Releases: quisquous/cactbot
0.28.7: initial TOP p2 triggers
What's Changed
- raidboss: update TOP headmarkers by @quisquous in #5239
- raidboss: add some TOP p2 abilities by @quisquous in #5240
- raidboss: Fix Euphrosyne boss 3 stack + spread call by @JLGarber in #5241
- raidboss: Correction of Japanese translation by @OISHI-GOHAN in #5242
New Contributors
- @OISHI-GOHAN made their first contribution in #5242
Full Changelog: v0.28.6...v0.28.7
0.28.6: TOP phase 1
What's Changed
- raidboss/oopsy: add skeleton TOP files by @quisquous in #5234
- i18n: add ko translations by @Bing-su in #5233
- raidboss: add TOP p1 timeline by @quisquous in #5236
- oopsy: add TOP p1 by @quisquous in #5237
- raidboss: add TOP p1 debuff triggers by @quisquous in #5235
- i18n: add first set of top +missing ex5 by @Akurosia in #5238
Full Changelog: v0.28.5...v0.28.6
0.28.5: Lapis Manalis, normal mode trial
What's Changed
- i18n: ex5 + map translation by @Akurosia in #5212
- i18n: add missing ko translations by @Bing-su in #5216
- raidboss/oopsy: add Lapis Manalis by @xiashtra in #5215
- raidboss/oopsy: additional Lapis Manilis triggers by @wexxlee in #5218
- raidboss: use map events for Lapis timeline syncs by @quisquous in #5222
- raidboss: fix Euphrosyne hydrostasis trigger by @quisquous in #5220
- [wip] raidboss/oopsy: timeline + triggers for Rubicante by @wexxlee in #5223
- i18n: added new translations by @Akurosia in #5226
- raidboss: Fell Court of Troia Firedamp tankbuster by @xiashtra in #5227
- raidboss: add normal trial Ordeals by @wexxlee in #5228
- util: split on CRLF and not just LF in sync_files by @quisquous in #5229
- raidboss: fix Lapis Albion timeline syncs by @quisquous in #5231
- resources: update for 6.31 by @quisquous in #5232
Full Changelog: v0.28.4...v0.28.5
0.28.4: EX5 basics (no ordeals), Shifting Gymnasion
What's Changed
- resources: Update content_list.ts for 6.3 by @xiashtra in #5201
- oopsy: missing Euphrosyne ability by @quisquous in #5204
- raidboss: fix Euphrosyne Nymeia Spinner's Wheel tether by @quisquous in #5205
- raidboss: fix/improve Euphrosyne Tetrapagos by @quisquous in #5206
- raidboss: Euphrosyne Matron's Harvest additional ID by @xiashtra in #5207
- raidboss: enhancement for p8s orogenic deformation by @wexxlee in #5209
- raidboss/oopsy: add EX5 basics (no ordeals) by @quisquous in #5210
- raidboss: add The Shifting Gymnasion Agonon map dungeon by @xiashtra in #5211
Full Changelog: v0.28.3...v0.28.4
0.28.3: Euphrosyne, unreal fixes
What's Changed
- raidboss: Sophia EX/Unreal fixes by @JLGarber in #5199
- raidboss/oopsy: add Euphrosyne by @quisquous in #5195
- i18n: 6.3 aliraid translations by @Akurosia in #5202
Full Changelog: v0.28.2...v0.28.3
0.28.2: sophia unreal, 6.3 jobs
What's Changed
- raidboss: Preliminary Sophia Unreal timeline/triggers by @JLGarber in #5194
- jobs: 6.3 changes by @Echoring in #5196
Full Changelog: v0.28.1...v0.28.2
0.28.1: player position fix
cactbot will not work without an ffxiv plugin beta. Also, until OverlayPlugin has a release, many triggers that use position data will not work.
What's Changed
- oopsy: 6.3 buff updates by @xiashtra in #5190
- plugin: fix entity position/rotation by @quisquous in #5191
Full Changelog: v0.28.0...v0.28.1
0.28.0: 6.3 initial update
This is just a preliminary version with some resource changes. No memory signature changes are required in 6.3.
Again, cactbot will not work until the ffxiv plugin has been updated as well.
The fate and CE events have been removed. The current code uses log lines from OverlayPlugin.
What's Changed
- docs: add documentation for line 260 by @quisquous in #5179
- oopsy: more missing buffs by @xiashtra in #5178
- raidboss: remove backslash in p8s timeline by @quisquous in #5180
- raidboss: more maps by @xiashtra in #5182
- i18n: Add new / fix some translations by @ShadyWhite in #5183
- raidboss: Sophia EX changes by @JLGarber in #5181
- resources: updates for 6.3 by @quisquous in #5185
- plugin: remove FateWatcher and fate/CE events by @quisquous in #5186
- resources: fix numbering of legacy zones by @quisquous in #5188
- raidboss: add pre-6.3 duplicate legacy zones by @quisquous in #5189
Full Changelog: v0.27.26...v0.28.0
0.27.26: ASS/S improvements, treasure maps
What's Changed
- jobs: sync 6.2 changes for CN by @Echoring in #5150
- util/raidboss: automate sildihn replacements by @quisquous in #5152
- raidboss: Eden Normal timeline improvements by @JLGarber in #5155
- i18n: 6.2 RSVdata CN translations by @ShadyWhite in #5156
- raidboss: more treasure maps by @xiashtra in #5154
- util: update sync_files for criterion dungeon oopsy by @quisquous in #5157
- raidboss: fix ASS/S Brand 5 cut color incorrect id by @quisquous in #5158
- oopsy: add Another Sil'dihn Subteranne by @quisquous in #5159
- raidboss: ASS/S timeline improvements by @quisquous in #5160
- raidboss: ASS/S improve Fresh Puff 3 directions by @quisquous in #5161
- raidboss: ASS/S give more warning for Silkie ice movement by @quisquous in #5162
- raidboss: ASS/S improve Curse of the Fallen text/timing by @quisquous in #5163
- raidboss: ASS/S fix Soaping Spree 4 missing Under by @quisquous in #5164
- raidboss: ASS/S add hateful visage locations by @quisquous in #5166
- i18n: add ko translations by @Bing-su in #5168
- i18n: add missing cn translations by @ShadyWhite in #5170
- oopsy: add RDM Magick Barrier by @wexxlee in #5169
- raidboss: ASS/S simplify Rush of Might 1 by @quisquous in #5167
- raidboss: ASS/S improve Scream of the Fallen timing by @quisquous in #5172
- raidboss: Fix zone seal message for a7s timeline by @xpdota in #5173
- build: bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in #5174
- raidboss: include healers in DSR p6 rng buster callouts by @GoldenLumia in #5151
- i18n: add new translations by @Akurosia in #5175
- oopsy: track Macrocosmos missing people by @quisquous in #5177
New Contributors
- @GoldenLumia made their first contribution in #5151
Full Changelog: v0.27.25...v0.27.26
0.27.25: CN 6.2, PotD 1-120
What's Changed
- lint: fix eslint output string spreading syntax by @trim21 in #5129
- i18n: add missing cn translations by @DeepseaXX in #5130
- i18n: missing CN translations again by @ShadyWhite in #5132
- raidboss: fix broken sync key translation replace by @sandtechnology in #5131
- i18n: translation updates including timeline translaitons by @Akurosia in #5133
- i18n: update ko translations by @Bing-su in #5135
- raidboss: PotD 1-120 by @xiashtra in #5136
- i18n: add palace timeline translations by @Akurosia in #5140
- raidboss: reorder DD chimera callouts by @xiashtra in #5138
- i18n: Add CN translations for 6.2 by @ShadyWhite in #5146
- plugin: update signatures, memory and CE opcode for cn 6.2 by @ShadyWhite in #5147
- resources: cn 6.2 update by @ShadyWhite in #5149
Full Changelog: v0.27.24...v0.27.25