- func tests run full passes with json and jsonp
- fix db slowness
- Scrobbling
- Add an export-playlists command
- Add playlist manipulation commands
- Minimize ini config. Store as much as possible in the db through the config command. Allow for ini file to override built in defaults for everything. Have an installed default ini file to read in, then user's if found else /etc/unsonic. All commands look for the same ini's to find the db url to startup, or cmdline arg for db url.
- federation of unsonics. for showing playing now and other stuff
- EC2/S3 support. Remote file storage for media files. Run in AWS. Pass back S3 URL for untranscoded stream.
- cache auth.User objects with db refresh checks. Update cache on deleteUser call.
- Cache Tag table
- run every API test without required args. automate it from the class.param_defs array.
No LDAP auth
No simple hex encoded passwords
'search' is deprecated, not going to implement
addChatMessage/getChatMessage not stubbed out cause its silly and a very poor API
changePassword: * You can change your own password without being an admin, as long as you're not
a guest.
- username param is not required, will default to your own username if not supplied.
savePlayQueue: id is not required, means delete the playqueue and don't create one in its place
getLyrics: added optional id param which is a track id that can be looked up
Stubbed out, wont implement: - hls - getVideo - getVideoInfo - getCaptions:
- Fit guest account concept into the subsonic API. Make it play well with sharing urls
- Older calls were never updated for newer param frameworks.
- jukeboxControl:
- getPodcasts:
- getNewestPodcasts:
- refreshPodcasts:
- createPodcastChannel:
- deletePodcastChannel:
- deletePodcastEpisode:
- downloadPodcastEpisode:
getIndexes: resp: - shortcuts
<shortcut id="11" name="Audio books"/> <shortcut id="10" name="Podcasts"/>
getAlbumList: resp: - missing averageRating for album
stream: params: missing converted, for videos
all params other than id are ignored
getCoverArt: params: missing size to convert image to