)
+### Fixes
+- misc instruction memory accesses (#304)
+## 0.6.1-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- misc instruction memory accesses (#304)
+## 0.6.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program now has a gate_definitions property that stores all DEFGATEs in a program. These instructions will no longer appear in body_instructions. (#306)
+## 0.6.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program now has a gate_definitions property that stores all DEFGATEs in a program. These instructions will no longer appear in body_instructions. (#306)
+## 0.5.8
+### Fixes
+- match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier (#300)
+## 0.5.8-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- match exactly one qubit for DELAYs without frame specifier (#300)
+## 0.5.7
+### Fixes
+- trigger release
+## 0.5.7-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- trigger release
+## 0.5.6
+### Fixes
+- implement PartialOrd correctly for types implementing Ord (#295)
+- no percent symbol in variable qubit outputs
+## 0.5.6-rc.1
+### Fixes
+- implement PartialOrd correctly for types implementing Ord (#295)
+- no percent symbol in variable qubit outputs
+## 0.5.6-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- no percent symbol in variable qubit outputs
+## 0.5.5
+### Features
+- Make in-place addition of Program more efficient (#290)
+## 0.5.5-rc.0
+### Features
+- Make in-place addition of Program more efficient (#290)
+## 0.5.4
+### Fixes
+- Implement not equal comparisons (#289)
+## 0.5.4-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- Implement not equal comparisons (#289)
+## 0.5.3
+### Fixes
+- Allow whitespace to delimit matrix specifications, better support parsing (#286)
+## 0.5.3-rc.0
+### Fixes
+- Allow whitespace to delimit matrix specifications, better support parsing (#286)
+## 0.5.2
+### Features
+- Add get_qubits method to Instruction
+- Instruction classes now implement `__copy__`, and `__deepcopy__`, making them compatible with Python's `copy` module. (#283)
+## 0.5.2-rc.1
+### Features
+- Add get_qubits method to Instruction
+- Instruction classes now implement `__copy__`, and `__deepcopy__`, making them compatible with Python's `copy` module. (#283)
+## 0.5.2-rc.0
+### Features
+- Instruction classes now implement `__copy__`, and `__deepcopy__`, making them compatible with Python's `copy` module. (#283)
+## 0.5.1
+### Features
+- Build & publish wheels for Windows (#280)
+## 0.5.1-rc.1
+### Features
+- Build & publish wheels for Windows (#280)
+## 0.5.1-rc.0
+### Features
+- Build & publish wheels for Windows (#280)
+## 0.5.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Support for Qubit and Target Placeholdres have been added. Converting programs and instructions to a string has been removed and replaced with a fallible to_quil() method. The `Label` struct has been repurposed to support `Label` instructions specifically. The `Target` enum has been added to express `@targets` as part of an instruction. (#266)
+- Decouple expression hashing and equality (#277)
+## 0.5.0-rc.1
+### Breaking Changes
+- Support for Qubit and Target Placeholdres have been added. Converting programs and instructions to a string has been removed and replaced with a fallible to_quil() method. The `Label` struct has been repurposed to support `Label` instructions specifically. The `Target` enum has been added to express `@targets` as part of an instruction. (#266)
+- Decouple expression hashing and equality (#277)
+## 0.5.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- Decouple expression hashing and equality (#277)
+## 0.4.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+### Features
+- Add setters for `Program` calibrations, waveforms, frames, and memory_regions (#264)
+## 0.4.0-rc.2
+### Breaking Changes
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+### Features
+- Add setters for `Program` calibrations, waveforms, frames, and memory_regions (#264)
+## 0.4.0-rc.1
+### Breaking Changes
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+### Features
+- Add setters for `Program` calibrations, waveforms, frames, and memory_regions (#264)
+## 0.4.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- allow overriding Instruction getters (#260)
+## 0.3.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- This release is identical to 0.18.0. An error in our CI caused a continuity error with our published releases. (#254)
+## 0.3.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- This release is identical to 0.18.0. An error in our CI caused a continuity error with our published releases. (#254)
+## 0.2.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.3.0-rc.1
+### Breaking Changes
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.3.0-rc.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- When adding two Programs, the resulting Program will have a correct used qubit cache. (#249)
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.14
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.13
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.12
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Correct precedence rules are followed when matching measure calibrations. (#243)
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.11
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- Expand all analog control instructions (#238)
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.10
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.9
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.8
+### Breaking Changes
+- cache used qubits on Program (#234)
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.7
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- add clone_without_body_instructions to Program (#236)
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.6
+### Breaking Changes
+- Program::get_frames_for_instruction return type
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.5
+### Breaking Changes
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- build and return the unitary of a program (#213)
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.4
+### Breaking Changes
+- more optimizations (#233)
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.2.0-rc.3
+### Breaking Changes
+- optimize clones and collections (#228)
+- Expression parameter strings are now delimited by a comma. `get_expression_parameter_string` and `get_string_parameter_string` have been removed from the instruction module. (#214)
+### Features
+- Most instruction types are now hashable.
+### Fixes
+- documentation typo
+- The destination and source are no longer flipped when parsing CONVERT instructions. (#226)
+- BinaryLogic now has it's own to string implementation (#222)
+## 0.1.0
+This first release of the `quil` package exposes a Python API for most of the `quil-rs` package. This includes a parser, as well as types for instructions, programs, and expressions.
diff --git a/quil-py/Cargo.toml b/quil-py/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c080034e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+name = "quil-py"
+description = "Python bindings for quil-rs"
+version = "0.10.1"
+edition = "2021"
+license = "Apache-2.0"
+repository = "https://github.com/rigetti/quil-rs"
+keywords = ["pyquil", "SDK", "Rigetti", "Quil", "Quantum"]
+categories = ["api-bindings", "parsers", "science", "emulators"]
+readme = "./README.md"
+# The name of the native library. This is the name which will be used in Python to import the
+# library (i.e. `import quil`). If you change this, you must also change the name of the
+# `#[pymodule]` in `src/lib.rs`.
+name = "quil"
+# "cdylib" is necessary to produce a shared library for Python to import from.
+# Downstream Rust code (including code in `bin/`, `examples/`, and `tests/`) will not be able
+# to `use quil;` unless the "lib" and "rlib" crate type is also included:
+crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
+ndarray.workspace = true
+quil-rs = { path = "../quil-rs", version = "0.26.1" }
+strum.workspace = true
+# pyo3 dependencies should be updated together
+numpy = "0.20.0"
+pyo3 = { version = "0.20.3", features = ["indexmap"] }
+rigetti-pyo3 = {version = "0.3.4", features = ["indexmap"]}
+indexmap.workspace = true
+pyo3-build-config = "0.20.0"
diff --git a/quil-py/Makefile.toml b/quil-py/Makefile.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3727ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/Makefile.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["install"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "maturin", "develop"]
+dependencies = ["poetry-install"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "stubtest", "--allowlist", ".stubtest-allowlist", "quil"]
+dependencies = [
+ "poetry-install",
+ "install-quil",
+ "stubtest",
+dependencies = ["poetry-install"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "ruff", "format"]
+dependencies = ["poetry-install"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "ruff", "format", "--check"]
+dependencies = ["poetry-install"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "ruff", "check"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "pytest"]
+dependencies = [
+ "poetry-install",
+ "install-quil",
+ "pytest",
+dependencies = ["poetry-install", "install-quil"]
+command = "poetry"
+args = ["run", "pdoc", "-o", "build/docs", "quil", "!quil.quil", "--logo", "https://qcs.rigetti.com/static/img/rigetti-logo.svg"]
+dependencies = [
+ "dev-test-flow",
+ "pytest-flow",
+ "stubtest",
+ "lint",
+ "check-format"
+alias = "dev-flow"
diff --git a/quil-py/README-py.md b/quil-py/README-py.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b51f462a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/README-py.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Quil
+⚠️ In Development
+The `quil` package provides tools for constructing, manipulating, parsing, and printing [Quil](https://github.com/quil-lang/quil) programs. Internally, it is powered by [quil-rs](https://github.com/rigetti/quil-rs).
+This package is still in early development and breaking changes should be expected between minor versions.
+# Documentation
+Documentation for the current release of `quil` is published [here](https://rigetti.github.io/quil-rs/quil.html). Every version of `quil` ships [with type stubs](https://github.com/rigetti/quil-rs/tree/main/quil-py/quil) that provide type hints and documentation to Python tooling and editors that support the [Language Server Protocol](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) or similar.
diff --git a/quil-py/README.md b/quil-py/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f1c6630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# quil-py
+⚠️ In Development
+This crate exposes [`pyo3`](https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3) bindings for [`quil-rs`](https://github.com/rigetti/quil-rs) allowing them to be extended or used in other `pyo3` based Python packages.
+This package is still in early development and breaking changes should be expected between minor versions.
diff --git a/quil-py/build.rs b/quil-py/build.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dace4a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/build.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+fn main() {
+ pyo3_build_config::add_extension_module_link_args();
diff --git a/quil-py/make_docs.py b/quil-py/make_docs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c157d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/make_docs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+import pdoc
+import quil # noqa - we need to import quil for it to appear in sys.modules
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print(dir(sys.modules["quil"]))
+ print(dir(sys.modules["quil.validation"]))
+ print([k for k in sys.modules.keys() if "quil" in k])
+ del sys.modules["quil.validation"]
+ pdoc.pdoc("quil", "!quil.quil", output_directory=Path("docs"))
diff --git a/quil-py/out/index.html b/quil-py/out/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..967079b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/out/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/quil-py/out/quil.html b/quil-py/out/quil.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ba583d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/out/quil.html
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ quil API documentation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quil-py/out/quil/quil.html b/quil-py/out/quil/quil.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93ef2bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/out/quil/quil.html
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ quil.quil API documentation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quil-py/out/search.js b/quil-py/out/search.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9575c96b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/out/search.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+window.pdocSearch = (function(){
+/** elasticlunr - http://weixsong.github.io * Copyright (C) 2017 Oliver Nightingale * Copyright (C) 2017 Wei Song * MIT Licensed */!function(){function e(e){if(null===e||"object"!=typeof e)return e;var t=e.constructor();for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(t[n]=e[n]);return t}var t=function(e){var n=new t.Index;return n.pipeline.add(t.trimmer,t.stopWordFilter,t.stemmer),e&&e.call(n,n),n};t.version="0.9.5",lunr=t,t.utils={},t.utils.warn=function(e){return function(t){e.console&&console.warn&&console.warn(t)}}(this),t.utils.toString=function(e){return void 0===e||null===e?"":e.toString()},t.EventEmitter=function(){this.events={}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),t=e.pop(),n=e;if("function"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("last argument must be a function");n.forEach(function(e){this.hasHandler(e)||(this.events[e]=[]),this.events[e].push(t)},this)},t.EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var n=this.events[e].indexOf(t);-1!==n&&(this.events[e].splice(n,1),0==this.events[e].length&&delete this.events[e])}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){if(this.hasHandler(e)){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);this.events[e].forEach(function(e){e.apply(void 0,t)},this)}},t.EventEmitter.prototype.hasHandler=function(e){return e in this.events},t.tokenizer=function(e){if(!arguments.length||null===e||void 0===e)return[];if(Array.isArray(e)){var n=e.filter(function(e){return null===e||void 0===e?!1:!0});n=n.map(function(e){return t.utils.toString(e).toLowerCase()});var i=[];return n.forEach(function(e){var n=e.split(t.tokenizer.seperator);i=i.concat(n)},this),i}return e.toString().trim().toLowerCase().split(t.tokenizer.seperator)},t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator=/[\s\-]+/,t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator,t.tokenizer.setSeperator=function(e){null!==e&&void 0!==e&&"object"==typeof e&&(t.tokenizer.seperator=e)},t.tokenizer.resetSeperator=function(){t.tokenizer.seperator=t.tokenizer.defaultSeperator},t.tokenizer.getSeperator=function(){return t.tokenizer.seperator},t.Pipeline=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions={},t.Pipeline.registerFunction=function(e,n){n in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions&&t.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: "+n),e.label=n,t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[n]=e},t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction=function(e){return e in t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions!=!0?null:t.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e]},t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered=function(e){var n=e.label&&e.label in this.registeredFunctions;n||t.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n",e)},t.Pipeline.load=function(e){var n=new t.Pipeline;return e.forEach(function(e){var i=t.Pipeline.getRegisteredFunction(e);if(!i)throw new Error("Cannot load un-registered function: "+e);n.add(i)}),n},t.Pipeline.prototype.add=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);e.forEach(function(e){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),this._queue.push(e)},this)},t.Pipeline.prototype.after=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i+1,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.before=function(e,n){t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(n);var i=this._queue.indexOf(e);if(-1===i)throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn");this._queue.splice(i,0,n)},t.Pipeline.prototype.remove=function(e){var t=this._queue.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&this._queue.splice(t,1)},t.Pipeline.prototype.run=function(e){for(var t=[],n=e.length,i=this._queue.length,o=0;n>o;o++){for(var r=e[o],s=0;i>s&&(r=this._queue[s](r,o,e),void 0!==r&&null!==r);s++);void 0!==r&&null!==r&&t.push(r)}return t},t.Pipeline.prototype.reset=function(){this._queue=[]},t.Pipeline.prototype.get=function(){return this._queue},t.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this._queue.map(function(e){return t.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e),e.label})},t.Index=function(){this._fields=[],this._ref="id",this.pipeline=new t.Pipeline,this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore,this.index={},this.eventEmitter=new t.EventEmitter,this._idfCache={},this.on("add","remove","update",function(){this._idfCache={}}.bind(this))},t.Index.prototype.on=function(){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);return this.eventEmitter.addListener.apply(this.eventEmitter,e)},t.Index.prototype.off=function(e,t){return this.eventEmitter.removeListener(e,t)},t.Index.load=function(e){e.version!==t.version&&t.utils.warn("version mismatch: current "+t.version+" importing "+e.version);var n=new this;n._fields=e.fields,n._ref=e.ref,n.documentStore=t.DocumentStore.load(e.documentStore),n.pipeline=t.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline),n.index={};for(var i in e.index)n.index[i]=t.InvertedIndex.load(e.index[i]);return n},t.Index.prototype.addField=function(e){return this._fields.push(e),this.index[e]=new t.InvertedIndex,this},t.Index.prototype.setRef=function(e){return this._ref=e,this},t.Index.prototype.saveDocument=function(e){return this.documentStore=new t.DocumentStore(e),this},t.Index.prototype.addDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.addDoc(i,e),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));this.documentStore.addFieldLength(i,n,o.length);var r={};o.forEach(function(e){e in r?r[e]+=1:r[e]=1},this);for(var s in r){var u=r[s];u=Math.sqrt(u),this.index[n].addToken(s,{ref:i,tf:u})}},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("add",e,this)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDocByRef=function(e){if(e&&this.documentStore.isDocStored()!==!1&&this.documentStore.hasDoc(e)){var t=this.documentStore.getDoc(e);this.removeDoc(t,!1)}},t.Index.prototype.removeDoc=function(e,n){if(e){var n=void 0===n?!0:n,i=e[this._ref];this.documentStore.hasDoc(i)&&(this.documentStore.removeDoc(i),this._fields.forEach(function(n){var o=this.pipeline.run(t.tokenizer(e[n]));o.forEach(function(e){this.index[n].removeToken(e,i)},this)},this),n&&this.eventEmitter.emit("remove",e,this))}},t.Index.prototype.updateDoc=function(e,t){var t=void 0===t?!0:t;this.removeDocByRef(e[this._ref],!1),this.addDoc(e,!1),t&&this.eventEmitter.emit("update",e,this)},t.Index.prototype.idf=function(e,t){var n="@"+t+"/"+e;if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._idfCache,n))return this._idfCache[n];var i=this.index[t].getDocFreq(e),o=1+Math.log(this.documentStore.length/(i+1));return this._idfCache[n]=o,o},t.Index.prototype.getFields=function(){return this._fields.slice()},t.Index.prototype.search=function(e,n){if(!e)return[];e="string"==typeof e?{any:e}:JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var i=null;null!=n&&(i=JSON.stringify(n));for(var o=new t.Configuration(i,this.getFields()).get(),r={},s=Object.keys(e),u=0;u0&&t.push(e);for(var i in n)"docs"!==i&&"df"!==i&&this.expandToken(e+i,t,n[i]);return t},t.InvertedIndex.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{root:this.root}},t.Configuration=function(e,n){var e=e||"";if(void 0==n||null==n)throw new Error("fields should not be null");this.config={};var i;try{i=JSON.parse(e),this.buildUserConfig(i,n)}catch(o){t.utils.warn("user configuration parse failed, will use default configuration"),this.buildDefaultConfig(n)}},t.Configuration.prototype.buildDefaultConfig=function(e){this.reset(),e.forEach(function(e){this.config[e]={boost:1,bool:"OR",expand:!1}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.buildUserConfig=function(e,n){var i="OR",o=!1;if(this.reset(),"bool"in e&&(i=e.bool||i),"expand"in e&&(o=e.expand||o),"fields"in e)for(var r in e.fields)if(n.indexOf(r)>-1){var s=e.fields[r],u=o;void 0!=s.expand&&(u=s.expand),this.config[r]={boost:s.boost||0===s.boost?s.boost:1,bool:s.bool||i,expand:u}}else t.utils.warn("field name in user configuration not found in index instance fields");else this.addAllFields2UserConfig(i,o,n)},t.Configuration.prototype.addAllFields2UserConfig=function(e,t,n){n.forEach(function(n){this.config[n]={boost:1,bool:e,expand:t}},this)},t.Configuration.prototype.get=function(){return this.config},t.Configuration.prototype.reset=function(){this.config={}},lunr.SortedSet=function(){this.length=0,this.elements=[]},lunr.SortedSet.load=function(e){var t=new this;return t.elements=e,t.length=e.length,t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.add=function(){var e,t;for(e=0;e1;){if(r===e)return o;e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o]}return r===e?o:-1},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.locationFor=function(e){for(var t=0,n=this.elements.length,i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];i>1;)e>r&&(t=o),r>e&&(n=o),i=n-t,o=t+Math.floor(i/2),r=this.elements[o];return r>e?o:e>r?o+1:void 0},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.intersect=function(e){for(var t=new lunr.SortedSet,n=0,i=0,o=this.length,r=e.length,s=this.elements,u=e.elements;;){if(n>o-1||i>r-1)break;s[n]!==u[i]?s[n]u[i]&&i++:(t.add(s[n]),n++,i++)}return t},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.clone=function(){var e=new lunr.SortedSet;return e.elements=this.toArray(),e.length=e.elements.length,e},lunr.SortedSet.prototype.union=function(e){var t,n,i;this.length>=e.length?(t=this,n=e):(t=e,n=this),i=t.clone();for(var o=0,r=n.toArray();o
\n"}, "quil.quil": {"fullname": "quil.quil", "modulename": "quil.quil", "kind": "module", "doc": "
\n"}}, "docInfo": {"quil": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 1, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}, "quil.quil": {"qualname": 0, "fullname": 2, "annotation": 0, "default_value": 0, "signature": 0, "bases": 0, "doc": 3}}, "length": 2, "save": true}, "index": {"qualname": {"root": {"docs": {}, "df": 0}}, "fullname": {"root": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "q": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "u": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "i": {"docs": {}, "df": 0, "l": {"docs": {"quil": {"tf": 1}, "quil.quil": {"tf": 1.4142135623730951}}, "df": 2}}}}}}, "annotation": {"root": {"docs": {}, "df": 0}}, "default_value": {"root": {"docs": {}, "df": 0}}, "signature": {"root": {"docs": {}, "df": 0}}, "bases": {"root": {"docs": {}, "df": 0}}, "doc": {"root": {"docs": {"quil": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}, "quil.quil": {"tf": 1.7320508075688772}}, "df": 2}}}, "pipeline": ["trimmer"], "_isPrebuiltIndex": true};
+ // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 1)
+ // Also split on html tags. this is a cheap heuristic, but good enough.
+ elasticlunr.tokenizer.setSeperator(/[\s\-.;&_'"=,()]+|<[^>]*>/);
+ let searchIndex;
+ if (docs._isPrebuiltIndex) {
+ console.info("using precompiled search index");
+ searchIndex = elasticlunr.Index.load(docs);
+ } else {
+ console.time("building search index");
+ // mirrored in build-search-index.js (part 2)
+ searchIndex = elasticlunr(function () {
+ this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stemmer);
+ this.pipeline.remove(elasticlunr.stopWordFilter);
+ this.addField("qualname");
+ this.addField("fullname");
+ this.addField("annotation");
+ this.addField("default_value");
+ this.addField("signature");
+ this.addField("bases");
+ this.addField("doc");
+ this.setRef("fullname");
+ });
+ for (let doc of docs) {
+ searchIndex.addDoc(doc);
+ }
+ console.timeEnd("building search index");
+ }
+ return (term) => searchIndex.search(term, {
+ fields: {
+ qualname: {boost: 4},
+ fullname: {boost: 2},
+ annotation: {boost: 2},
+ default_value: {boost: 2},
+ signature: {boost: 2},
+ bases: {boost: 2},
+ doc: {boost: 1},
+ },
+ expand: true
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quil-py/poetry.lock b/quil-py/poetry.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd8c2607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/poetry.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
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+ {file = "mypy-1.1.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:69b35d1dcb5707382810765ed34da9db47e7f95b3528334a3c999b0c90fe523f"},
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+ {file = "mypy-1.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:ae9ceae0f5b9059f33dbc62dea087e942c0ccab4b7a003719cb70f9b8abfa32f"},
+mypy-extensions = ">=1.0.0"
+tomli = {version = ">=1.1.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
+typing-extensions = ">=3.10"
+dmypy = ["psutil (>=4.0)"]
+install-types = ["pip"]
+python2 = ["typed-ast (>=1.4.0,<2)"]
+reports = ["lxml"]
+name = "mypy-extensions"
+version = "1.0.0"
+description = "Type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy type checker."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.5"
+files = [
+ {file = "mypy_extensions-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4392f6c0eb8a5668a69e23d168ffa70f0be9ccfd32b5cc2d26a34ae5b844552d"},
+ {file = "mypy_extensions-1.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:75dbf8955dc00442a438fc4d0666508a9a97b6bd41aa2f0ffe9d2f2725af0782"},
+name = "numpy"
+version = "1.24.3"
+description = "Fundamental package for array computing in Python"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:3c1104d3c036fb81ab923f507536daedc718d0ad5a8707c6061cdfd6d184e570"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:202de8f38fc4a45a3eea4b63e2f376e5f2dc64ef0fa692838e31a808520efaf7"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:8535303847b89aa6b0f00aa1dc62867b5a32923e4d1681a35b5eef2d9591a463"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:2d926b52ba1367f9acb76b0df6ed21f0b16a1ad87c6720a1121674e5cf63e2b6"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp310-cp310-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:f21c442fdd2805e91799fbe044a7b999b8571bb0ab0f7850d0cb9641a687092b"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:ab5f23af8c16022663a652d3b25dcdc272ac3f83c3af4c02eb8b824e6b3ab9d7"},
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+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:d6cc757de514c00b24ae8cf5c876af2a7c3df189028d68c0cb4eaa9cd5afc2bf"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:76e3f4e85fc5d4fd311f6e9b794d0c00e7002ec122be271f2019d63376f1d385"},
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+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:5342cf6aad47943286afa6f1609cad9b4266a05e7f2ec408e2cf7aea7ff69d80"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:7776ea65423ca6a15255ba1872d82d207bd1e09f6d0894ee4a64678dd2204078"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:ae8d0be48d1b6ed82588934aaaa179875e7dc4f3d84da18d7eae6eb3f06c242c"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:ecde0f8adef7dfdec993fd54b0f78183051b6580f606111a6d789cd14c61ea0c"},
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+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp38-cp38-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:d933fabd8f6a319e8530d0de4fcc2e6a61917e0b0c271fded460032db42a0fe4"},
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+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:784c6da1a07818491b0ffd63c6bbe5a33deaa0e25a20e1b3ea20cf0e43f8046c"},
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+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-pp38-pypy38_pp73-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:1a7d6acc2e7524c9955e5c903160aa4ea083736fde7e91276b0e5d98e6332812"},
+ {file = "numpy-1.24.3-pp38-pypy38_pp73-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:35400e6a8d102fd07c71ed7dcadd9eb62ee9a6e84ec159bd48c28235bbb0f8e4"},
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+name = "packaging"
+version = "23.0"
+description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "packaging-23.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:714ac14496c3e68c99c29b00845f7a2b85f3bb6f1078fd9f72fd20f0570002b2"},
+ {file = "packaging-23.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b6ad297f8907de0fa2fe1ccbd26fdaf387f5f47c7275fedf8cce89f99446cf97"},
+name = "pdoc"
+version = "14.1.0"
+description = "API Documentation for Python Projects"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.8"
+files = [
+ {file = "pdoc-14.1.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:e8869dffe21296b3bd5545b28e7f07cae0656082aca43f8915323187e541b126"},
+ {file = "pdoc-14.1.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:3a0bd921a05c39a82b1505089eb6dc99d857b71b856aa60d1aca4d9086d0e18c"},
+astunparse = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.9\""}
+Jinja2 = ">=2.11.0"
+MarkupSafe = "*"
+pygments = ">=2.12.0"
+dev = ["black", "hypothesis", "mypy", "pygments (>=2.14.0)", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-timeout", "ruff", "tox", "types-pygments"]
+name = "pluggy"
+version = "1.0.0"
+description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.6"
+files = [
+ {file = "pluggy-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:74134bbf457f031a36d68416e1509f34bd5ccc019f0bcc952c7b909d06b37bd3"},
+ {file = "pluggy-1.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4224373bacce55f955a878bf9cfa763c1e360858e330072059e10bad68531159"},
+dev = ["pre-commit", "tox"]
+testing = ["pytest", "pytest-benchmark"]
+name = "pygments"
+version = "2.16.1"
+description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "Pygments-2.16.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:13fc09fa63bc8d8671a6d247e1eb303c4b343eaee81d861f3404db2935653692"},
+ {file = "Pygments-2.16.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1daff0494820c69bc8941e407aa20f577374ee88364ee10a98fdbe0aece96e29"},
+plugins = ["importlib-metadata"]
+name = "pytest"
+version = "7.2.2"
+description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "pytest-7.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:130328f552dcfac0b1cec75c12e3f005619dc5f874f0a06e8ff7263f0ee6225e"},
+ {file = "pytest-7.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c99ab0c73aceb050f68929bc93af19ab6db0558791c6a0715723abe9d0ade9d4"},
+attrs = ">=19.2.0"
+colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
+exceptiongroup = {version = ">=1.0.0rc8", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
+iniconfig = "*"
+packaging = "*"
+pluggy = ">=0.12,<2.0"
+tomli = {version = ">=1.0.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
+testing = ["argcomplete", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "nose", "pygments (>=2.7.2)", "requests", "xmlschema"]
+name = "ruff"
+version = "0.3.7"
+description = "An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-macosx_10_12_x86_64.macosx_11_0_arm64.macosx_10_12_universal2.whl", hash = "sha256:0e8377cccb2f07abd25e84fc5b2cbe48eeb0fea9f1719cad7caedb061d70e5ce"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-macosx_10_12_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:15a4d1cc1e64e556fa0d67bfd388fed416b7f3b26d5d1c3e7d192c897e39ba4b"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:d28bdf3d7dc71dd46929fafeec98ba89b7c3550c3f0978e36389b5631b793663"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_armv7l.manylinux2014_armv7l.whl", hash = "sha256:379b67d4f49774ba679593b232dcd90d9e10f04d96e3c8ce4a28037ae473f7bb"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:c060aea8ad5ef21cdfbbe05475ab5104ce7827b639a78dd55383a6e9895b7c51"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_ppc64.manylinux2014_ppc64.whl", hash = "sha256:ebf8f615dde968272d70502c083ebf963b6781aacd3079081e03b32adfe4d58a"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_ppc64le.manylinux2014_ppc64le.whl", hash = "sha256:d48098bd8f5c38897b03604f5428901b65e3c97d40b3952e38637b5404b739a2"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_s390x.manylinux2014_s390x.whl", hash = "sha256:da8a4fda219bf9024692b1bc68c9cff4b80507879ada8769dc7e985755d662ea"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6c44e0149f1d8b48c4d5c33d88c677a4aa22fd09b1683d6a7ff55b816b5d074f"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:3050ec0af72b709a62ecc2aca941b9cd479a7bf2b36cc4562f0033d688e44fa1"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_armv7l.whl", hash = "sha256:a29cc38e4c1ab00da18a3f6777f8b50099d73326981bb7d182e54a9a21bb4ff7"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:5b15cc59c19edca917f51b1956637db47e200b0fc5e6e1878233d3a938384b0b"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e491045781b1e38b72c91247cf4634f040f8d0cb3e6d3d64d38dcf43616650b4"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:bc931de87593d64fad3a22e201e55ad76271f1d5bfc44e1a1887edd0903c7d9f"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:5ef0e501e1e39f35e03c2acb1d1238c595b8bb36cf7a170e7c1df1b73da00e74"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7-py3-none-win_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:789e144f6dc7019d1f92a812891c645274ed08af6037d11fc65fcbc183b7d59f"},
+ {file = "ruff-0.3.7.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:d5c1aebee5162c2226784800ae031f660c350e7a3402c4d1f8ea4e97e232e3ba"},
+name = "six"
+version = "1.16.0"
+description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+files = [
+ {file = "six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8abb2f1d86890a2dfb989f9a77cfcfd3e47c2a354b01111771326f8aa26e0254"},
+ {file = "six-1.16.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1e61c37477a1626458e36f7b1d82aa5c9b094fa4802892072e49de9c60c4c926"},
+name = "syrupy"
+version = "3.0.6"
+description = "Pytest Snapshot Test Utility"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7,<4"
+files = [
+ {file = "syrupy-3.0.6-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:9c18e22264026b34239bcc87ab7cc8d893eb17236ea7dae634217ea4f22a848d"},
+ {file = "syrupy-3.0.6.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:583aa5ca691305c27902c3e29a1ce9da50ff9ab5f184c54b1dc124a16e4a6cf4"},
+colored = ">=1.3.92,<2.0.0"
+pytest = ">=5.1.0,<8.0.0"
+name = "tomli"
+version = "2.0.1"
+description = "A lil' TOML parser"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc"},
+ {file = "tomli-2.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:de526c12914f0c550d15924c62d72abc48d6fe7364aa87328337a31007fe8a4f"},
+name = "typing-extensions"
+version = "4.5.0"
+description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "typing_extensions-4.5.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:fb33085c39dd998ac16d1431ebc293a8b3eedd00fd4a32de0ff79002c19511b4"},
+ {file = "typing_extensions-4.5.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5cb5f4a79139d699607b3ef622a1dedafa84e115ab0024e0d9c044a9479ca7cb"},
+name = "wheel"
+version = "0.41.3"
+description = "A built-package format for Python"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.7"
+files = [
+ {file = "wheel-0.41.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:488609bc63a29322326e05560731bf7bfea8e48ad646e1f5e40d366607de0942"},
+ {file = "wheel-0.41.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4d4987ce51a49370ea65c0bfd2234e8ce80a12780820d9dc462597a6e60d0841"},
+test = ["pytest (>=6.0.0)", "setuptools (>=65)"]
+lock-version = "2.0"
+python-versions = "^3.8"
+content-hash = "c4cf08c102dd7ec09c483f00c9dbbabdca03917d1393809aafa65beab8253376"
diff --git a/quil-py/pyproject.toml b/quil-py/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57e26fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+name = "quil"
+requires-python = ">=3.8"
+description = "A Python package for building and parsing Quil programs."
+documentation = "https://rigetti.github.io/quil-rs/quil.html"
+readme = "README-py.md"
+license = { text = "Apache-2.0" }
+authors = [{ name = "Rigetti Computing", email = "softapps@rigetti.com" }]
+classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+# PEP 621 specifies the [project] table as the source for project metadata. However, Poetry only supports [tool.poetry]
+# We can remove this table once this issue is resolved: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/3332
+name = "quil"
+version = "0.10.1"
+description = "A Python package for building and parsing Quil programs."
+readme = "README-py.md"
+authors = ["Rigetti Computing "]
+python = "^3.8"
+numpy = "^1.21"
+ruff = "^0.3.7"
+maturin = "^1.2.3"
+mypy = "^1.1.1"
+pytest = "^7.2.2"
+pdoc = "^14.1.0"
+syrupy = "^3.0.6"
+features = ["pyo3/extension-module"]
+bindings = "pyo3"
+compatibility = "linux"
+sdist-include = ["README.md"]
+requires = ["maturin>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"]
+build-backend = "maturin"
+exclude = [
+ ".bzr",
+ ".direnv",
+ ".eggs",
+ ".git",
+ ".git-rewrite",
+ ".hg",
+ ".ipynb_checkpoints",
+ ".mypy_cache",
+ ".nox",
+ ".pants.d",
+ ".pyenv",
+ ".pytest_cache",
+ ".pytype",
+ ".ruff_cache",
+ ".svn",
+ ".tox",
+ ".venv",
+ ".vscode",
+ "__pypackages__",
+ "_build",
+ "buck-out",
+ "build",
+ "dist",
+ "node_modules",
+ "site-packages",
+ "venv",
+line-length = 120
+indent-width = 4
+target-version = "py38"
+select = ["D", "E4", "E7", "E9", "F", "I", "B", "S", "W"]
+ignore = [
+ "E741" # "Ambiguous" variable names like "I" aren't ambiguous in this contex.
+fixable = ["ALL"]
+unfixable = []
+# Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed.
+dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$"
+"quil/**/*.py" = [
+ "F403", # * imports allowed in extension module glue.
+ "D100", # docstrings belong in type stubs
+ "D104",
+"test/**/*.py" = [
+ "D", # docstrings are not enforced in tests
+ "S101", # asserts are allowed in tests
+ "S301", # we need to test pickling
+"make_docs.py" = [ "D" ]
+quote-style = "double"
+indent-style = "space"
+skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
+line-ending = "auto"
+convention = "google"
+# This diagnostic is raised when a type stub is found without a corresponding source file. This is
+# necessarily the case for a pure Rust pyo3 module, so disabling it.
+reportMissingModuleSource = false
+module = [
+ "quil.quil",
+ignore_missing_imports = true
diff --git a/quil-py/quil.html b/quil-py/quil.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aaa4aa3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil.html
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+ quil API documentation
\ No newline at end of file
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+"""The `quil` package provides tools for constructing, manipulating, parsing, and printing [Quil](https://github.com/quil-lang/quil) programs.
+⚠️ This package is still in early development and breaking changes should be expected between minor versions.
+from .quil import *
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
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index 00000000..720522e6
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+++ b/quil-py/quil/expression/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from quil.expression import *
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d1da781
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+++ b/quil-py/quil/expression/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+"""The ``expression`` module contains classes for representing Quil expressions."""
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union, final
+from quil.instructions import MemoryReference
+class EvaluationError(ValueError):
+ """Error that may occur while evaluation an ``Expression``."""
+class ParseExpressionError(ValueError):
+ """Error that may occur while parsing an ``Expression``."""
+class Expression:
+ """A Quil expression.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``address``: An address defined by a `quil.instructions.MemoryReference`.
+ - ``function_call``: A `FunctionCallExpression`.
+ - ``infix``: An `InfixExpression`.
+ - ``number``: A number defined as a `complex`.
+ - ``pi``: The constant ``pi``. No inner data.
+ - ``prefix``: A `PrefixExpression`.
+ - ``variable``: A variable defined as a `str`.
+ As seen above, some variants contain inner data that fully specify the expression.
+ For example, the ``number`` variant contains an ``int``. This is in contrast to variants like
+ ``pi`` that have no inner data because they require none to fully specify the expression.
+ This difference is important for determining which methods are available for each variant.
+ Methods (for every variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the expression is that variant, ``False`` otherwise.
+ If the variant has inner data:
+ - ``as_*``: returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``Expression`` of the given variant from an instance of the inner type.
+ If the variant doesn't have inner data (e.g. ``pi``)
+ - ``new_*``: Creates a new ``Expression`` for the variant
+ """
+ def inner(
+ self,
+ ) -> Union[
+ MemoryReference,
+ FunctionCallExpression,
+ InfixExpression,
+ int,
+ PrefixExpression,
+ str,
+ ]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(input: str) -> Expression:
+ """Parses an ``Expression`` from a string.
+ Raises a ``ParseExpressionError`` if the string isn't a valid Quil expression.
+ """
+ def is_address(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_function_call(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_infix(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_number(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_pi(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_prefix(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_variable(self) -> bool: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def new_pi() -> "Expression": ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_address(inner: MemoryReference) -> "Expression": ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_function_call(inner: FunctionCallExpression) -> "Expression": ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_infix(inner: InfixExpression) -> "Expression": ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_number(inner: complex) -> "Expression": ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_prefix(inner: PrefixExpression) -> "Expression": ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_variable(inner: str) -> "Expression": ...
+ def as_address(self) -> Optional[MemoryReference]: ...
+ def to_address(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ def as_function_call(self) -> Optional[FunctionCallExpression]: ...
+ def to_function_call(self) -> FunctionCallExpression: ...
+ def as_infix(self) -> Optional[InfixExpression]: ...
+ def to_infix(self) -> InfixExpression: ...
+ def as_number(self) -> Optional[complex]: ...
+ def to_number(self) -> complex: ...
+ def as_prefix(self) -> Optional[PrefixExpression]: ...
+ def to_prefix(self) -> PrefixExpression: ...
+ def as_variable(self) -> Optional[str]: ...
+ def to_variable(self) -> str: ...
+ def simplify(self):
+ """Simplify the expression as much as possible, in-place."""
+ ...
+ def into_simplified(self) -> "Expression":
+ """Return a simplified copy of the expression."""
+ def evaluate(
+ self,
+ variables: Dict[str, complex],
+ memory_references: Dict[str, Sequence[float]],
+ ) -> complex:
+ """Evaluate an expression, expecting that it may be fully reduced to a single complex number.
+ If it cannot be reduced to a complex number, raises an ``EvaluationError``.
+ """
+ ...
+ def substitute_variables(self, variable_values: Dict[str, "Expression"]) -> "Expression":
+ """Returns a copy of the expression where every matching variable in `variable_values` is replaced by the corresponding expression."""
+ ...
+ def to_real(self) -> float:
+ """If this is a number with imaginary part "equal to" zero (of small absolute value), return that number. Otherwise, raises an ``EvaluationError``."""
+ def __add__(self, other: "Expression") -> "Expression": ...
+ def __sub__(self, other: "Expression") -> "Expression": ...
+ def __mul__(self, other: "Expression") -> "Expression": ...
+ def __truediv__(self, other: "Expression") -> "Expression": ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string. Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil."""
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug
+ format that isn't valid Quil.
+ """
+class FunctionCallExpression:
+ """A Quil function call."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(cls, function: ExpressionFunction, expression: Expression) -> "FunctionCallExpression": ...
+ @property
+ def function(self) -> ExpressionFunction: ...
+ @function.setter
+ def function(self, function: ExpressionFunction): ...
+ @property
+ def expression(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @expression.setter
+ def expression(self, expression: Expression): ...
+class InfixExpression:
+ """A Quil infix expression."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(cls, left: Expression, operator: InfixOperator, right: Expression): ...
+ @property
+ def left(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @left.setter
+ def left(self, expression: Expression): ...
+ @property
+ def operator(self) -> InfixOperator: ...
+ @operator.setter
+ def operator(self, operator: InfixOperator): ...
+ @property
+ def right(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @right.setter
+ def right(self, expression: Expression): ...
+class PrefixExpression:
+ """A Quil prefix expression."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(cls, operator: PrefixOperator, expression: Expression): ...
+ @property
+ def operator(self) -> PrefixOperator: ...
+ @operator.setter
+ def operator(self, operator: PrefixOperator): ...
+ @property
+ def expression(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @expression.setter
+ def expression(self, expression: Expression): ...
+class ExpressionFunction(Enum):
+ """An enum representing a Quil function that can be applied to an expression."""
+ Cis = "CIS"
+ Cosine = "COSINE"
+ Exponent = "EXPONENT"
+ Sine = "SINE"
+ SquareRoot = "SQUAREROOT"
+class PrefixOperator(Enum):
+ """An enum that represents the operators supported on a prefix expression."""
+ Plus = "PLUS"
+ Minus = "MINUS"
+class InfixOperator(Enum):
+ """An enum that represents the operators supported on an infix expression."""
+ Caret = "CARET"
+ Plus = "PLUS"
+ Minus = "MINUS"
+ Slash = "SLASH"
+ Star = "STAR"
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/instructions/__init__.py b/quil-py/quil/instructions/__init__.py
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index 00000000..7062b812
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+++ b/quil-py/quil/instructions/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+"""The `quil.instructions` module contains classes for representing Quil instructions."""
+from quil.instructions import *
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/instructions/__init__.pyi b/quil-py/quil/instructions/__init__.pyi
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+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, final
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+from typing_extensions import Self
+from quil.expression import Expression
+class Instruction:
+ """A Quil instruction. Each variant corresponds to a possible type of Quil instruction.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``arithmetic``: An arithmetic expression defined by an ``Arithmetic``.
+ - ``binary_logic``: A binary expression defined by a ``BinaryLogic``.
+ - ``calibration_definition``: Corresponds to a `DEFCAL` instruction (not `DEFCAL MEASURE`)
+ - defined by a ``Calibration``.
+ - ``capture``: Corresponds to a `CAPTURE` instruction
+ - ``calibration``: Corresponds to a `DEFCAL` instruction.
+ - ``circuit_definition``: Corresponds to a `DEFCIRCUIT` instruction and its body,
+ - defined by a ``CircuitDefinition``.
+ - ``convert``: Corresponds to a `CONVERT` instruction.
+ - ``comparison``: Corresponds to a comparison of two `MemoryReference`s
+ - ``declaration``: Corresponds to a `DECLARE` statement defined by a ``Declaration``.
+ - ``delay``: Corresponds to a `DELAY` instruction.
+ - ``exchange``: Corresponds to an `EXCHANGE` instruction.
+ - ``fence``: Corresponds to a `FENCE` instruction.
+ - ``frame_definition``: Corresponds to a `DEFFRAME` statement, defined by a ``FrameDefinition``.
+ - ``gate``: A Quil quantum gate instruction defined by a ``Gate``.
+ - ``gate_definition``: A quantum gate definition defined by a ``GateDefinition``.
+ - ``halt``: Corresponds to the `HALT` instruction. No inner data.
+ - ``include``: Corresponds to an `INCLUDE` directive.
+ - ``jump``: Corresponds to a `JUMP` instruction
+ - ``jump_when``: Corresponds to a `JUMP-WHEN` instruction
+ - ``jump_unless``: Corresponds to a `JUMP-UNLESS` instruction
+ - ``label``: Corresponds to a `LABEL`
+ - ``load``: Corresponds to a `LOAD` instruction.
+ - ``measure_calibration_definition``: Corresponds to a `DEFCAL MEASURE` instruction. Defined by a ``MeasureCalibrationDefinition``.
+ - ``measurement``: Corresponds to a `MEASURE` instruction.
+ - ``move``: Corresponds to a `MOVE` instruction.
+ - ``nop``: Corresponds to the `NOP` instruction. No inner data.
+ - ``pragma``: Corresponds to a `PRAGMA` instruction.
+ - ``pulse``: Corresponds to a `PULSE` instruction.
+ - ``raw_capture``: Corresponds to a `RAW-CAPTURE` instruction.
+ - ``reset``: Corresponds to a `RESET` instruction.
+ - ``set_frequency``: Corresponds to a `SET-FREQUENCY` instruction.
+ - ``set_phase``: Corresponds to a `SET-PHASE` instruction.
+ - ``set_scale``: Corresponds to a `SET-SCALE` instruction.
+ - ``shift_frequency``: Corresponds to a `SHIFT-FREQUENCY` instruction.
+ - ``shift_phase``: Corresponds to a `SHIFT-PHASE` instruction.
+ - ``store``: Corresponds to a `STORE` instruction.
+ - ``swap_phases``: Corresponds to a `SWAP-PHASES` instruction.
+ - ``unary_logic``: Corresponds to a unary operation on a `MemoryReference`.
+ - ``waveform_definition``: A waveform defined by a ``WaveformDefinition``.
+ - ``wait``: Corresponds to a `WAIT` instruction. No inner data.
+ As seen above, some variants contain inner data that fully specify the instruction.
+ For example, the ``gate`` variant contains a ``Gate``. This is in contrast to variants like
+ ``halt`` that have no inner data because they require none to fully specify an instruction.
+ This difference is important for determining which methods are available for each variant.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the instruction is that variant, ``False`` otherwise.
+ If the variant has inner data (e.g. ``gate``):
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``Instruction`` of the given variant from an instance of the inner type.
+ If the variant doesn't have inner data (e.g. ``halt``)
+ - ``new_*``: Creates a new ``Instruction`` for the variant.
+ """
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ instruction: Union[
+ Arithmetic,
+ Calibration,
+ Capture,
+ BinaryLogic,
+ CircuitDefinition,
+ Convert,
+ Comparison,
+ Declaration,
+ Delay,
+ Exchange,
+ Fence,
+ FrameDefinition,
+ Gate,
+ GateDefinition,
+ Include,
+ Jump,
+ JumpWhen,
+ JumpUnless,
+ Label,
+ Load,
+ MeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ Measurement,
+ Move,
+ Pragma,
+ Pulse,
+ RawCapture,
+ Reset,
+ SetFrequency,
+ SetPhase,
+ SetScale,
+ ShiftFrequency,
+ ShiftPhase,
+ Store,
+ SwapPhases,
+ UnaryLogic,
+ WaveformDefinition,
+ ],
+ ) -> Self:
+ """Returns a new ``Instruction`` from the given inner data."""
+ def is_quil_t(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns ``True`` if the instruction is a Quil-T instruction, ``False`` otherwise."""
+ ...
+ def inner(
+ self,
+ ) -> Union[
+ Arithmetic,
+ Calibration,
+ Capture,
+ BinaryLogic,
+ CircuitDefinition,
+ Convert,
+ Comparison,
+ Declaration,
+ Delay,
+ Exchange,
+ Fence,
+ FrameDefinition,
+ Gate,
+ GateDefinition,
+ Include,
+ Jump,
+ JumpWhen,
+ JumpUnless,
+ Label,
+ Load,
+ MeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ Measurement,
+ Move,
+ Pragma,
+ Pulse,
+ RawCapture,
+ Reset,
+ SetFrequency,
+ SetPhase,
+ SetScale,
+ ShiftFrequency,
+ ShiftPhase,
+ Store,
+ SwapPhases,
+ UnaryLogic,
+ WaveformDefinition,
+ ]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_arithmetic(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_binary_logic(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_calibration_definition(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_capture(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_circuit_definition(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_convert(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_comparison(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_declaration(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_delay(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_exchange(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_fence(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_frame_definition(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_gate(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_gate_definition(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_halt(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_include(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_jump(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_jump_when(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_jump_unless(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_label(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_load(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_measure_calibration_definition(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_measurement(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_move(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_nop(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_pragma(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_pulse(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_raw_capture(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_reset(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_set_frequency(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_set_phase(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_set_scale(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_shift_frequency(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_shift_phase(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_unary_logic(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_store(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_swap_phases(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_waveform_definition(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_wait(self) -> bool: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def new_halt() -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def new_nop() -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def new_wait() -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_arithmetic(inner: Arithmetic) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_binary_logic(inner: BinaryLogic) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_calibration_definition(inner: Calibration) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_capture(inner: Capture) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_circuit_definition(
+ inner: CircuitDefinition,
+ ) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_convert(inner: Convert) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_comparison(inner: Comparison) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_declaration(inner: Declaration) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_delay(inner: Delay) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_exchange(inner: Exchange) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_fence(inner: Fence) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_frame_definition(inner: FrameDefinition) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_gate(inner: Gate) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_gate_definition(inner: GateDefinition) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_include(inner: Include) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jump(inner: Jump) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jump_when(inner: JumpWhen) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jump_unless(inner: JumpUnless) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_label(inner: Label) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_load(inner: Load) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_measure_calibration_definition(
+ inner: MeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ ) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_measurement(
+ inner: Measurement,
+ ) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_move(inner: Move) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_pragma(inner: Pragma) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_pulse(inner: Pulse) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_raw_capture(inner: RawCapture) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_set_frequency(inner: SetFrequency) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_set_phase(inner: SetPhase) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_set_scale(inner: SetScale) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_shift_frequency(inner: ShiftFrequency) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_shift_phase(inner: ShiftPhase) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_unary_logic(inner: UnaryLogic) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_store(inner: Store) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_swap_phases(inner: SwapPhases) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_reset(inner: Reset) -> Instruction: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_waveform_definition(
+ inner: WaveformDefinition,
+ ) -> Instruction: ...
+ def as_arithmetic(self) -> Optional[Arithmetic]: ...
+ def to_arithmetic(self) -> Arithmetic: ...
+ def as_binary_logic(self) -> Optional[BinaryLogic]: ...
+ def to_binary_logic(self) -> BinaryLogic: ...
+ def as_convert(self) -> Optional[Convert]: ...
+ def to_convert(self) -> Convert: ...
+ def as_comparison(self) -> Optional[Comparison]: ...
+ def to_comparison(self) -> Comparison: ...
+ def as_circuit_definition(self) -> Optional[CircuitDefinition]: ...
+ def to_circuit_definition(self) -> CircuitDefinition: ...
+ def as_calibration_definition(self) -> Optional[Calibration]: ...
+ def to_calibration_definition(self) -> Calibration: ...
+ def as_capture(self) -> Optional[Capture]: ...
+ def to_capture(self) -> Capture: ...
+ def as_declaration(self) -> Optional[Declaration]: ...
+ def to_declaration(self) -> Declaration: ...
+ def as_delay(self) -> Optional[Delay]: ...
+ def to_delay(self) -> Delay: ...
+ def as_exchange(self) -> Optional[Exchange]: ...
+ def to_exchange(self) -> Exchange: ...
+ def as_fence(self) -> Optional[Fence]: ...
+ def to_fence(self) -> Fence: ...
+ def as_gate(self) -> Optional[Gate]: ...
+ def to_gate(self) -> Gate: ...
+ def as_gate_definition(self) -> Optional[GateDefinition]: ...
+ def to_gate_definition(self) -> GateDefinition: ...
+ def as_include(self) -> Optional[Include]: ...
+ def to_include(self) -> Include: ...
+ def as_jump(self) -> Optional[Jump]: ...
+ def to_jump(self) -> Jump: ...
+ def as_jump_when(self) -> Optional[JumpWhen]: ...
+ def to_jump_when(self) -> JumpWhen: ...
+ def as_jump_unless(self) -> Optional[JumpUnless]: ...
+ def to_jump_unless(self) -> JumpUnless: ...
+ def as_label(self) -> Optional[Label]: ...
+ def to_label(self) -> Label: ...
+ def as_load(self) -> Optional[Load]: ...
+ def to_load(self) -> Load: ...
+ def as_frame_definition(self) -> Optional[FrameDefinition]: ...
+ def to_frame_definition(self) -> FrameDefinition: ...
+ def as_measure_calibration_definition(
+ self,
+ ) -> Optional[MeasureCalibrationDefinition]: ...
+ def to_measure_calibration_definition(self) -> MeasureCalibrationDefinition: ...
+ def as_measurement(
+ self,
+ ) -> Optional[Measurement]: ...
+ def to_measurement(self) -> Measurement: ...
+ def as_move(self) -> Optional[Move]: ...
+ def to_move(self) -> Move: ...
+ def as_pragma(self) -> Optional[Pragma]: ...
+ def to_pragma(self) -> Pragma: ...
+ def as_pulse(self) -> Optional[Pulse]: ...
+ def to_pulse(self) -> Pulse: ...
+ def as_raw_capture(self) -> Optional[RawCapture]: ...
+ def to_raw_capture(self) -> RawCapture: ...
+ def as_reset(self) -> Optional[Reset]: ...
+ def to_reset(self) -> Reset: ...
+ def as_set_frequency(self) -> Optional[SetFrequency]: ...
+ def to_set_frequency(self) -> SetFrequency: ...
+ def as_set_phase(self) -> Optional[SetPhase]: ...
+ def to_set_phase(self) -> SetPhase: ...
+ def as_set_scale(self) -> Optional[SetScale]: ...
+ def to_set_scale(self) -> SetScale: ...
+ def as_shift_frequency(self) -> Optional[ShiftFrequency]: ...
+ def to_shift_frequency(self) -> ShiftFrequency: ...
+ def as_shift_phase(self) -> Optional[ShiftPhase]: ...
+ def to_shift_phase(self) -> ShiftPhase: ...
+ def as_unary_logic(self) -> Optional[UnaryLogic]: ...
+ def to_unary_logic(self) -> UnaryLogic: ...
+ def as_store(self) -> Optional[Store]: ...
+ def to_store(self) -> Store: ...
+ def as_swap_phases(self) -> Optional[SwapPhases]: ...
+ def to_swap_phases(self) -> SwapPhases: ...
+ def as_waveform_definition(self) -> Optional[WaveformDefinition]: ...
+ def to_waveform_definition(self) -> WaveformDefinition: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string. Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil."""
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class ArithmeticOperand:
+ """A Quil arithmetic operand.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``literal_integer``: An integer literal.
+ - ``literal_real``: A real numbered literal.
+ - ``memory_reference``: A Quil ``MemoryReference``.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the operand is that variant, ``False`` otherwise.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``ArithmeticOperand`` of the given variant from an instance of the inner type.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[int, float, MemoryReference]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_literal_integer(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_literal_real(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_memory_reference(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_literal_integer(self) -> Optional[int]: ...
+ def as_literal_real(self) -> Optional[float]: ...
+ def as_memory_reference(self) -> Optional[MemoryReference]: ...
+ def to_literal_integer(self) -> int: ...
+ def to_literal_real(self) -> float: ...
+ def to_memory_reference(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_literal_integer(inner: int) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_literal_real(inner: float) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_memory_reference(
+ inner: MemoryReference,
+ ) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class ArithmeticOperator(Enum):
+ Add = "Add"
+ Subtract = "Subtract"
+ Divide = "Divide"
+ Multiply = "Multiply"
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Arithmetic:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ operator: ArithmeticOperator,
+ destination: ArithmeticOperand,
+ source: ArithmeticOperand,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def operator(self) -> ArithmeticOperator: ...
+ @operator.setter
+ def operator(self, operator: ArithmeticOperator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def destination(self) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ @destination.setter
+ def destination(self, operand: ArithmeticOperand) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def source(self) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, operand: ArithmeticOperand) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original. Should be used by passing
+ an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class BinaryOperand:
+ """A Quil binary operand.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``literal_integer``: An integer literal.
+ - ``memory_reference``: A Quil ``MemoryReference``.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the operand is that variant, ``False`` otherwise.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``BinaryOperand`` of the given variant from an instance of the inner type.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[int, MemoryReference]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_literal_integer(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_memory_reference(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_literal_integer(self) -> Optional[int]: ...
+ def as_memory_reference(self) -> Optional[MemoryReference]: ...
+ def to_literal_integer(self) -> int: ...
+ def to_memory_reference(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_literal_integer(inner: int) -> BinaryOperand: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_memory_reference(
+ inner: MemoryReference,
+ ) -> BinaryOperand: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class BinaryOperator(Enum):
+ And = "AND"
+ Ior = "IOR"
+ Xor = "XOR"
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class BinaryOperands:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference,
+ operand: BinaryOperand,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def memory_reference(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @memory_reference.setter
+ def memory_reference(self, memory_reference: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def operand(self) -> BinaryOperand: ...
+ @operand.setter
+ def operand(self, operand: BinaryOperand) -> None: ...
+class BinaryLogic:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ operator: BinaryOperator,
+ operands: BinaryOperands,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def operator(self) -> BinaryOperator: ...
+ @operator.setter
+ def operator(self, operator: BinaryOperator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def operands(self) -> BinaryOperands: ...
+ @operands.setter
+ def operands(self, operands: BinaryOperands) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Convert:
+ def __new__(cls, destination: MemoryReference, source: MemoryReference) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def destination(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @destination.setter
+ def destination(self, destination: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def source(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, source: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Move:
+ def __new__(cls, destination: MemoryReference, source: ArithmeticOperand) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def destination(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @destination.setter
+ def destination(self, destination: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def source(self) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, source: ArithmeticOperand) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Exchange:
+ def __new__(cls, left: MemoryReference, right: MemoryReference) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def left(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @left.setter
+ def left(self, left: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def right(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @right.setter
+ def right(self, right: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class ComparisonOperand:
+ """A Quil binary operand.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``literal_integer``: An integer literal.
+ - ``literal_real``: A floating point literal.
+ - ``memory_reference``: A Quil ``MemoryReference``.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the operand is that variant, ``False`` otherwise.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``BinaryOperand`` of the given variant from an instance of the inner type.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[int, float, MemoryReference]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant."""
+ ...
+ def is_literal_integer(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_literal_real(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_memory_reference(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_literal_integer(self) -> Optional[int]: ...
+ def as_literal_real(self) -> Optional[float]: ...
+ def as_memory_reference(self) -> Optional[MemoryReference]: ...
+ def to_literal_integer(self) -> int: ...
+ def to_literal_real(self) -> float: ...
+ def to_memory_reference(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_literal_integer(inner: int) -> ComparisonOperand: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_literal_real(inner: float) -> ComparisonOperand: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_memory_reference(
+ inner: MemoryReference,
+ ) -> ComparisonOperand: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class ComparisonOperator(Enum):
+ Equal = "EQUAL"
+ GreaterThan = "GREATERTHAN"
+ LessThan = "LESSTHAN"
+class Comparison:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ operator: ComparisonOperator,
+ operands: Tuple[MemoryReference, MemoryReference, ComparisonOperand],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def operator(self) -> ComparisonOperator: ...
+ @operator.setter
+ def operator(self, operator: ComparisonOperator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def operands(
+ self,
+ ) -> Tuple[MemoryReference, MemoryReference, ComparisonOperand]: ...
+ @operands.setter
+ def operands(self, operands: Tuple[MemoryReference, MemoryReference, ComparisonOperand]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class UnaryOperator(Enum):
+ Neg = "NEG"
+ Not = "NOT"
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class UnaryLogic:
+ def __new__(cls, operator: UnaryOperator, operand: MemoryReference) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def operator(self) -> UnaryOperator: ...
+ @operator.setter
+ def operator(self, operator: UnaryOperator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def operand(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @operand.setter
+ def operand(self, operand: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Calibration:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ parameters: Sequence[Expression],
+ qubits: Sequence[Qubit],
+ instructions: Sequence[Instruction],
+ modifiers: Sequence[GateModifier],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> List[Expression]: ...
+ @parameters.setter
+ def parameters(self, parameters: Sequence[Expression]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def qubits(self) -> List[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubits.setter
+ def qubits(self, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def instructions(self) -> List[Instruction]: ...
+ @instructions.setter
+ def instructions(self, instructions: Sequence[Instruction]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def modifiers(self) -> List[GateModifier]: ...
+ @modifiers.setter
+ def modifiers(self, modifiers: Sequence[GateModifier]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class MeasureCalibrationDefinition:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ qubit: Optional[Qubit],
+ parameter: str,
+ instructions: Sequence[Instruction],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def qubit(self) -> Optional[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubit.setter
+ def qubit(self, qubit: Optional[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameter(self) -> str: ...
+ @parameter.setter
+ def parameter(self, parameter: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def instructions(self) -> List[Instruction]: ...
+ @instructions.setter
+ def instructions(self, instructions: Sequence[Instruction]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class CircuitDefinition:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ parameters: Sequence[str],
+ qubit_variables: Sequence[str],
+ instructions: Sequence[Instruction],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> List[str]: ...
+ @parameters.setter
+ def parameters(self, parameters: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def qubit_variables(self) -> List[str]: ...
+ @qubit_variables.setter
+ def qubit_variables(self, qubit_variables: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def instructions(self) -> List[Instruction]: ...
+ @instructions.setter
+ def instructions(self, instructions: Sequence[Instruction]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Offset:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ offset: int,
+ data_type: ScalarType,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def offset(self) -> int: ...
+ @offset.setter
+ def offset(self, offset: int) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def data_type(self) -> ScalarType: ...
+ @data_type.setter
+ def data_type(self, data_type: ScalarType) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Sharing:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ offsets: Sequence[Offset],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def offsets(self) -> List[Offset]: ...
+ @offsets.setter
+ def offsets(self, offsets: Sequence[Offset]) -> None: ...
+class Declaration:
+ def __new__(cls, name: str, size: Vector, sharing: Optional[Sharing]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> Vector: ...
+ @size.setter
+ def size(self, vector: Vector) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def sharing(self) -> Optional[Sharing]: ...
+ @sharing.setter
+ def sharing(self, sharing: Optional[Sharing]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Vector:
+ def __new__(cls, data_type: ScalarType, length: int) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def data_type(self) -> ScalarType: ...
+ @data_type.setter
+ def data_type(self, data_type: ScalarType) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def length(self) -> int: ...
+ @length.setter
+ def length(self, data_type: int) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class ScalarType(Enum):
+ Bit = "BIT"
+ Integer = "INTEGER"
+ Octet = "OCTET"
+ Real = "REAL"
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class AttributeValue:
+ """A frame attribute value.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``string``: A string attribute containing a ``str``.
+ - ``expression``: An expression attribute containing an ``Expression``.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the ``AttributeValue`` is that variant, ``False`` otherwise.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``AttributeValue`` of the given variant from an instance of the inner type.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[str, Expression]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_string(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_expression(self) -> bool: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_string(inner: str) -> AttributeValue: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_expression(inner: Expression) -> AttributeValue: ...
+ def as_string(self) -> Optional[str]: ...
+ def to_string(self) -> str: ...
+ def as_expression(self) -> Optional[Expression]: ...
+ def to_expression(self) -> Expression: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class FrameDefinition:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ identifier: FrameIdentifier,
+ attributes: Dict[str, AttributeValue],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def identifier(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @identifier.setter
+ def identifier(self, identifier: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def attributes(self) -> Dict[str, AttributeValue]: ...
+ @attributes.setter
+ def attributes(self, identifier: Dict[str, AttributeValue]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class FrameIdentifier:
+ def __new__(cls, name: str, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def qubits(self) -> List[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubits.setter
+ def qubits(self, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Capture:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ blocking: bool,
+ frame: FrameIdentifier,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference,
+ waveform: WaveformInvocation,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def blocking(self) -> bool: ...
+ @blocking.setter
+ def blocking(self, blocking: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def memory_reference(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @memory_reference.setter
+ def memory_reference(self, memory_reference: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def waveform(self) -> WaveformInvocation: ...
+ @waveform.setter
+ def waveform(self, waveform: WaveformInvocation) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Pulse:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ blocking: bool,
+ frame: FrameIdentifier,
+ waveform: WaveformInvocation,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def blocking(self) -> bool: ...
+ @blocking.setter
+ def blocking(self, blocking: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def waveform(self) -> WaveformInvocation: ...
+ @waveform.setter
+ def waveform(self, waveform: WaveformInvocation) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class RawCapture:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ blocking: bool,
+ frame: FrameIdentifier,
+ duration: Expression,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def blocking(self) -> bool: ...
+ @blocking.setter
+ def blocking(self, blocking: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def duration(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @duration.setter
+ def duration(self, duration: Expression) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def memory_reference(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @memory_reference.setter
+ def memory_reference(self, memory_reference: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class SetFrequency:
+ def __new__(cls, frame: FrameIdentifier, frequency: Expression) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frequency(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @frequency.setter
+ def frequency(self, frequency: Expression) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class SetPhase:
+ def __new__(cls, frame: FrameIdentifier, phase: Expression) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def phase(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @phase.setter
+ def phase(self, phase: Expression) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class SetScale:
+ def __new__(cls, frame: FrameIdentifier, phase: Expression) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def scale(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @scale.setter
+ def scale(self, scale: Expression) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class ShiftFrequency:
+ def __new__(cls, frame: FrameIdentifier, frequency: Expression) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frequency(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @frequency.setter
+ def frequency(self, frequency: Expression) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class ShiftPhase:
+ def __new__(cls, frame: FrameIdentifier, phase: Expression) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def frame(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame.setter
+ def frame(self, frame: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def phase(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @phase.setter
+ def phase(self, phase: Expression) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class SwapPhases:
+ def __new__(cls, frame_1: FrameIdentifier, frame_2: FrameIdentifier) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def frame_1(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame_1.setter
+ def frame_1(self, frame_1: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame_2(self) -> FrameIdentifier: ...
+ @frame_2.setter
+ def frame_2(self, frame_2: FrameIdentifier) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class GateError(ValueError):
+ """An error that may occur when performing operations on a ``Gate``."""
+ ...
+class GateModifier(Enum):
+ Controlled = "CONTROLLED"
+ Dagger = "DAGGER"
+ Forked = "FORKED"
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Gate:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ parameters: Sequence[Expression],
+ qubits: Sequence[Qubit],
+ modifiers: Sequence[GateModifier],
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> List[Expression]: ...
+ @parameters.setter
+ def parameters(self, parameters: Sequence[Expression]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def qubits(self) -> List[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubits.setter
+ def qubits(self, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def modifiers(self) -> List[GateModifier]: ...
+ @modifiers.setter
+ def modifiers(self, modifiers: Sequence[GateModifier]) -> None: ...
+ def dagger(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a copy of the gate with the ``DAGGER`` modifier added to it."""
+ ...
+ def controlled(self, control_qubit: Qubit) -> Self:
+ """Returns a copy of the gate with the ``CONTROLLED`` modifier added to it."""
+ def forked(self, fork_qubit: Qubit, alt_params: Sequence[Expression]) -> Self:
+ """Returns a copy of the gate with the ``FORKED`` modifier added to it.
+ Raises a ``GateError`` if the number of provided alternate parameters don't
+ equal the number of existing parameters.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_unitary_mut(self, n_qubits: int) -> NDArray[np.complex_]:
+ """Lift a Gate to the full `n_qubits`-qubit Hilbert space.
+ Returns a ``GateError` if any of the parameters of this gate are
+ non-constant, if any of the qubits are variable, if the name of this
+ gate is unknown, or if there are an unexpected number of parameters.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class PauliGate(Enum):
+ I = "I"
+ X = "X"
+ Y = "Y"
+ Z = "Z"
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(input: str) -> PauliGate:
+ """Parses a ``PauliGate`` from a string. Raises a ``ParseEnumError`` if the string isn't a valid Pauli word."""
+ ...
+class PauliTerm:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ arguments: Sequence[Tuple[PauliGate, str]],
+ expression: Expression,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def arguments(self) -> List[Tuple[PauliGate, str]]: ...
+ @arguments.setter
+ def arguments(self, word: Sequence[Tuple[PauliGate, str]]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def expression(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @expression.setter
+ def expression(self, expression: Expression) -> None: ...
+class PauliSum:
+ def __new__(cls, arguments: Sequence[str], terms: Sequence[PauliTerm]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def arguments(self) -> List[str]: ...
+ @arguments.setter
+ def arguments(self, arguments: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def terms(self) -> List[PauliTerm]: ...
+ @terms.setter
+ def terms(self, terms: Sequence[PauliTerm]) -> None: ...
+class GateSpecification:
+ """A specification for a gate definition.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``matrix``: A gate specified by a matrix of ``Expression``s representing a unitary operation.
+ - ``permutation``: A gate specified by a vector of integers that defines a permutation.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - is_*: Returns ``True`` if the inner type is of that variant.
+ - as_*: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - to_*: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - from_*: Creates a new ``GateSpecification`` using an instance of the inner type for the variant.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[List[List[Expression]], List[int], PauliSum]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_matrix(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_permutation(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_pauli_sum(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_matrix(self) -> Optional[List[List[Expression]]]: ...
+ def to_matrix(self) -> List[List[Expression]]: ...
+ def as_permutation(self) -> Optional[List[int]]: ...
+ def to_permutation(self) -> List[int]: ...
+ def as_pauli_sum(self) -> Optional[PauliSum]: ...
+ def to_pauli_sum(self) -> PauliSum: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_matrix(inner: Sequence[Sequence[Expression]]) -> GateSpecification: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_permutation(inner: Sequence[int]) -> GateSpecification: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_pauli_sum(inner: PauliSum) -> GateSpecification: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class GateDefinition:
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ parameters: Sequence[str],
+ specification: GateSpecification,
+ ) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> List[str]: ...
+ @parameters.setter
+ def parameters(self, parameters: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def specification(self) -> GateSpecification: ...
+ @specification.setter
+ def specification(self, specification: GateSpecification) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Qubit:
+ """A Qubit.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``fixed``: A qubit represented as a fixed integer index.
+ - ``variable``: A qubit represented by a name.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the inner type is of that variant.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``Qubit`` using an instance of the inner type for the variant.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[int, str]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_fixed(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_variable(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_placeholder(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_fixed(self) -> Optional[int]: ...
+ def to_fixed(self) -> int: ...
+ def as_variable(self) -> Optional[str]: ...
+ def to_variable(self) -> str: ...
+ def as_placeholder(self) -> Optional[QubitPlaceholder]: ...
+ def to_placeholder(self) -> QubitPlaceholder: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_fixed(inner: int) -> Qubit: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_variable(inner: str) -> Qubit: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_placeholder(inner: QubitPlaceholder) -> Qubit: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class QubitPlaceholder:
+ """A qubit that can be used as a placeholder.
+ Placeholders must be resolved before converting a program to valid Quil. See ``quil.program.Program#resolve_placeholders``.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls) -> Self: ...
+ def __lt__(self, other: QubitPlaceholder) -> bool: ...
+class Reset:
+ def __new__(cls, qubit: Optional[Qubit]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def qubit(self) -> Optional[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubit.setter
+ def qubit(self, qubit: Optional[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Delay:
+ def __new__(cls, duration: Expression, frame_names: Sequence[str], qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def duration(self) -> Expression: ...
+ @duration.setter
+ def duration(self, duration: Expression) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame_names(self) -> List[str]: ...
+ @frame_names.setter
+ def frame_names(self, frame_names: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def qubits(self) -> List[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubits.setter
+ def qubits(self, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Fence:
+ def __new__(cls, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def qubits(self) -> List[Qubit]: ...
+ @qubits.setter
+ def qubits(self, qubits: Sequence[Qubit]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class PragmaArgument:
+ """A PRAGMA argument.
+ Variants:
+ - ``identifier``: A Pragma argument defined by a Quil identifier
+ - ``integer``: A Pragma argument defined by an integer
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the inner type is of that variant.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``PragmaArgument`` using an instance of the inner type for the variant.
+ """
+ def inner(self) -> Union[str, int]:
+ """Returns the inner value of the variant. Raises a ``RuntimeError`` if inner data doesn't exist."""
+ ...
+ def is_identifier(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_integer(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_identifier(self) -> Optional[str]: ...
+ def as_integer(self) -> Optional[int]: ...
+ def to_identifier(self) -> str: ...
+ def to_integer(self) -> int: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_identifier(inner: str) -> PragmaArgument: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_integer(inner: int) -> PragmaArgument: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Include:
+ def __new__(cls, filename: str) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def filename(self) -> str: ...
+ @filename.setter
+ def filename(self, filename: str) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Pragma:
+ def __new__(cls, name: str, arguments: Sequence[PragmaArgument], data: Optional[str]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def arguments(self) -> List[PragmaArgument]: ...
+ @arguments.setter
+ def arguments(self, arguments: Sequence[PragmaArgument]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def data(self) -> Optional[str]: ...
+ @data.setter
+ def data(self, data: Optional[str]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Measurement:
+ def __new__(cls, qubit: Qubit, target: Optional[MemoryReference]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def qubit(self) -> Qubit: ...
+ @qubit.setter
+ def qubit(self, qubit: Qubit) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def target(self) -> Optional[MemoryReference]: ...
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, target: Optional[MemoryReference]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class ParseMemoryReferenceError(ValueError):
+ """Errors that may occur while parsing a ``MemoryReference``."""
+class MemoryReference:
+ def __new__(cls, name: str, index: int) -> Self: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(input: str) -> MemoryReference:
+ """Parses a ``MemoryReference`` from a string.
+ Raises a ``ParseMemoryReference`` error if the string isn't a valid Quil memory reference.
+ """
+ ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def index(self) -> int: ...
+ @index.setter
+ def index(self, index: int) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Load:
+ def __new__(cls, destination: MemoryReference, source: str, offset: MemoryReference) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def destination(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @destination.setter
+ def destination(self, destination: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def source(self) -> str: ...
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, source: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def offset(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @offset.setter
+ def offset(self, offset: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Store:
+ def __new__(cls, destination: str, offset: MemoryReference, source: ArithmeticOperand) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def destination(self) -> str: ...
+ @destination.setter
+ def destination(self, destination: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def offset(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @offset.setter
+ def offset(self, offset: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def source(self) -> ArithmeticOperand: ...
+ @source.setter
+ def source(self, source: ArithmeticOperand) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Waveform:
+ def __new__(cls, matrix: Sequence[Expression], parameters: Sequence[str]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def matrix(self) -> List[Expression]: ...
+ @matrix.setter
+ def matrix(self, matrix: Sequence[Expression]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> List[str]: ...
+ @parameters.setter
+ def parameters(self, parameters: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+class WaveformDefinition:
+ def __new__(cls, name: str, definition: Waveform) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def definition(self) -> Waveform: ...
+ @definition.setter
+ def definition(self, definition: Waveform) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class WaveformInvocation:
+ def __new__(cls, name: str, parameters: Dict[str, Expression]) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @name.setter
+ def name(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Expression]: ...
+ @parameters.setter
+ def parameters(self, parameters: Dict[str, Expression]) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class Label:
+ def __new__(cls, target: Target) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def target(self) -> Target: ...
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, target: Target) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class Target:
+ """Represents a Quil target.
+ # Variants:
+ - ``fixed``: A fixed target defined by a Quil identifier
+ - ``placeholder``: A placeholder target that can be assigned a new name at a later time.
+ Methods (for each variant):
+ - ``is_*``: Returns ``True`` if the inner type is of that variant.
+ - ``as_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, ``None`` otherwise.
+ - ``to_*``: Returns the inner data if it is the given variant, raises ``ValueError`` otherwise.
+ - ``from_*``: Creates a new ``PragmaArgument`` using an instance of the inner type for the variant.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, inner: Union[str, TargetPlaceholder]) -> Target: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_fixed(inner: str) -> Target: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_placeholder(inner: TargetPlaceholder) -> Target: ...
+ def is_fixed(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_placeholder(self) -> bool: ...
+ def as_fixed(self) -> Optional[str]: ...
+ def as_placeholder(self) -> Optional[TargetPlaceholder]: ...
+ def to_fixed(self) -> str: ...
+ def to_placeholder(self) -> TargetPlaceholder: ...
+ def inner(self) -> Union[str, TargetPlaceholder]: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+class TargetPlaceholder:
+ """A placeholder target that must be assigned a fixed name before creating a program with valid quil.
+ See ``quil.program.Program#resolve_placeholders`` for more information.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, base_target: str) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def base_label(self) -> str: ...
+class Jump:
+ def __new__(cls, target: Target) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def target(self) -> Target: ...
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, target: Target) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class JumpWhen:
+ def __new__(cls, target: Target, condition: MemoryReference) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def target(self) -> Target: ...
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, target: Target) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def condition(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @condition.setter
+ def condition(self, condition: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
+class JumpUnless:
+ def __new__(cls, target: Target, condition: MemoryReference) -> Self: ...
+ @property
+ def target(self) -> Target: ...
+ @target.setter
+ def target(self, target: Target) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def condition(self) -> MemoryReference: ...
+ @condition.setter
+ def condition(self, condition: MemoryReference) -> None: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, _: Dict) -> Self:
+ """Creates and returns a deep copy of the class.
+ If the instruction contains any ``QubitPlaceholder`` or ``TargetPlaceholder``, then they will be replaced with
+ new placeholders so resolving them in the copy will not resolve them in the original.
+ Should be used by passing an instance of the class to ``copy.deepcopy``
+ """
+ def __copy__(self) -> Self:
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the class."""
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/program/__init__.py b/quil-py/quil/program/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbf0cda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil/program/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+"""The `quil.program` module contains classes for constructing and representing a Quil program."""
+from quil.program import *
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/program/__init__.pyi b/quil-py/quil/program/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5478a841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil/program/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+from typing import Callable, Dict, FrozenSet, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, final
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+from typing_extensions import Self
+from quil.instructions import (
+ AttributeValue,
+ Calibration,
+ Declaration,
+ FrameIdentifier,
+ Gate,
+ GateDefinition,
+ Instruction,
+ MeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ Measurement,
+ MemoryReference,
+ Qubit,
+ QubitPlaceholder,
+ Sharing,
+ Target,
+ TargetPlaceholder,
+ Vector,
+ Waveform,
+class Program:
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(cls) -> "Program": ...
+ @property
+ def body_instructions(self) -> List[Instruction]: ...
+ @property
+ def calibrations(self) -> CalibrationSet: ...
+ @calibrations.setter
+ def calibrations(self, calibration_set: CalibrationSet): ...
+ @property
+ def waveforms(self) -> Dict[str, Waveform]: ...
+ @waveforms.setter
+ def waveforms(self, waveforms: Dict[str, Waveform]): ...
+ @property
+ def gate_definitions(self) -> Dict[str, GateDefinition]: ...
+ @gate_definitions.setter
+ def gate_definitions(self, gate_definitions: Dict[str, GateDefinition]): ...
+ @property
+ def frames(self) -> FrameSet: ...
+ @frames.setter
+ def frames(self, frames: FrameSet): ...
+ @property
+ def memory_regions(self) -> Dict[str, MemoryRegion]: ...
+ @memory_regions.setter
+ def memory_regions(self, memory_regions: Dict[str, MemoryRegion]): ...
+ @property
+ def declarations(self) -> Dict[str, Declaration]: ...
+ def dagger(self) -> "Program":
+ """Creates a new conjugate transpose of the ``Program`` by reversing the order of gate instructions and applying the DAGGER modifier to each.
+ Raises a ``GateError`` if any of the instructions in the program are not a ``Gate`
+ """
+ ...
+ def expand_calibrations(self) -> "Program":
+ """Expand any instructions in the program which have a matching calibration, leaving the others unchanged.
+ Recurses though each instruction while ensuring there is no cycle in the expansion graph (i.e. no calibration
+ expands directly or indirectly into itself)
+ """
+ ...
+ def into_simplified(self) -> "Program":
+ """Simplify this program into a new `Program` which contains only instructions and definitions which are executed; effectively, perform dead code removal.
+ Removes:
+ - All calibrations, following calibration expansion
+ - Frame definitions which are not used by any instruction such as `PULSE` or `CAPTURE`
+ - Waveform definitions which are not used by any instruction
+ When a valid program is simplified, it remains valid.
+ """
+ ...
+ def get_used_qubits(self) -> Set[Qubit]:
+ """Returns a set consisting of every Qubit that is used in the program."""
+ ...
+ def add_instruction(self, instruction: Instruction):
+ """Add an instruction to the end of the program."""
+ ...
+ def add_instructions(self, instructions: Sequence[Instruction]):
+ """Add a list of instructions to the end of the program."""
+ ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(input: str) -> "Program":
+ """Parses the given Quil string and returns a new ``Program``.
+ Raises a ``ProgramError`` if the given string isn't valid Quil.
+ """
+ def to_instructions(self) -> Sequence[Instruction]: ...
+ def to_unitary(self, n_qubits: int) -> NDArray[np.complex_]: ...
+ def copy(self) -> "Program":
+ """Creates a clone of this ``Program``."""
+ ...
+ def clone_without_body_instructions(self) -> "Program":
+ """Creates a clone of this ``Program`` with an empty body instructions list."""
+ def __add__(self, rhs: Program) -> Program: ...
+ def to_quil(self) -> str:
+ """Attempt to convert the instruction to a valid Quil string.
+ Raises an exception if the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil.
+ """
+ ...
+ def to_quil_or_debug(self) -> str:
+ """Convert the instruction to a Quil string.
+ If any part of the instruction can't be converted to valid Quil, it will be printed in a human-readable debug format.
+ """
+ def filter_instructions(self, predicate: Callable[[Instruction], bool]) -> "Program":
+ """Return a new ``Program`` containing only the instructions for which ``predicate`` returns ``True``."""
+ ...
+ def wrap_in_loop(
+ self, loop_count_reference: MemoryReference, start_target: Target, end_target: Target, iterations: int
+ ) -> "Program":
+ """Return a copy of the `Program` wrapped in a loop that repeats ``iterations`` times.
+ The loop is constructed by wrapping the body of the program in classical Quil instructions.
+ The given ``loop_count_reference`` must refer to an INTEGER memory region. The value at the
+ reference given will be set to ``iterations`` and decremented in the loop. The loop will
+ terminate when the reference reaches 0. For this reason your program should not itself
+ modify the value at the reference unless you intend to modify the remaining number of
+ iterations (i.e. to break the loop).
+ The given ``start_target`` and ``end_target`` will be used as the entry and exit points for
+ the loop, respectively. You should provide unique `quil.instructions.Target`s that won't be
+ used elsewhere in the program.
+ If `iterations` is 0, then a copy of the program is returned without any changes. Raises a
+ `TypeError` if `iterations` is negative.
+ """
+ ...
+ def resolve_placeholders(self) -> None:
+ """Resolve ``TargetPlaceholder``s and ``QubitPlaceholder``s within the program using default resolvers.
+ The default resolver will be used to generate a unique value for that placeholder within the scope of
+ the program using an auto-incrementing value (for qubit) or suffix (for target)
+ while ensuring that unique value is not already in use within the program.
+ """
+ ...
+ def resolve_placeholders_with_custom_resolvers(
+ self,
+ *,
+ target_resolver: Optional[Callable[[TargetPlaceholder], Optional[str]]] = None,
+ qubit_resolver: Optional[Callable[[QubitPlaceholder], Optional[int]]] = None,
+ ):
+ """Resolve ``TargetPlaceholder``s and ``QubitPlaceholder``s within the program.
+ The resolved values will remain unique to that placeholder within the scope of the program.
+ If you provide ``target_resolver`` and/or ``qubit_resolver``, those will be used to resolve those values respectively.
+ If your resolver returns `None` for a particular placeholder, it will not be replaced but will be left as a placeholder.
+ If you do not provide a resolver for a placeholder, a default resolver will be used which will generate a unique value
+ for that placeholder within the scope of the program using an auto-incrementing value (for qubit) or suffix (for target)
+ while ensuring that unique value is not already in use within the program.
+ """
+ ...
+ def control_flow_graph(self) -> "ControlFlowGraph":
+ """Return the `control flow graph`_ of the program.
+ .. _control flow graph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control-flow_graph
+ """
+class BasicBlock:
+ def __new__(cls, instance: "BasicBlock") -> Self:
+ """Create a new instance of a `BasicBlock` (or a subclass) using an existing instance."""
+ def as_schedule_seconds(self, program: Program) -> ScheduleSeconds:
+ """Return the ``ScheduleSeconds`` representing the timing of the instructions within the block.
+ * Expanding each instruction within the block using the program's calibration definitions
+ * Resolving the `ScheduleSeconds` of the expanded instructions
+ * Mapping calibrated instructions back to the original instructions within this block, such that the
+ block's instruction is represented as a timespan encompassing all of its expanded instructions
+ :param program: The program containing the calibrations to be used to schedule this block. Generally,
+ this should be the program from which the block was extracted.
+ Important note: If the basic block contains gates, the program must contain corresponding `DEFCAL`s for those gates.
+ Gates do not inherently have durations, but rather inherit them from the `PULSE`, `CAPTURE`, `DELAY`,
+ and other instructions within their calibrations. Without a calibration, a gate's duration cannot be computed.
+ The following example demonstrates construction of such a schedule for a simple program without explicit control
+ flow (and thus with only one basic block):
+ .. example-code::
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from quil.program import Program
+ program = Program.parse("CZ 0 1; CZ 0 2")
+ print(program.to_quil())
+ control_flow_graph = program.control_flow_graph()
+ assert control_flow_graph.has_dynamic_control_flow() == False
+ basic_blocks = control_flow_graph.basic_blocks()
+ assert len(basic_blocks) == 1
+ schedule = blocks[0].as_schedule_seconds(program)
+ print(f"Duration = {schedule.duration()}")
+ print(schedule.items())
+ Note: when an instruction is expanded, the "time" of that original instruction includes
+ the times of all of the resulting instructions. This may cause gate times to be
+ longer than a user might expect.
+ To understand why, consider a program like this:
+ .. example-code::
+ .. code-block:: text
+ # One-qubit frame
+ DEFFRAME 0 "a":
+ # Two-qubit frame
+ DEFFRAME 0 1 "b":
+ PULSE 0 "a" flat(duration: 1.0)
+ DEFCAL B 0 1:
+ PULSE 0 1 "b" flat(duration: 1.0)
+ A 0
+ B 0 1
+ `B 0` will be scheduled from time 0 to time 2, because its inner `FENCE` is scheduled for time 0.
+ This may be unexpected if the user expects to see only the timing of the inner `PULSE`.
+ """
+ def gate_depth(self, gate_minimum_qubit_count: int) -> int:
+ """Returns the length of the longest path from an initial instruction (one with no prerequisite instructions) to a final instruction (one with no dependent instructions), where the length of a path is the number of gate instructions in the path.
+ :param gate_minimum_qubit_count: The minimum number of qubits in a gate for it to be counted in the depth.
+ """
+ def label(self) -> Optional[Target]:
+ """Return the label of the block, if any. This is used to target this block in control flow."""
+ def instructions(self) -> List[Instruction]:
+ """Return a list of the instructions in the block, in order of definition.
+ This does not include the label or terminator instructions.
+ """
+ def terminator(self) -> Optional[Instruction]:
+ """Return the control flow terminator instruction of the block, if any.
+ If this is ``None``, the implicit behavior is to "continue" to the subsequent block.
+ """
+class CalibrationSet:
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(
+ cls,
+ calibrations: Sequence[Calibration],
+ measure_calibration_definitions: Sequence[MeasureCalibrationDefinition],
+ ) -> "CalibrationSet": ...
+ @property
+ def calibrations(self) -> List[Calibration]: ...
+ @property
+ def measure_calibrations(self) -> List[MeasureCalibrationDefinition]: ...
+ def expand(self, instruction: Instruction, previous_calibrations: Sequence[Instruction]) -> List[Instruction]:
+ """Given an instruction, return the instructions to which it is expanded if there is a match.
+ Recursively calibrate instructions, returning an error if a calibration directly or indirectly
+ expands into itself.
+ """
+ ...
+ def get_match_for_measurement(self, measurement: Measurement) -> Optional[MeasureCalibrationDefinition]:
+ """Returns the last-specified ``MeasureCalibrationDefinition`` that matches the target qubit (if any), or otherwise the last-specified one that specified no qubit."""
+ ...
+ def get_match_for_gate(self, gate: Gate) -> Optional[Calibration]:
+ """Return the final calibration which matches the gate per the QuilT specification.
+ A calibration matches a gate if:
+ 1. It has the same name
+ 2. It has the same modifiers
+ 3. It has the same qubit count (any mix of fixed & variable)
+ 4. It has the same parameter count (both specified and unspecified)
+ 5. All fixed qubits in the calibration definition match those in the gate
+ 6. All specified parameters in the calibration definition match those in the gate
+ """
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns ``True`` if the ``CalibrationSet`` contains no data."""
+ ...
+ def insert_calibration(self, calibration: Calibration) -> Optional[Calibration]:
+ """Insert another ``Calibration`` (`DEFCAL`) to the set.
+ If a calibration with the same name already exists, it is overwritten and this
+ function returns the previous calibration. Otherwise, None is returned.
+ """
+ ...
+ def insert_measurement_calibration(
+ self, calibration: MeasureCalibrationDefinition
+ ) -> Optional[MeasureCalibrationDefinition]:
+ """Add another ``MeasureCalibrationDefinition`` (`DEFCAL MEASURE`) to the set.
+ If a calibration with the same name already exists, it is overwritten and this
+ function returns the previous calibration. Otherwise, None is returned.
+ """
+ def extend(self, other: CalibrationSet):
+ """Append another [`CalibrationSet`] onto this one."""
+ ...
+ def to_instructions(self):
+ """Return the Quil instructions which describe the contained calibrations."""
+ ...
+class ScheduleSecondsItem:
+ """A single item within a fixed schedule, representing a single instruction within a basic block."""
+ @property
+ def instruction_index(self) -> int:
+ """The index of the instruction within the basic block."""
+ @property
+ def time_span(self) -> TimeSpanSeconds:
+ """The time span during which the instruction is scheduled."""
+class ControlFlowGraph:
+ """Representation of a control flow graph (CFG) for a Quil program.
+ The CFG is a directed graph where each node is a basic block and each edge is a control flow
+ transition between two basic blocks.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, instance: "ControlFlowGraph") -> Self:
+ """Create a new instance of a `ControlFlowGraph` (or a subclass) using an existing instance."""
+ def has_dynamic_control_flow(self) -> bool:
+ """Return ``True`` if the program has dynamic control flow, i.e. contains a conditional branch instruction.
+ ``False`` does not imply that there is only one basic block in the program. Multiple basic blocks may have
+ non-conditional control flow among them, in which the execution order is deterministic and does not depend
+ on program state. This may be a sequence of basic blocks with fixed `JUMP`s or without explicit terminators.
+ """
+ def basic_blocks(self) -> List["BasicBlock"]:
+ """Return a list of all the basic blocks in the control flow graph, in order of definition."""
+class ScheduleSeconds:
+ def items(self) -> List[ScheduleSecondsItem]:
+ """All the items in the schedule, in unspecified order."""
+ def duration(self) -> float:
+ """The duration of the schedule, in seconds.
+ This is the maximum of the end time of all the items.
+ """
+class TimeSpanSeconds:
+ """Representation of a time span in seconds."""
+ @property
+ def start(self) -> float:
+ """The start time of the time span, in seconds.
+ This is relative to the start of the scheduling context (such as the basic block).
+ """
+ @property
+ def duration(self) -> float:
+ """The duration of the time span, in seconds."""
+ @property
+ def end(self) -> float:
+ """The end time of the time span, in seconds.
+ This is the sum of the start time and duration.
+ """
+class FrameSet:
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(cls) -> "FrameSet": ...
+ def get(self, identifier: FrameIdentifier) -> Optional[Dict[str, AttributeValue]]:
+ """Retrieve the attributes of a frame by its identifier."""
+ ...
+ def get_keys(self) -> List[FrameIdentifier]:
+ """Return a list of all ``FrameIdentifier``s described by this ``FrameSet``."""
+ ...
+ def insert(self, identifier: FrameIdentifier, attributes: Dict[str, AttributeValue]):
+ """Insert a new ``FrameIdentifier``, overwriting any existing one."""
+ ...
+ def merge(self, other: FrameSet):
+ """Merge another ``FrameSet`` into this one, overwriting any existing keys."""
+ def intersection(self, identifiers: FrozenSet[FrameIdentifier]) -> "FrameSet":
+ """Return a new ``FrameSet`` which describes only the given ``FrameIdentifier``s."""
+ ...
+ def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns ``True`` if this ``FrameSet`` defines no frames."""
+ ...
+ def to_instructions(self) -> List[Instruction]:
+ """Return the Quil instructions which define the contained frames."""
+ ...
+ def get_all_frames(self) -> Dict[FrameIdentifier, Dict[str, AttributeValue]]: ...
+class MemoryRegion:
+ @staticmethod
+ def __new__(cls, size: Vector, sharing: Optional[Sharing]) -> "MemoryRegion": ...
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> Vector: ...
+ @size.setter
+ def size(self, size: Vector): ...
+ @property
+ def sharing(self) -> Optional[Sharing]: ...
+ @sharing.setter
+ def sharing(self, sharing: Optional[Sharing]): ...
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/py.typed b/quil-py/quil/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/validation/__init__.py b/quil-py/quil/validation/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a7d29a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil/validation/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+"""The `quil.validation` module contains classes and functions that can validate components of a Quil program or instruction."""
+from quil.validation import *
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/validation/__init__.pyi b/quil-py/quil/validation/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd850da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil/validation/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import identifier as identifier
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/validation/identifier.py b/quil-py/quil/validation/identifier.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7271869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil/validation/identifier.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from quil.validation.identifier import *
diff --git a/quil-py/quil/validation/identifier.pyi b/quil-py/quil/validation/identifier.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16950278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/quil/validation/identifier.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+class IdentifierValidationError(ValueError):
+ """Errors that may occur when validating a Quil identifier."""
+ ...
+def validate_identifier(ident: str):
+ """Raises an ``IdentifierValidationError` if ident isn't a valid Quil identifier."""
+ ...
+def validate_user_identifier(ident: str):
+ """Raises an ``IdentifierValidationError` if ident is reserved keyword or isn't a valid Quil identifier."""
+ ...
diff --git a/quil-py/src/expression.rs b/quil-py/src/expression.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60a60f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/expression.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use quil_rs::expression::{
+ Expression, ExpressionFunction, FunctionCallExpression, InfixExpression, InfixOperator,
+ PrefixExpression, PrefixOperator,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ create_init_submodule, impl_from_str, impl_hash, impl_parse, impl_repr, impl_str,
+ num_complex::Complex64,
+ py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_error, py_wrap_simple_enum, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ exceptions::PyValueError,
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyComplex, PyString},
+ Py, PyResult, Python,
+ },
+ wrap_error, PyTryFrom, PyWrapper, PyWrapperMut, ToPython, ToPythonError,
+use crate::{impl_eq, impl_to_quil, instruction::PyMemoryReference};
+py_wrap_error!(quil, RustEvaluationError, EvaluationError, PyValueError);
+ quil,
+ RustParseExpressionError,
+ ParseExpressionError,
+ PyValueError
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(module="quil.expression")]
+ PyExpression(Expression) as "Expression" {
+ address: Address => PyMemoryReference,
+ function_call: FunctionCall => PyFunctionCallExpression,
+ infix: Infix => PyInfixExpression,
+ number: Number => Py,
+ pi: PiConstant,
+ prefix: Prefix => PyPrefixExpression,
+ variable: Variable => Py
+ }
+impl_from_str!(PyExpression, RustParseExpressionError);
+impl PyExpression {
+ pub fn simplify(&mut self) {
+ self.as_inner_mut().simplify()
+ }
+ pub fn into_simplified(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner().clone().into_simplified().to_python(py)
+ }
+ pub fn evaluate(
+ &self,
+ variables: HashMap,
+ memory_references: HashMap<&str, Vec>,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .evaluate(&variables, &memory_references)
+ .map_err(RustEvaluationError::from)
+ .map_err(RustEvaluationError::to_py_err)
+ }
+ pub fn substitute_variables(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ variable_values: HashMap,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(PyExpression(self.as_inner().clone().substitute_variables(
+ &HashMap::::py_try_from(py, &variable_values)?,
+ )))
+ }
+ pub fn to_real(&self) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .to_real()
+ .map_err(RustEvaluationError::from)
+ .map_err(RustEvaluationError::to_py_err)
+ }
+ pub fn __add__(&self, other: PyExpression) -> Self {
+ PyExpression(self.as_inner().clone() + other.as_inner().clone())
+ }
+ pub fn __sub__(&self, other: PyExpression) -> Self {
+ PyExpression(self.as_inner().clone() - other.as_inner().clone())
+ }
+ pub fn __mul__(&self, other: PyExpression) -> Self {
+ PyExpression(self.as_inner().clone() * other.as_inner().clone())
+ }
+ pub fn __truediv__(&self, other: PyExpression) -> Self {
+ PyExpression(self.as_inner().clone() / other.as_inner().clone())
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ PyFunctionCallExpression(FunctionCallExpression) as "FunctionCallExpression" {
+ function: ExpressionFunction => PyExpressionFunction,
+ expression: Box => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PyFunctionCallExpression {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ function: PyExpressionFunction,
+ expression: PyExpression,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(PyFunctionCallExpression(FunctionCallExpression::new(
+ ExpressionFunction::py_try_from(py, &function)?,
+ Box::::py_try_from(py, &expression)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyInfixExpression(InfixExpression) as "InfixExpression" {
+ left: Box => PyExpression,
+ operator: InfixOperator => PyInfixOperator,
+ right: Box => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PyInfixExpression {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ left: PyExpression,
+ operator: PyInfixOperator,
+ right: PyExpression,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(PyInfixExpression(InfixExpression::new(
+ Box::::py_try_from(py, &left)?,
+ InfixOperator::py_try_from(py, &operator)?,
+ Box::::py_try_from(py, &right)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression) as "PrefixExpression" {
+ operator: PrefixOperator => PyPrefixOperator,
+ expression: Box => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PyPrefixExpression {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ operator: PyPrefixOperator,
+ expression: PyExpression,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(PyPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression::new(
+ PrefixOperator::py_try_from(py, &operator)?,
+ Box::::py_try_from(py, &expression)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+ PyExpressionFunction(ExpressionFunction) as "ExpressionFunction" {
+ Cis,
+ Cosine,
+ Exponent,
+ Sine,
+ SquareRoot
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+ PyPrefixOperator(PrefixOperator) as "PrefixOperator" {
+ Plus,
+ Minus
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+ PyInfixOperator(InfixOperator) as "InfixOperator" {
+ Caret,
+ Plus,
+ Minus,
+ Slash,
+ Star
+ }
+create_init_submodule! {
+ classes: [PyExpression, PyFunctionCallExpression, PyInfixExpression, PyPrefixExpression, PyExpressionFunction, PyPrefixOperator, PyInfixOperator],
+ errors: [EvaluationError, ParseExpressionError],
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/calibration.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/calibration.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..146211c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/calibration.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+use quil_rs::{
+ expression::Expression,
+ instruction::{Calibration, GateModifier, Instruction, MeasureCalibrationDefinition, Qubit},
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, types::PyString, Py, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom, ToPythonError,
+use crate::{
+ expression::PyExpression,
+ impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil,
+ instruction::{PyGateModifier, PyInstruction, PyQubit},
+ validation::identifier::RustIdentifierValidationError,
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyCalibration(Calibration) as "Calibration" {
+ instructions: Vec => Vec,
+ modifiers: Vec => Vec,
+ name: String => Py,
+ parameters: Vec => Vec,
+ qubits: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyCalibration {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ name: &str,
+ parameters: Vec,
+ qubits: Vec,
+ instructions: Vec,
+ modifiers: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(
+ Calibration::new(
+ name,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, ¶meters)?,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &qubits)?,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &instructions)?,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &modifiers)?,
+ )
+ .map_err(RustIdentifierValidationError::from)
+ .map_err(RustIdentifierValidationError::to_py_err)?,
+ ))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition(MeasureCalibrationDefinition) as "MeasureCalibrationDefinition" {
+ qubit: Option => Option,
+ parameter: String => Py,
+ instructions: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition {
+ #[new]
+ #[pyo3(signature = (qubit, parameter, instructions))]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ qubit: Option,
+ parameter: String,
+ instructions: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(MeasureCalibrationDefinition::new(
+ Option::::py_try_from(py, &qubit)?,
+ parameter,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &instructions)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/circuit.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/circuit.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e2599a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/circuit.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{CircuitDefinition, Instruction};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, types::PyString, Py, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom,
+use super::PyInstruction;
+use crate::{impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyCircuitDefinition(CircuitDefinition) as "CircuitDefinition" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ parameters: Vec => Vec>,
+ qubit_variables: Vec => Vec>,
+ instructions: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyCircuitDefinition {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ name: String,
+ parameters: Vec,
+ qubit_variables: Vec,
+ instructions: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(CircuitDefinition::new(
+ name,
+ parameters,
+ qubit_variables,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &instructions)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/classical.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/classical.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ca692b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/classical.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{
+ Arithmetic, ArithmeticOperand, ArithmeticOperator, BinaryLogic, BinaryOperand, BinaryOperands,
+ BinaryOperator, Comparison, ComparisonOperand, ComparisonOperator, Convert, Exchange,
+ MemoryReference, Move, UnaryLogic, UnaryOperator,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_as_mut_for_wrapper, impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_simple_enum,
+ py_wrap_type, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyFloat, PyInt},
+ Py, PyResult, Python,
+ },
+ PyTryFrom, PyWrapper, PyWrapperMut, ToPython,
+use super::PyMemoryReference;
+use crate::{impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyArithmetic(Arithmetic) as "Arithmetic" {
+ operator: ArithmeticOperator => PyArithmeticOperator,
+ destination: ArithmeticOperand => PyArithmeticOperand,
+ source: ArithmeticOperand => PyArithmeticOperand
+ }
+impl PyArithmetic {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ operator: PyArithmeticOperator,
+ destination: PyArithmeticOperand,
+ source: PyArithmeticOperand,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(PyArithmetic(Arithmetic::new(
+ ArithmeticOperator::py_try_from(py, &operator)?,
+ ArithmeticOperand::py_try_from(py, &destination)?,
+ ArithmeticOperand::py_try_from(py, &source)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ PyArithmeticOperand(ArithmeticOperand) as "ArithmeticOperand" {
+ literal_integer: LiteralInteger => Py,
+ literal_real: LiteralReal => Py,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ PyArithmeticOperator(ArithmeticOperator) as "ArithmeticOperator" {
+ Add,
+ Subtract,
+ Divide,
+ Multiply
+ }
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyBinaryOperand(BinaryOperand) as "BinaryOperand" {
+ literal_integer: LiteralInteger => Py,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyBinaryOperands(BinaryOperands) as "BinaryOperands"
+impl PyBinaryOperands {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ memory_reference: PyMemoryReference,
+ operand: PyBinaryOperand,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self((
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &memory_reference)?,
+ BinaryOperand::py_try_from(py, &operand)?,
+ )))
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn get_memory_reference(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner().0.to_python(py)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ pub fn set_memory_reference(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ memory_reference: PyMemoryReference,
+ ) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut().0 = MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &memory_reference)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn get_operand(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner().1.to_python(py)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ pub fn set_operand(&mut self, py: Python<'_>, binary_operand: PyBinaryOperand) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut().1 = BinaryOperand::py_try_from(py, &binary_operand)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator) as "BinaryOperator" {
+ And,
+ Ior,
+ Xor
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyBinaryLogic(BinaryLogic) as "BinaryLogic" {
+ operator: BinaryOperator => PyBinaryOperator,
+ operands: BinaryOperands => PyBinaryOperands
+ }
+impl PyBinaryLogic {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ operator: PyBinaryOperator,
+ operands: PyBinaryOperands,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(PyBinaryLogic(BinaryLogic::new(
+ BinaryOperator::py_try_from(py, &operator)?,
+ BinaryOperands::py_try_from(py, &operands)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyConvert(Convert) as "Convert" {
+ destination: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference,
+ source: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyConvert {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ destination: PyMemoryReference,
+ source: PyMemoryReference,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Convert::new(
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &destination)?,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &source)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyMove(Move) as "Move" {
+ destination: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference,
+ source: ArithmeticOperand => PyArithmeticOperand
+ }
+impl PyMove {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ destination: PyMemoryReference,
+ source: PyArithmeticOperand,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Move::new(
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &destination)?,
+ ArithmeticOperand::py_try_from(py, &source)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyExchange(Exchange) as "Exchange" {
+ left: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference,
+ right: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyExchange {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ left: PyMemoryReference,
+ right: PyMemoryReference,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Exchange::new(
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &left)?,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &right)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyComparisonOperand(ComparisonOperand) as "ComparisonOperand" {
+ literal_integer: LiteralInteger => Py,
+ literal_real: LiteralReal => Py,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator) as "ComparisonOperator" {
+ Equal,
+ GreaterThanOrEqual,
+ GreaterThan,
+ LessThanOrEqual,
+ LessThan
+ }
+type RustComparisonOperands = (MemoryReference, MemoryReference, ComparisonOperand);
+// This is a helper type to manage easy conversion of the inner tuple
+// with the macros. It should not be exposed directly.
+py_wrap_type! {
+ PyComparisonOperands(RustComparisonOperands)
+impl PyComparisonOperands {
+ pub(crate) fn from_py_tuple(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ tuple: (PyMemoryReference, PyMemoryReference, PyComparisonOperand),
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self((
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &tuple.0)?,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &tuple.1)?,
+ ComparisonOperand::py_try_from(py, &tuple.2)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyComparison(Comparison) as "Comparison" {
+ operator: ComparisonOperator => PyComparisonOperator,
+ operands: RustComparisonOperands => PyComparisonOperands
+ }
+impl PyComparison {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ operator: PyComparisonOperator,
+ operands: (PyMemoryReference, PyMemoryReference, PyComparisonOperand),
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Comparison::new(
+ ComparisonOperator::py_try_from(py, &operator)?,
+ RustComparisonOperands::py_try_from(
+ py,
+ &PyComparisonOperands::from_py_tuple(py, operands)?,
+ )?,
+ )))
+ }
+ // Override the getters/setters generated by [`py_wrap_data_struct!`] so that they
+ // return/take tuples instead of the wrapping [`PyComparisonOperands`] type.
+ #[getter(operands)]
+ fn get_operands_as_tuple(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ ) -> PyResult<(PyMemoryReference, PyMemoryReference, PyComparisonOperand)> {
+ let operands = &self.as_inner().operands;
+ Ok((
+ operands.0.to_python(py)?,
+ operands.1.to_python(py)?,
+ operands.2.to_python(py)?,
+ ))
+ }
+ #[setter(operands)]
+ fn set_operands_from_tuple(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ operands: (PyMemoryReference, PyMemoryReference, PyComparisonOperand),
+ ) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut().operands = RustComparisonOperands::py_try_from(
+ py,
+ &PyComparisonOperands::from_py_tuple(py, operands)?,
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator) as "UnaryOperator" {
+ Neg,
+ Not
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyUnaryLogic(UnaryLogic) as "UnaryLogic" {
+ operator: UnaryOperator => PyUnaryOperator,
+ operand: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyUnaryLogic {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ operator: PyUnaryOperator,
+ operand: PyMemoryReference,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(UnaryLogic::new(
+ UnaryOperator::py_try_from(py, &operator)?,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &operand)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/control_flow.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/control_flow.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d694a504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/control_flow.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{
+ Jump, JumpUnless, JumpWhen, Label, MemoryReference, Target, TargetPlaceholder,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_compare, impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_type, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, types::PyString, Py},
+ PyWrapper,
+use crate::{impl_eq, impl_to_quil, instruction::PyMemoryReference};
+/// Implements __copy__ and __deepcopy__ for instructions containing a [`Target`].
+/// __copy__ implements a shallow copy by returning a reference to the object.
+/// __deepcopy__ performs a deep copy by cloning the Rust reference, and replacing
+/// any [`TargetPlaceholder`]s from the original intruction with new instances so
+/// that resolving placeholders on the copy does not affect the original.
+macro_rules! impl_copy_for_target_containing_instructions {
+ ($name: ident) => {
+ #[pyo3::pymethods]
+ impl $name {
+ pub fn __copy__(&self) -> Self {
+ self.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn __deepcopy__(&self, _memo: &pyo3::types::PyDict) -> Self {
+ use quil_rs::instruction::{Target, TargetPlaceholder};
+ let mut copy = rigetti_pyo3::PyWrapper::into_inner(self.clone());
+ if let Target::Placeholder(placeholder) = copy.target {
+ copy.target = Target::Placeholder(TargetPlaceholder::new(
+ placeholder.as_inner().to_string(),
+ ))
+ }
+ Self(copy)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyLabel(Label) as "Label" {
+ target: Target => PyTarget
+ }
+impl PyLabel {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(target: PyTarget) -> Self {
+ PyLabel(Label::new(target.into_inner()))
+ }
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyTarget(Target) as "Target" {
+ fixed: Fixed => Py,
+ placeholder: Placeholder => PyTargetPlaceholder
+ }
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyTargetPlaceholder(TargetPlaceholder) as "TargetPlaceholder"
+impl PyTargetPlaceholder {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(base_label: String) -> Self {
+ Self(TargetPlaceholder::new(base_label))
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn base_label(&self) -> &str {
+ PyWrapper::as_inner(self).as_inner()
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyJump(Jump) as "Jump" {
+ target: Target => PyTarget
+ }
+impl PyJump {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(target: PyTarget) -> Self {
+ Self(Jump::new(target.into_inner()))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyJumpWhen(JumpWhen) as "JumpWhen" {
+ target: Target => PyTarget,
+ condition: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyJumpWhen {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(target: PyTarget, condition: PyMemoryReference) -> Self {
+ Self(JumpWhen::new(target.into_inner(), condition.into_inner()))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyJumpUnless(JumpUnless) as "JumpUnless" {
+ target: Target => PyTarget,
+ condition: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyJumpUnless {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(target: PyTarget, condition: PyMemoryReference) -> Self {
+ Self(JumpUnless::new(target.into_inner(), condition.into_inner()))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/declaration.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/declaration.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e88d722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/declaration.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{
+ ArithmeticOperand, Declaration, Load, MemoryReference, Offset, ScalarType, Sharing, Store,
+ Vector,
+use super::PyArithmeticOperand;
+use crate::{impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_from_str, impl_hash, impl_parse, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_error,
+ py_wrap_simple_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ exceptions::PyValueError,
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyInt, PyString},
+ Py, PyResult, Python,
+ },
+ wrap_error, PyTryFrom,
+ quil,
+ RustParseMemoryReferenceError,
+ ParseMemoryReferenceError,
+ PyValueError
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ PyScalarType(ScalarType) as "ScalarType" {
+ Bit,
+ Integer,
+ Octet,
+ Real
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyVector(Vector) as "Vector" {
+ data_type: ScalarType => PyScalarType,
+ length: u64 => Py
+ }
+impl PyVector {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, data_type: PyScalarType, length: u64) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Vector::new(
+ ScalarType::py_try_from(py, &data_type)?,
+ length,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyOffset(Offset) as "Offset" {
+ offset: u64 => Py,
+ data_type: ScalarType => PyScalarType
+ }
+impl PyOffset {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, offset: u64, data_type: PyScalarType) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Offset::new(
+ offset,
+ ScalarType::py_try_from(py, &data_type)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PySharing(Sharing) as "Sharing" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ offsets: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PySharing {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, name: String, offsets: Vec) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Sharing::new(
+ name,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &offsets)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyDeclaration(Declaration) as "Declaration" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ size: Vector => PyVector,
+ sharing: Option => Option
+ }
+impl PyDeclaration {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ name: String,
+ size: PyVector,
+ sharing: Option,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Declaration::new(
+ name,
+ Vector::py_try_from(py, &size)?,
+ Option::::py_try_from(py, &sharing)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyMemoryReference(MemoryReference) as "MemoryReference" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ index: u64 => Py
+ }
+impl_from_str!(PyMemoryReference, RustParseMemoryReferenceError);
+impl PyMemoryReference {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(name: String, index: u64) -> Self {
+ Self(MemoryReference::new(name, index))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyLoad(Load) as "Load" {
+ destination: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference,
+ source: String => Py,
+ offset: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyLoad {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ destination: PyMemoryReference,
+ source: String,
+ offset: PyMemoryReference,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Load::new(
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &destination)?,
+ source,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &offset)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyStore(Store) as "Store" {
+ destination: String => Py,
+ offset: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference,
+ source: ArithmeticOperand => PyArithmeticOperand
+ }
+impl PyStore {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ destination: String,
+ offset: PyMemoryReference,
+ source: PyArithmeticOperand,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Store::new(
+ destination,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &offset)?,
+ ArithmeticOperand::py_try_from(py, &source)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/frame.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/frame.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..487aef66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/frame.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+use std::hash::Hash;
+use indexmap::IndexMap;
+use quil_rs::{
+ expression::Expression,
+ instruction::{
+ AttributeValue, Capture, FrameAttributes, FrameDefinition, FrameIdentifier,
+ MemoryReference, Pulse, Qubit, RawCapture, SetFrequency, SetPhase, SetScale,
+ ShiftFrequency, ShiftPhase, SwapPhases, WaveformInvocation,
+ },
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyBool, PyString},
+ Py, PyResult, Python,
+ },
+ PyTryFrom,
+use super::PyQubit;
+use crate::{
+ expression::PyExpression,
+ impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil,
+ instruction::{PyMemoryReference, PyWaveformInvocation},
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyAttributeValue(AttributeValue) as "AttributeValue" {
+ string: String => Py,
+ expression: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+pub type PyFrameAttributes = IndexMap;
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyFrameDefinition(FrameDefinition) as "FrameDefinition" {
+ identifier: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ attributes: FrameAttributes => PyFrameAttributes
+ }
+impl PyFrameDefinition {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ identifier: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ attributes: PyFrameAttributes,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(FrameDefinition::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &identifier)?,
+ FrameAttributes::py_try_from(py, &attributes)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyFrameIdentifier(FrameIdentifier) as "FrameIdentifier" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ qubits: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyFrameIdentifier {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, name: String, qubits: Vec) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(FrameIdentifier::new(
+ name,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &qubits)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyCapture(Capture) as "Capture" {
+ blocking: bool => Py,
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference,
+ waveform: WaveformInvocation => PyWaveformInvocation
+ }
+impl PyCapture {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ blocking: bool,
+ frame: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ memory_reference: PyMemoryReference,
+ waveform: PyWaveformInvocation,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Capture::new(
+ blocking,
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &memory_reference)?,
+ WaveformInvocation::py_try_from(py, &waveform)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyPulse(Pulse) as "Pulse" {
+ blocking: bool => Py,
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ waveform: WaveformInvocation => PyWaveformInvocation
+ }
+impl PyPulse {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ blocking: bool,
+ frame: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ waveform: PyWaveformInvocation,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Pulse::new(
+ blocking,
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ WaveformInvocation::py_try_from(py, &waveform)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyRawCapture(RawCapture) as "RawCapture" {
+ blocking: bool => Py,
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ duration: Expression => PyExpression,
+ memory_reference: MemoryReference => PyMemoryReference
+ }
+impl PyRawCapture {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ blocking: bool,
+ frame: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ duration: PyExpression,
+ memory_reference: PyMemoryReference,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(RawCapture::new(
+ blocking,
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &duration)?,
+ MemoryReference::py_try_from(py, &memory_reference)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PySetFrequency(SetFrequency) as "SetFrequency" {
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ frequency: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PySetFrequency {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ frame: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ frequency: PyExpression,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(SetFrequency::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &frequency)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PySetPhase(SetPhase) as "SetPhase" {
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ phase: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PySetPhase {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, frame: PyFrameIdentifier, phase: PyExpression) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(SetPhase::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &phase)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PySetScale(SetScale) as "SetScale" {
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ scale: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PySetScale {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, frame: PyFrameIdentifier, scale: PyExpression) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(SetScale::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &scale)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyShiftFrequency(ShiftFrequency) as "ShiftFrequency" {
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ frequency: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PyShiftFrequency {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ frame: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ frequency: PyExpression,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(ShiftFrequency::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &frequency)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyShiftPhase(ShiftPhase) as "ShiftPhase" {
+ frame: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ phase: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PyShiftPhase {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, frame: PyFrameIdentifier, phase: PyExpression) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(ShiftPhase::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame)?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &phase)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PySwapPhases(SwapPhases) as "SwapPhases" {
+ frame_1: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier,
+ frame_2: FrameIdentifier => PyFrameIdentifier
+ }
+impl PySwapPhases {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ frame_1: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ frame_2: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(SwapPhases::new(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame_1)?,
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &frame_2)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/gate.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/gate.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d35f280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/gate.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+use numpy::{PyArray2, ToPyArray};
+use quil_rs::{
+ expression::Expression,
+ instruction::{
+ Gate, GateDefinition, GateModifier, GateSpecification, PauliGate, PauliSum, PauliTerm,
+ Qubit,
+ },
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_from_str, impl_hash, impl_parse, impl_repr, impl_str,
+ num_complex::Complex64,
+ py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_error, py_wrap_simple_enum, py_wrap_type, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ exceptions::PyValueError,
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyInt, PyString},
+ Py, PyErr, PyResult, Python,
+ },
+ wrap_error, PyTryFrom, PyWrapper, PyWrapperMut, ToPython, ToPythonError,
+use strum;
+use crate::{
+ expression::PyExpression, impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil,
+ instruction::PyQubit,
+py_wrap_error!(quil, RustGateError, GateError, PyValueError);
+py_wrap_error!(quil, RustParseEnumError, EnumParseError, PyValueError);
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyGate(Gate) as "Gate" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ parameters: Vec => Vec,
+ qubits: Vec => Vec,
+ modifiers: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyGate {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ name: String,
+ parameters: Vec,
+ qubits: Vec,
+ modifiers: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(
+ Gate::new(
+ &name,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, ¶meters)?,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &qubits)?,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &modifiers)?,
+ )
+ .map_err(RustGateError::from)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::to_py_err)?,
+ ))
+ }
+ fn dagger(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner().clone().dagger().to_python(py)
+ }
+ fn controlled(&self, py: Python<'_>, control_qubit: PyQubit) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .clone()
+ .controlled(Qubit::py_try_from(py, &control_qubit)?)
+ .to_python(py)
+ }
+ fn forked(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ fork_qubit: PyQubit,
+ alt_params: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .clone()
+ .forked(
+ Qubit::py_try_from(py, &fork_qubit)?,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &alt_params)?,
+ )
+ .map_err(RustGateError::from)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::to_py_err)?
+ .to_python(py)
+ }
+ fn to_unitary_mut(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ n_qubits: u64,
+ ) -> PyResult>> {
+ Ok(self
+ .as_inner_mut()
+ .to_unitary(n_qubits)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::from)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::to_py_err)?
+ .to_pyarray(py)
+ .to_owned())
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyGateModifier(GateModifier) as "GateModifier" {
+ Controlled,
+ Dagger,
+ Forked
+ }
+py_wrap_simple_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyPauliGate(PauliGate) as "PauliGate" {
+ I,
+ X,
+ Y,
+ Z
+ }
+impl_from_str!(PyPauliGate, RustParseEnumError);
+// This is a helper type to help manage easy conversion of the inner tuple
+// with the macros. It should not be exposed directly.
+py_wrap_type! {
+ PyPauliPair((PauliGate, String))
+impl PyPauliPair {
+ pub(crate) fn from_py_tuple(py: Python<'_>, tuple: (PyPauliGate, String)) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self((PauliGate::py_try_from(py, &tuple.0)?, tuple.1)))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyPauliTerm(PauliTerm) as "PauliTerm" {
+ arguments: Vec<(PauliGate, String)> => Vec,
+ expression: Expression => PyExpression
+ }
+impl PyPauliTerm {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ arguments: Vec<(PyPauliGate, String)>,
+ expression: PyExpression,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(PauliTerm::new(
+ Vec::<(PauliGate, String)>::py_try_from(
+ py,
+ &PyPauliTerm::py_pairs_from_tuples(py, arguments)?,
+ )?,
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &expression)?,
+ )))
+ }
+ // Override the getters/setters generated by [`py_wrap_data_struct!`] so that they
+ // return/take tuples instead of the wrapping [`PyPauliPair`] type.
+ #[getter(arguments)]
+ fn get_arguments_as_tuple(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> {
+ let mut pairs: Vec<(PyPauliGate, String)> =
+ Vec::with_capacity(self.as_inner().arguments.len());
+ self.as_inner()
+ .arguments
+ .iter()
+ .try_for_each(|(gate, arg)| {
+ pairs.push((gate.to_python(py)?, arg.clone()));
+ Ok::<(), PyErr>(())
+ })?;
+ Ok(pairs)
+ }
+ #[setter(arguments)]
+ fn set_arguments_from_tuple(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ arguments: Vec<(PyPauliGate, String)>,
+ ) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut().arguments = Vec::<(PauliGate, String)>::py_try_from(
+ py,
+ &PyPauliTerm::py_pairs_from_tuples(py, arguments)?,
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl PyPauliTerm {
+ pub(crate) fn py_pairs_from_tuples(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ tuples: Vec<(PyPauliGate, String)>,
+ ) -> PyResult> {
+ let mut pairs: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(tuples.len());
+ tuples.into_iter().try_for_each(|tuple| {
+ pairs.push(PyPauliPair::from_py_tuple(py, tuple)?);
+ Ok::<(), PyErr>(())
+ })?;
+ Ok(pairs)
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyPauliSum(PauliSum) as "PauliSum" {
+ arguments: Vec => Vec>,
+ terms: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyPauliSum {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, arguments: Vec, terms: Vec) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(
+ PauliSum::new(arguments, Vec::::py_try_from(py, &terms)?)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::from)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::to_py_err)?,
+ ))
+ }
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyGateSpecification(GateSpecification) as "GateSpecification" {
+ matrix: Matrix => Vec>,
+ permutation: Permutation => Vec>,
+ pauli_sum: PauliSum => PyPauliSum
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyGateDefinition(GateDefinition) as "GateDefinition" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ parameters: Vec => Vec>,
+ specification: GateSpecification => PyGateSpecification
+ }
+impl PyGateDefinition {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ name: String,
+ parameters: Vec,
+ specification: PyGateSpecification,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(
+ GateDefinition::new(
+ name,
+ parameters,
+ GateSpecification::py_try_from(py, &specification)?,
+ )
+ .map_err(RustGateError::from)
+ .map_err(RustGateError::to_py_err)?,
+ ))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/measurement.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/measurement.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea13ea8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/measurement.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{Measurement, MemoryReference, Qubit};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom,
+use crate::{
+ impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil,
+ instruction::{PyMemoryReference, PyQubit},
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyMeasurement(Measurement) as "Measurement" {
+ qubit: Qubit => PyQubit,
+ target: Option => Option
+ }
+impl PyMeasurement {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ qubit: PyQubit,
+ target: Option,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Measurement::new(
+ Qubit::py_try_from(py, &qubit)?,
+ Option::::py_try_from(py, &target)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/mod.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb2c4ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::Instruction;
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ create_init_submodule, impl_repr, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, types::PyDict, PyResult, Python},
+ PyWrapper,
+use crate::{impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+pub use self::{
+ calibration::{PyCalibration, PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition},
+ circuit::PyCircuitDefinition,
+ classical::{
+ PyArithmetic, PyArithmeticOperand, PyArithmeticOperator, PyBinaryLogic, PyBinaryOperand,
+ PyBinaryOperands, PyBinaryOperator, PyComparison, PyComparisonOperand,
+ PyComparisonOperator, PyConvert, PyExchange, PyMove, PyUnaryLogic, PyUnaryOperator,
+ },
+ control_flow::{PyJump, PyJumpUnless, PyJumpWhen, PyLabel, PyTarget, PyTargetPlaceholder},
+ declaration::{
+ ParseMemoryReferenceError, PyDeclaration, PyLoad, PyMemoryReference, PyOffset,
+ PyScalarType, PySharing, PyStore, PyVector,
+ },
+ frame::{
+ PyAttributeValue, PyCapture, PyFrameAttributes, PyFrameDefinition, PyFrameIdentifier,
+ PyPulse, PyRawCapture, PySetFrequency, PySetPhase, PySetScale, PyShiftFrequency,
+ PyShiftPhase, PySwapPhases,
+ },
+ gate::{
+ GateError, PyGate, PyGateDefinition, PyGateModifier, PyGateSpecification, PyPauliGate,
+ PyPauliSum, PyPauliTerm,
+ },
+ measurement::PyMeasurement,
+ pragma::{PyInclude, PyPragma, PyPragmaArgument},
+ qubit::{PyQubit, PyQubitPlaceholder},
+ reset::PyReset,
+ timing::{PyDelay, PyFence},
+ waveform::{PyWaveform, PyWaveformDefinition, PyWaveformInvocation},
+mod calibration;
+mod circuit;
+mod classical;
+mod control_flow;
+mod declaration;
+mod frame;
+mod gate;
+mod measurement;
+mod pragma;
+mod qubit;
+mod reset;
+mod timing;
+mod waveform;
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ PyInstruction(Instruction) as "Instruction" {
+ arithmetic: Arithmetic => PyArithmetic,
+ binary_logic: BinaryLogic => PyBinaryLogic,
+ calibration_definition: CalibrationDefinition => PyCalibration,
+ capture: Capture => PyCapture,
+ circuit_definition: CircuitDefinition => PyCircuitDefinition,
+ convert: Convert => PyConvert,
+ comparison: Comparison => PyComparison,
+ declaration: Declaration => PyDeclaration,
+ delay: Delay => PyDelay,
+ exchange: Exchange => PyExchange,
+ fence: Fence => PyFence,
+ frame_definition: FrameDefinition => PyFrameDefinition,
+ gate: Gate => PyGate,
+ gate_definition: GateDefinition => PyGateDefinition,
+ halt: Halt,
+ include: Include => PyInclude,
+ jump: Jump => PyJump,
+ jump_when: JumpWhen => PyJumpWhen,
+ jump_unless: JumpUnless => PyJumpUnless,
+ label: Label => PyLabel,
+ load: Load => PyLoad,
+ measure_calibration_definition: MeasureCalibrationDefinition => PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ measurement: Measurement => PyMeasurement,
+ move: Move => PyMove,
+ nop: Nop,
+ pragma: Pragma => PyPragma,
+ pulse: Pulse => PyPulse,
+ raw_capture: RawCapture => PyRawCapture,
+ reset: Reset => PyReset,
+ set_frequency: SetFrequency => PySetFrequency,
+ set_phase: SetPhase => PySetPhase,
+ set_scale: SetScale => PySetScale,
+ shift_frequency: ShiftFrequency => PyShiftFrequency,
+ shift_phase: ShiftPhase => PyShiftPhase,
+ store: Store => PyStore,
+ swap_phases: SwapPhases => PySwapPhases,
+ unary_logic: UnaryLogic => PyUnaryLogic,
+ waveform_definition: WaveformDefinition => PyWaveformDefinition,
+ wait: Wait
+ }
+impl PyInstruction {
+ pub fn is_quil_t(&self) -> bool {
+ self.as_inner().is_quil_t()
+ }
+ // Implement the __copy__ and __deepcopy__ dunder methods, which are used by Python's
+ // `copy` module.
+ //
+ // If the instruction contains some inner data, then the implementation for __deepcopy__
+ // is delegated to that inner type so that each type can define its own copy behavior.
+ // This comes with the caveat that this implementation will error if the inner type doesn't
+ // implement __deepcopy__ itself. See [`impl_copy_for_instruction!`] for an easy way to
+ // implement these methods on any variant of [`PyInstruction`].
+ pub fn __copy__(&self) -> Self {
+ self.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn __deepcopy__(&self, py: Python<'_>, memo: &PyDict) -> PyResult {
+ match self.inner(py) {
+ Ok(inner) => Ok(PyInstruction::new(
+ py,
+ inner.call_method1(py, "__deepcopy__", (memo,))?.as_ref(py),
+ )?),
+ Err(_) => Ok(self.clone()), // No inner data implies this is a simple instruction, safe to
+ // just clone.
+ }
+ }
+create_init_submodule! {
+ classes: [
+ PyInstruction,
+ PyArithmetic,
+ PyArithmeticOperand,
+ PyArithmeticOperator,
+ PyBinaryLogic,
+ PyBinaryOperand,
+ PyBinaryOperands,
+ PyBinaryOperator,
+ PyComparison,
+ PyComparisonOperand,
+ PyComparisonOperator,
+ PyConvert,
+ PyExchange,
+ PyMove,
+ PyUnaryLogic,
+ PyUnaryOperator,
+ PyCalibration,
+ PyCircuitDefinition,
+ PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ PyDeclaration,
+ PyLoad,
+ PyOffset,
+ PySharing,
+ PyStore,
+ PyScalarType,
+ PyVector,
+ PyMeasurement,
+ PyInclude,
+ PyPragma,
+ PyPragmaArgument,
+ PyAttributeValue,
+ PyCapture,
+ PyFrameDefinition,
+ PyFrameIdentifier,
+ PyPulse,
+ PyRawCapture,
+ PySetFrequency,
+ PySetPhase,
+ PySetScale,
+ PyShiftFrequency,
+ PyShiftPhase,
+ PySwapPhases,
+ PyGate,
+ PyGateDefinition,
+ PyGateModifier,
+ PyGateSpecification,
+ PyPauliGate,
+ PyPauliTerm,
+ PyPauliSum,
+ PyJump,
+ PyJumpWhen,
+ PyJumpUnless,
+ PyLabel,
+ PyTarget,
+ PyTargetPlaceholder,
+ PyMeasurement,
+ PyMemoryReference,
+ PyQubit,
+ PyQubitPlaceholder,
+ PyReset,
+ PyDelay,
+ PyFence,
+ PyWaveform,
+ PyWaveformDefinition,
+ PyWaveformInvocation
+ ],
+ errors: [ GateError, ParseMemoryReferenceError ],
+/// Implements __copy__ and __deepcopy__ on any variant of the [`PyInstruction`] class, making
+/// them compatible with Python's `copy` module.
+/// The `__copy__` method returns a reference to the instruction, making it shallow: any changes
+/// to the copy will update the original.
+/// The `__deepcopy__` method creates a deep copy by cloning the inner instruction, querying its
+/// qubits, and replacing any [`quil_rs::instruction::QubitPlaceholder`]s with new instances so
+/// that resolving them in one copy doesn't affect the other. Duplicates of the same instruction in
+/// the original instruction will be replaced with the same copy in the new instruction.
+macro_rules! impl_copy_for_instruction {
+ ($py_name: ident) => {
+ #[pyo3::pymethods]
+ impl $py_name {
+ pub fn __deepcopy__(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ _memo: &pyo3::types::PyDict,
+ ) -> pyo3::PyResult {
+ let mut instruction = $crate::instruction::PyInstruction::new(
+ py,
+ pyo3::ToPyObject::to_object(&self, py).as_ref(py),
+ )?;
+ use quil_rs::instruction::{Qubit, QubitPlaceholder};
+ use std::collections::HashMap;
+ let mut placeholders: HashMap = HashMap::new();
+ for qubit in
+ rigetti_pyo3::PyWrapperMut::as_inner_mut(&mut instruction).get_qubits_mut()
+ {
+ match qubit {
+ Qubit::Fixed(_) | Qubit::Variable(_) => *qubit = qubit.clone(),
+ Qubit::Placeholder(placeholder) => {
+ *qubit = Qubit::Placeholder(
+ placeholders.entry(placeholder.clone()).or_default().clone(),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(instruction
+ .inner(py)
+ .unwrap()
+ .extract::<$py_name>(py)
+ .expect("a copy of a type should extract to the same type"))
+ }
+ pub fn __copy__(&self) -> Self {
+ self.clone()
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/pragma.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/pragma.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94dd318a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/pragma.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{Include, Pragma, PragmaArgument};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyInt, PyString},
+ Py, PyResult, Python,
+ },
+ PyTryFrom,
+use crate::{impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyPragma(Pragma) as "Pragma" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ arguments: Vec => Vec,
+ data: Option => Option>
+ }
+impl PyPragma {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ name: String,
+ arguments: Vec,
+ data: Option,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Pragma::new(
+ name,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &arguments)?,
+ data,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyPragmaArgument(PragmaArgument) as "PragmaArgument" {
+ identifier: Identifier => Py,
+ integer: Integer => Py
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyInclude(Include) as "Include" {
+ filename: String => Py
+ }
+impl PyInclude {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(filename: String) -> Self {
+ Self(Include::new(filename))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/qubit.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/qubit.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e99e3e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/qubit.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{Qubit, QubitPlaceholder};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_compare, impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_type, py_wrap_union_enum,
+ pyo3::{
+ pymethods,
+ types::{PyLong, PyString},
+ Py,
+ },
+use crate::{impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+py_wrap_union_enum! {
+ #[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+ PyQubit(Qubit) as "Qubit" {
+ fixed: Fixed => Py,
+ variable: Variable => Py,
+ placeholder: Placeholder => PyQubitPlaceholder
+ }
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+ PyQubitPlaceholder(QubitPlaceholder) as "QubitPlaceholder"
+impl PyQubitPlaceholder {
+ #[new]
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(QubitPlaceholder::default())
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/reset.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/reset.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d5ba1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/reset.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+use quil_rs::instruction::{Qubit, Reset};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom,
+use crate::{impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil, instruction::PyQubit};
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyReset(Reset) as "Reset" {
+ qubit: Option => Option
+ }
+impl PyReset {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(py: Python<'_>, qubit: Option) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Reset::new(Option::::py_try_from(py, &qubit)?)))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/timing.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/timing.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfcf4eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/timing.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+use quil_rs::expression::Expression;
+use quil_rs::instruction::{Delay, Fence, Qubit};
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, types::PyString, Py, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom,
+use super::PyQubit;
+use crate::{expression::PyExpression, impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyDelay(Delay) as "Delay" {
+ duration: Expression => PyExpression,
+ frame_names: Vec => Vec>,
+ qubits: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyDelay {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ duration: PyExpression,
+ frame_names: Vec,
+ qubits: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Delay::new(
+ Expression::py_try_from(py, &duration)?,
+ frame_names,
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &qubits)?,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyFence(Fence) as "Fence" {
+ qubits: Vec => Vec
+ }
+impl PyFence {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, qubits: Vec) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Fence::new(Vec::::py_try_from(py, &qubits)?)))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/instruction/waveform.rs b/quil-py/src/instruction/waveform.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a670663b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/instruction/waveform.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+use indexmap::IndexMap;
+use quil_rs::{
+ expression::Expression,
+ instruction::{Waveform, WaveformDefinition, WaveformInvocation, WaveformParameters},
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, types::PyString, Py, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom,
+use crate::{expression::PyExpression, impl_copy_for_instruction, impl_eq, impl_to_quil};
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyWaveform(Waveform) as "Waveform" {
+ matrix: Vec => Vec,
+ parameters: Vec => Vec>
+ }
+impl PyWaveform {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ matrix: Vec,
+ parameters: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Waveform::new(
+ Vec::::py_try_from(py, &matrix)?,
+ parameters,
+ )))
+ }
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyWaveformDefinition(WaveformDefinition) as "WaveformDefinition" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ definition: Waveform => PyWaveform
+ }
+impl PyWaveformDefinition {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, name: String, definition: PyWaveform) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(WaveformDefinition::new(
+ name,
+ Waveform::py_try_from(py, &definition)?,
+ )))
+ }
+pub type PyWaveformParameters = IndexMap;
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyWaveformInvocation(WaveformInvocation) as "WaveformInvocation" {
+ name: String => Py,
+ parameters: WaveformParameters => PyWaveformParameters
+ }
+impl PyWaveformInvocation {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, name: String, parameters: PyWaveformParameters) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(WaveformInvocation::new(
+ name,
+ WaveformParameters::py_try_from(py, ¶meters)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/lib.rs b/quil-py/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17ba774e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+use pyo3::prelude::*;
+use rigetti_pyo3::create_init_submodule;
+pub mod expression;
+pub mod instruction;
+pub mod program;
+pub mod validation;
+create_init_submodule! {
+ submodules: [
+ "expression": expression::init_submodule,
+ "instructions": instruction::init_submodule,
+ "program": program::init_submodule,
+ "validation": validation::init_submodule
+ ],
+fn quil(py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
+ init_submodule("quil", py, m)?;
+ Ok(())
+pub fn init_quil_submodule(name: &str, py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
+ init_submodule(name, py, m)?;
+ Ok(())
+/// Implement `to_quil` and `to_quil_or_debug` methods for wrapper types whose inner type
+/// implements [`Quil`](quil_rs::quil::Quil).
+macro_rules! impl_to_quil {
+ ($name: ident) => {
+ #[pyo3::pymethods]
+ impl $name {
+ pub fn to_quil(&self) -> pyo3::PyResult {
+ quil_rs::quil::Quil::to_quil(rigetti_pyo3::PyWrapper::as_inner(self))
+ .map_err(|e| pyo3::exceptions::PyValueError::new_err(e.to_string()))
+ }
+ pub fn to_quil_or_debug(&self) -> String {
+ quil_rs::quil::Quil::to_quil_or_debug(rigetti_pyo3::PyWrapper::as_inner(self))
+ }
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! impl_eq {
+ ($name: ident) => {
+ #[pyo3::pymethods]
+ impl $name {
+ pub fn __richcmp__(
+ &self,
+ py: pyo3::Python<'_>,
+ other: &Self,
+ op: pyo3::pyclass::CompareOp,
+ ) -> pyo3::PyObject {
+ use pyo3::IntoPy;
+ match op {
+ pyo3::pyclass::CompareOp::Eq => (self == other).into_py(py),
+ pyo3::pyclass::CompareOp::Ne => (self != other).into_py(py),
+ _ => py.NotImplemented(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/quil-py/src/program/analysis.rs b/quil-py/src/program/analysis.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edb655f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/program/analysis.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+use pyo3::{exceptions::PyValueError, types::PyType};
+use quil_rs::program::analysis::{
+ BasicBlock, BasicBlockOwned, BasicBlockScheduleError, ControlFlowGraph, ControlFlowGraphOwned,
+ QubitGraph, QubitGraphError,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_repr, py_wrap_error, py_wrap_type, pyo3::prelude::*, wrap_error, PyWrapper, ToPythonError,
+use crate::instruction::{PyInstruction, PyTarget};
+use super::{scheduling::PyScheduleSeconds, PyProgram};
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyControlFlowGraph(ControlFlowGraphOwned) as "ControlFlowGraph"
+impl PyControlFlowGraph {
+ #[new]
+ #[classmethod]
+ pub fn new(_: Py, instance: Self) -> Self {
+ instance
+ }
+ pub fn has_dynamic_control_flow(&self) -> bool {
+ ControlFlowGraph::from(self.as_inner()).has_dynamic_control_flow()
+ }
+ pub fn basic_blocks(&self) -> Vec {
+ ControlFlowGraph::from(self.as_inner())
+ .into_blocks()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(BasicBlockOwned::from)
+ .map(PyBasicBlock::from)
+ .collect()
+ }
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyBasicBlock(BasicBlockOwned) as "BasicBlock"
+ quil,
+ RustBasicBlockScheduleError,
+ PyBasicBlockScheduleError,
+ PyValueError
+py_wrap_error!(quil, RustQubitGraphError, PyQubitGraphError, PyValueError);
+impl PyBasicBlock {
+ #[new]
+ #[classmethod]
+ pub fn new(_: Py, instance: Self) -> Self {
+ instance
+ }
+ pub fn as_schedule_seconds(&self, program: &PyProgram) -> PyResult {
+ BasicBlock::from(self.as_inner())
+ .as_schedule_seconds(program.as_inner())
+ .map(|v| v.into())
+ .map_err(RustBasicBlockScheduleError::from)
+ .map_err(RustBasicBlockScheduleError::to_py_err)
+ }
+ pub fn gate_depth(&self, gate_minimum_qubit_count: usize) -> PyResult {
+ let block = BasicBlock::from(self.as_inner());
+ QubitGraph::try_from(&block)
+ .map(|graph| graph.gate_depth(gate_minimum_qubit_count))
+ .map_err(RustQubitGraphError::from)
+ .map_err(RustQubitGraphError::to_py_err)
+ }
+ pub fn instructions(&self) -> Vec {
+ BasicBlock::from(self.as_inner())
+ .instructions()
+ .iter()
+ .copied()
+ .map(PyInstruction::from)
+ .collect()
+ }
+ pub fn label(&self) -> Option {
+ BasicBlock::from(self.as_inner()).label().map(|l| l.into())
+ }
+ pub fn terminator(&self) -> Option {
+ BasicBlock::from(self.as_inner())
+ .terminator()
+ .clone()
+ .into_instruction()
+ .map(PyInstruction::from)
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/program/calibration.rs b/quil-py/src/program/calibration.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b54cb57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/program/calibration.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+use quil_rs::{
+ instruction::{Calibration, Gate, Instruction, MeasureCalibrationDefinition, Measurement},
+ program::Calibrations,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_as_mut_for_wrapper, impl_repr, py_wrap_type,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom, PyWrapper, PyWrapperMut, ToPython, ToPythonError,
+use crate::{
+ impl_eq,
+ instruction::{
+ PyCalibration, PyGate, PyInstruction, PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition, PyMeasurement,
+ },
+use super::ProgramError;
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ PyCalibrationSet(Calibrations) as "CalibrationSet"
+impl PyCalibrationSet {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(
+ calibrations: Vec,
+ measure_calibrations: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(Calibrations {
+ calibrations: calibrations
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|c| c.into_inner())
+ .collect::>()
+ .into(),
+ measure_calibrations: measure_calibrations
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|c| c.into_inner())
+ .collect::>()
+ .into(),
+ }))
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn calibrations(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner().calibrations().to_python(py)
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn measure_calibrations(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ ) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner().measure_calibrations().to_python(py)
+ }
+ pub fn expand(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ instruction: PyInstruction,
+ previous_calibrations: Vec,
+ ) -> PyResult>> {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .expand(
+ &Instruction::py_try_from(py, &instruction)?,
+ &Vec::::py_try_from(py, &previous_calibrations)?,
+ )
+ .map_err(ProgramError::from)
+ .map_err(ProgramError::to_py_err)?
+ .to_python(py)
+ }
+ pub fn get_match_for_measurement(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ measurement: PyMeasurement,
+ ) -> PyResult> {
+ Ok(self
+ .as_inner()
+ .get_match_for_measurement(&Measurement::py_try_from(py, &measurement)?)
+ .map(PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition::from))
+ }
+ pub fn get_match_for_gate(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ gate: PyGate,
+ ) -> PyResult > {
+ Ok(self
+ .as_inner()
+ .get_match_for_gate(&Gate::py_try_from(py, &gate)?)
+ .map(PyCalibration::from))
+ }
+ pub fn __len__(&self) -> usize {
+ self.as_inner().len()
+ }
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.as_inner().is_empty()
+ }
+ pub fn insert_calibration(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ calibration: PyCalibration,
+ ) -> PyResult > {
+ Ok(self
+ .as_inner_mut()
+ .insert_calibration(Calibration::py_try_from(py, &calibration)?)
+ .map(PyCalibration::from))
+ }
+ pub fn insert_measurement_calibration(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ calibration: PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition,
+ ) -> PyResult > {
+ Ok(self
+ .as_inner_mut()
+ .insert_measurement_calibration(MeasureCalibrationDefinition::py_try_from(
+ py,
+ &calibration,
+ )?)
+ .map(PyMeasureCalibrationDefinition::from))
+ }
+ pub fn extend(&mut self, py: Python<'_>, other: PyCalibrationSet) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut()
+ .extend(Calibrations::py_try_from(py, &other)?);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn to_instructions(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner().to_instructions().to_python(py)
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/program/frame.rs b/quil-py/src/program/frame.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d40ec3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/program/frame.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+use std::borrow::Borrow;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::convert::AsRef;
+use quil_rs::{
+ instruction::{FrameAttributes, FrameIdentifier},
+ program::FrameSet,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_as_mut_for_wrapper, impl_repr, py_wrap_type,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom, PyWrapper, PyWrapperMut, ToPython,
+use crate::{
+ impl_eq,
+ instruction::{PyFrameAttributes, PyFrameIdentifier, PyInstruction},
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ PyFrameSet(FrameSet) as "FrameSet"
+impl PyFrameSet {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(FrameSet::new())
+ }
+ pub fn get(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ identifier: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ ) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .get(&FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &identifier)?)
+ .to_python(py)
+ }
+ pub fn get_keys(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner().get_keys().to_python(py)
+ }
+ pub fn get_all_frames(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ ) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner()
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(ident, attribs)| Ok((ident.to_python(py)?, attribs.to_python(py)?)))
+ .collect()
+ }
+ pub fn insert(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ identifier: PyFrameIdentifier,
+ attributes: PyFrameAttributes,
+ ) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut().insert(
+ FrameIdentifier::py_try_from(py, &identifier)?,
+ FrameAttributes::py_try_from(py, &attributes)?,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn merge(&mut self, py: Python<'_>, other: PyFrameSet) -> PyResult<()> {
+ self.as_inner_mut()
+ .merge(FrameSet::py_try_from(py, &other)?);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn intersection(
+ &self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ identifiers: HashSet,
+ ) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(
+ self.as_inner().intersection(
+ &HashSet::::py_try_from(py, &identifiers)?
+ .iter()
+ .map(Borrow::borrow)
+ .collect(),
+ ),
+ ))
+ }
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.as_inner().is_empty()
+ }
+ pub fn to_instructions(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> {
+ self.as_inner().to_instructions().to_python(py)
+ }
+ pub fn __len__(&self) -> usize {
+ self.as_inner().len()
+ }
+impl Default for PyFrameSet {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/program/memory.rs b/quil-py/src/program/memory.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..654cc18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/program/memory.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use quil_rs::{
+ instruction::{Sharing, Vector},
+ program::MemoryRegion,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ impl_hash, impl_repr, py_wrap_data_struct,
+ pyo3::{pymethods, PyResult, Python},
+ PyTryFrom,
+use crate::{
+ impl_eq,
+ instruction::{PySharing, PyVector},
+py_wrap_data_struct! {
+ #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
+ #[pyo3(subclass)]
+ PyMemoryRegion(MemoryRegion) as "MemoryRegion" {
+ size: Vector => PyVector,
+ sharing: Option => Option
+ }
+impl PyMemoryRegion {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new(py: Python<'_>, size: PyVector, sharing: Option) -> PyResult {
+ Ok(Self(MemoryRegion::new(
+ Vector::py_try_from(py, &size)?,
+ Option::::py_try_from(py, &sharing)?,
+ )))
+ }
diff --git a/quil-py/src/program/mod.rs b/quil-py/src/program/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9df4ab7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quil-py/src/program/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+use std::{
+ collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
+ str::FromStr,
+use indexmap::IndexMap;
+use numpy::{PyArray2, ToPyArray};
+use quil_rs::{
+ instruction::{Instruction, QubitPlaceholder, TargetPlaceholder, Waveform},
+ program::{
+ analysis::{ControlFlowGraph, ControlFlowGraphOwned},
+ Calibrations, FrameSet, MemoryRegion,
+ },
+ Program,
+use rigetti_pyo3::{
+ create_init_submodule, impl_as_mut_for_wrapper, impl_from_str, impl_parse, impl_repr,
+ num_complex::Complex64,
+ py_wrap_error, py_wrap_type,
+ pyo3::{
+ exceptions::PyValueError,
+ prelude::*,
+ types::{PyBytes, PyFunction, PyList},
+ IntoPy,
+ },
+ wrap_error, PyTryFrom, PyWrapper, PyWrapperMut, ToPython, ToPythonError,
+use crate::{
+ impl_eq, impl_to_quil,
+ instruction::{
+ PyDeclaration, PyGateDefinition, PyInstruction, PyMemoryReference, PyQubit, PyTarget,
+ PyWaveform,
+ },
+use self::{
+ analysis::{PyBasicBlock, PyControlFlowGraph},
+ scheduling::{PyScheduleSeconds, PyScheduleSecondsItem, PyTimeSpanSeconds},
+pub use self::{calibration::PyCalibrationSet, frame::PyFrameSet, memory::PyMemoryRegion};
+mod analysis;
+mod calibration;
+mod frame;
+mod memory;
+mod scheduling;
+py_wrap_error!(quil, ProgramError, PyProgramError, PyValueError);
+py_wrap_type! {
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+ // If unset, the module defaults to builtin, which can't be pickled
+ #[pyo3(module = "quil.program")]
+ PyProgram(Program) as "Program"
+impl_from_str!(PyProgram, ProgramError);
+impl Default for PyProgram {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::new()
+ }
+impl PyProgram {
+ #[new]
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self(Program::default())
+ }
+ pub fn clone_without_body_instructions(&self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.as_inner().clone_without_body_instructions())
+ }
+ pub fn copy(&self) -> Self {
+ Self(self.as_inner().clone())
+ }
+ pub fn control_flow_graph(&self) -> PyControlFlowGraph {
+ ControlFlowGraphOwned::from(ControlFlowGraph::from(self.as_inner())).into()
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn body_instructions<'a>(&self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyList> {
+ Ok(PyList::new(
+ py,
+ self.as_inner()
+ .body_instructions()
+ .map(|i| i.to_python(py))
+ .collect::>>()?,
+ ))
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn calibrations(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult {
+ self.as_inner().calibrations.to_python(py)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ pub fn set_calibrations(
+ &mut self,
+ py: Python<'_>,
+ calibrations: PyCalibrationSet,
+ ) -> PyResult<()> {
+ let program = self.as_inner_mut();
+ program.calibrations = Calibrations::py_try_from(py, &calibrations)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ pub fn waveforms(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult