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EASY Masternode Setup Ubuntu 16.04

racecrypto edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 12 revisions

Install a RACE-Masternode-Wallet on a VPS

  • You only have to be able to open a SSH-session as root and copy/paste
  • Installing a RACE-MN with this steps do NOT affect other wallets/masternodes on your VPS!
  • Existing installations of other coins remain untouched!


  • Exactly 1000 coins transfered to your MN-address
  • TX and ID from the above transaction (on your wallet console, type 'masternode outputs')


(1) Open a SSH-Session to your VPS as root

For example you can use PuTTy or BitVise to open a SSH-Session to your VPS

(2) Type in the follwing line (copy-paste)

bash <(curl

NOTE: You can paste a line to a shell-window by simply clicking the right mouse-button once

(3) Answer 2 questions

  • Question 1: Please confirm with a 'y' for installing a RACE-MN on your VPS under root
  • Question 2: Please let the script create a swapfile in the case you do not have one on your VPS. You can choose 2GB, 4GB or NO. If you have already a swapfile on your VPS you can type 'n', otherwhise i advice to type '2', if many MNs run your VPS (>3) type '4'

(4) Be patient and wait

  • The installation needs some time. Please wait minimum 60 minutes. Do not close PuTTy/Bitvise. You can follow the steps on the output-window.
  • Please be patient and wait until all steps are done

(5) copy the blue line of the output

  • on the end of the installation-script you see an output with a blue line like the following RACEMNxx <IP>:8800 <key> tx id
  • copy the line to clipboard (NOTE: you can bring it to clipboard in PuTTy or Bitvise by simply marking the line)


(6) paste the line to the file masternode.conf in your DATA-directory and replace tx and id

  • Note: if you wanna run more than one MN please replace also xx after RACEMN with a number (e.g. 01, 02, ...)

(7) start/restart your wallet on Windows

(8) start the masternode from your wallet on Windows

  • IMPORTANT: Wait before you start your MN until your transaction of the MN-collateral has at least 15 confirmations!

(9) Wait until you get your first rewards (can take 48+ hours for your FIRST reward)

(10) Enjoy your regular income

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