We aim to be the primary contact toward improving everything related to how we consume, and interact with ISRC/ISO 3901 identifiers at RaBe. This includes keeping relevent resources pertaining to ISRC identifiers available and facilitating working with ISRC codes across the industry.
This Working Group is hosted by the RaBe IT-Reaktion.
Please reach out via GitHub Dicussions or other channels if you would like to help us reach our common goals.
Our project welcomes contributions from any member of our community. To get started contributing, please see our Contributor Guide.
We would like to improve how community radio stations, like Radio Bern RaBe, interact with ISRC identifiers and associated data.
- ISRC on Wikipedia
- ISRC Handbook
- ISO 3901 (iTeh preview, because reasons 🤷)
- Tagger-phile/py-iso3901 (package with newest country prefixes mapping and rigorous validation)
- Youtube: Music Industry Standards: ISRC @ DDEXnet (conference talk from 2017)
- DDEX Knowledgebase (the DDEX KB was recently modernized, if you're linked to a 404 page containing a search field, try removing all the
characters from the search string, or fall back to the curated experience at the root) - RDx by PPL (UK)
This project is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
We follow the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct