This is a getting started guide to XGBoost4J-Spark using an Apache Toree Jupyter notebook. At the end of this guide, the reader will be able to run a sample notebook that runs on NVIDIA GPUs.
Before you begin, please ensure that you have setup a Spark Standalone Cluster.
It is assumed that the SPARK_MASTER
environment variables are defined and point to the master spark URL (e.g. spark://localhost:7077
), and the home directory for Apache Spark respectively.
- Make sure you have jupyter notebook installed: Install Toree:
pip install toree
- Install kernel configured for our example:
export SPARK_EXAMPLES=[full path to spark-examples repo]
export SPARK_JARS=${SPARK_EXAMPLES}/sample_xgboost_apps-0.1.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar
jupyter toree install \
--spark_home=${SPARK_HOME} \
--user \
--kernel_name="XGBoost4j-Spark" \
--spark_opts='--master ${SPARK_MASTER} --jars ${SPARK_JARS}'
- Launch the notebook:
jupyter notebook
Then you start your notebook and open mortgage-gpu.ipynb
to explore.
Please ensure that the XGBoost4j-Spark kernel is running.