- JavaScript client for the browser and node.js based on axios
- Java client compatible with jvm and android
- Python 3.5+ client
- C# client for .NET & .NET Core
- index.yml - definition entry point
- common.yml - small enums and popular models
- rt.yml - definitions import of all possible results types
- e - *.yml - files with huge enum definitions
- rt - *.yml - files describing results types
- p - *.yml - files describing endpoints
To update clients, use update clients
GitHub action. Specify title PR and press run. For each client PR with changes will be created.
for ad-hocks fixing generator issues.
💡 All clients have RawResultItem container that is used for deserialization for undescribed types. This container is a simple map/dict.
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli validate --recommend -i /local/index.yml
Edit rt.yml - remove components.schemas.ResultItem.discriminator node
Edit rt-authenticity.yml - remove components.schemas.AuthenticityCheckResultItem.discriminator
Then run next command:
npx @redocly/cli build-docs index.yml -o=document-reader-static-doc.html
npx openapi-generator-cli generate -i index.yml -g openapi --skip-validate-spec