Gives information about the current session.
To use: include the file session.js, then access the visitor object. It uses the google javascript loader to get location data. For async loading, use the window.session_loaded callback.
To add more fields, add or remove included modules and options near the bottom of the js file.
API demo dump of window.session
{ "api_version": 0.2, "locale": { "country": "US", "lang": "en" }, "cur_session": { "visits": 1, "search": { "engine": null, "query": null }, "referrer": "", "url": "http://localhost:8000/demo.html", "path": "/demo.html", "start": 1325893718929, "last_visit": 1325893718929 }, "orig_session": { "visits": 20, "search": { "engine": null, "query": null }, "referrer": "http://localhost:8000/", "url": "http://localhost:8000/test_visitor.html", "path": "/test_visitor.html", "start": 1325886709703, "last_visit": 1325893718932 }, "browser": { "browser": "Chrome", "version": 16, "OS": "Mac" }, "plugins": { "flash": true, "silverlight": true, "java": true, "quicktime": true }, "device": { "screen": { "width": 1280, "height": 1024 }, "viewport": { "width": 1206, "height": 816 }, "is_phone": false, "is_tablet": false, "is_mobile": false }, "location": { "latitude": 35.046, "longitude": -85.31, "address": { "city": "Chattanooga", "region": "TN", "country": "USA", "country_code": "US" } } }