BssidLister retrieves the list of Access Points and associated (B)SSIDs from ExtremeCloud IQ (XIQ) via the provided REST API and prints CSV to stdout.
This project uses two defined branches:
is the primary development branch. Code withinmaster
may be broken at any time.stable
is reserved for code that compiles without errors and is tested. Trackstable
if you just want to use the software.
Other branches, for example for developing specific features, may be created and deleted at any time.
This tool uses Go modules to handle dependencies.
Use go run ./...
to run the tool directly or go build -o BssidLister ./...
to compile a binary. Prebuilt binaries may be available as artifacts from the GitLab CI/CD pipeline for tagged releases.
Tested with go1.16.
BssidLister -h
Available options:
-accesstoken string
Access token to authenticate with XIQ
-clientid string
Client ID for authentication
-clientsecret string
Client Secret for authentication
-host string
XIQ Hostname / IP
-ownerid string
Owner ID of the XIQ instance to use
-redirecturi string
Redirect URI configured for used app
-timeout uint
Timeout for HTTP(S) connections (default 5)
Print version information and exit
All options that take a value can be set via environment variables:
XIQHOST --> -host
XIQTIMEOUT --> -timeout
XIQOWNERID --> -ownerid
XIQACCESSTOKEN --> -accesstoken
XIQCLIENTID --> -clientid
XIQCLIENTSECRET --> -clientsecret
XIQREDIRECTURI --> -redirecturi
Environment variables can also be configured via a file called .xiqenv,
located in the current directory or in the home directory of the current
In order for BssidLister to work, it is not possible to use as the host to connect to. Instead, you must use the regional hostname of the XIQ instance you want to access.
After logging in to the XIQ instance you want to access with BssidLister, have a look at the hostname displayed in the address bar (for example or This is the one you need for BssidLister.
BssidLister uses the OAuth authentication model provided by XIQ's API. Authentication requires Client ID, Client Secret, Redirect URI, Owner ID and Access Token. You will need to access the Developer Portal and ExtremeCloud IQ in order to obtain all required pieces of information.
- Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URL:
- After logging in to the Developer Portal, click on Create new application. After creating the application, both Client ID and Client Secret will be provided.
- Next, enter a Redirect URL for your application - which will be used as Redirect URI during authentication - and click on submit. Please note the the Redirect URL is only used for authentication by BssidLister, not for actual redirects.
- Owner ID: After logging in to the XIQ instance you want to access with BssidLister, hover over your name in the upper right corner and click on About ExtremeCloud IQ. The VIQ ID listed in the about window is the Owner ID.
- Access Token: After logging in to the XIQ instance you want to access with BssidLister, hover over your name in the upper right corner and click on Global Settings. Within the Global Settings, navigate to API Token Management. Create a new API Access Token with the plus sign and you will receive the required Access Token. Please note that the Client ID for the API Access Token must match the Client ID obtained in step 1.
The original project is hosted at GitLab, with a copy over at GitHub for the folks over there.